Down 10 pounds by June



  • mickhailaw
    mickhailaw Posts: 6 Member
    Hi im 4'11 & 123lbs..Ive had this app for a while now but only have been using it seriously recently.Im looking to lose about 10-13lbs by June.Add me if youd like,i need some motivation & accountabilty lol
  • minimises
    minimises Posts: 2 Member
    Add me, I'm wanting 10 pounds of asap....
  • lemon_verbena11
    lemon_verbena11 Posts: 4 Member
    Count me in, too. I've got 10 to go and a beach trip in June as well.
  • kjspurr1
    kjspurr1 Posts: 13 Member
    I'd love to lose 10 lbs by the end of June. I'm feeling a little disappointed this week - I started at 145 in January, which is the most I've ever weighed, and am now 136/137. The past two weeks my weight loss has stalled and I keep fluctuating between 136-137. I'm 5'3 and do hot yoga twice a week and run twice a week. Not doing any weights right now as I have a rotator cuff injury. I would really like to be under 130 by the end of June, preferably close to 125!! Right now I'm eating 1350 calories/day and have based that on my BMR. Please feel free to add me as I could use the support and motivation!
  • CandiceMcD
    CandiceMcD Posts: 115 Member
    edited April 2015
    kjspurr1 wrote: »
    I'd love to lose 10 lbs by the end of June. I'm feeling a little disappointed this week - I started at 145 in January, which is the most I've ever weighed, and am now 136/137. The past two weeks my weight loss has stalled and I keep fluctuating between 136-137. I'm 5'3 and do hot yoga twice a week and run twice a week. Not doing any weights right now as I have a rotator cuff injury. I would really like to be under 130 by the end of June, preferably close to 125!! Right now I'm eating 1350 calories/day and have based that on my BMR. Please feel free to add me as I could use the support and motivation!

    I am right there with you! I have been gaining and losing the same lb (the 138.2-139.6) for WEEKS - I am super frustrated. My GW is 120, but I will take 125!

    oh and I am 5'2"
  • heathercmartel
    heathercmartel Posts: 11 Member
    Just joining in. I am 5'4" and 139 lbs. I need to get down to 130 but 125 is preferred. I am starting today with low calorie healthy eating and running at least 30 mins a day. My husband and I have also agreed to eat two no-meat dinners a week for budget cutting and weight loss. I got down to 125 lbs. 2 years ago (and was very fit) when I was running 5 miles 5 X a week. Glad to find a support group here.
  • RayneScar
    RayneScar Posts: 44 Member
    Can I get in on this? Been stuck around the 133-136 mark for far too long! 5'6" and I'd like to be 125 by June :smile:
    Add me if you want, I need some encouragement too :tongue:
  • njlegault
    njlegault Posts: 15 Member
    Hey ladies - I'm 5'7 and 4 yrs ago lost 30lbs and reached my ideal weight of 130... However I've been working from home for a year and a half and since then have gained a few lbs... I just want to lose 5 lbs and tone up and get more muscles. Also, without MFP I feel like I was making bad food choices and not realizing the amount of calories I'm consuming... Already feel way more in control and calm about my eating since getting back into it ... Anyone wanna friend me is more than welcome the encouragement and support really helps me!
  • Joinha
    Joinha Posts: 5 Member
    I have flip flopped between the last couple of years with gaining and losing 10 lbs on and off, this time I gained 15! I'd love to lose 10 by June . I'm 5'3 and 143
  • priscval
    priscval Posts: 2 Member
    Hi friends, I am 5'1 ft and weighing 119 lbs, I need to lose about 9-10 lbs for a wedding party on the early of July!
    Feel free to add me so we can encourage and advice each other!
  • NID2410
    NID2410 Posts: 32 Member
    Please add me too. I have lost almost 4 ponds and am at 125.6 currently. Need to loase another 8-10 pounds
  • Samma6652
    Samma6652 Posts: 10 Member
    How is everyone's progress coming? So far i am 3-4 lbs down.
    Is any one having trouble keeping on track on the weekends? I do great during the week and then Friday comes a long and it is pizza, chips, straight up junk time mainly bc it is my day off.
    i had fish tacos for lunch yesterday thinking that'll keep me on the healthy side but then dinner came. Today i am at work so it's strictly good food but i worry about tomorrow. Any tips to stay on track during the weekend?
  • Beautifulchaos93
    Beautifulchaos93 Posts: 5 Member
    kcthatsme wrote: »
    I'm going to put a shameless plug here, for the challenge I'm hosting. The first weigh in is 3/26 - 3/30 and the challenge goes for 13 weeks. It ends right before 7/4. We really support and motivate each other (I've done others)! The accountability just might be what you're looking for. I'm looking to lose 10 lbs by June also. What is your plan, to do so?

    Sent my join request!

  • jmh344
    jmh344 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 5'6 and weigh 152. I want to loose 10 also. I've lost 38 since the birth of my baby in September. Feel free to add me
  • Beautifulchaos93
    Beautifulchaos93 Posts: 5 Member
    Samma6652 wrote: »
    How is everyone's progress coming? So far i am 3-4 lbs down.
    Is any one having trouble keeping on track on the weekends? I do great during the week and then Friday comes a long and it is pizza, chips, straight up junk time mainly bc it is my day off.
    i had fish tacos for lunch yesterday thinking that'll keep me on the healthy side but then dinner came. Today i am at work so it's strictly good food but i worry about tomorrow. Any tips to stay on track during the weekend?

    Getting a late start here, but down 2lbs this week!

    Friday's (payday) are my worst, i always eat out, so I've made that my cheat day. Buuuutt, with some adjustments...
    Say, I get a burger, I'll only eat two-thirds of it, pull off the edges of the bread (no one likes plain bread anyways) and get as few add-ons as possible. If I just HAVE to have fries, get a small and only eat a few.
    Reading the calories, fat, sodium, etc.. Of each item I order helps to keep me on track.
    Then, get active Saturday and Sunday!
    I've found that guilt tripping myself is the best way to keep on track, just picture those extra fries adding inches to your belly and thighs lol
  • Fat4Fuel2
    Fat4Fuel2 Posts: 280 Member
    edited May 2015
    I'm probably on the heavier side for this group, but I'm 5'3" and 25 yrs old. HW: 164 lbs CW: 159.5 lbs GW: Unknown, but around 135-145 lbs. I have a medium to large frame and a good amount of muscle. I lift and do some cardio ~5 times a week. I want to be low 150's/high 140's by the first week in July because I'm going on a cruise. (Can you say lots of bikini time?)

    I also might be a little different than most people in this group in that I follow a low carb, high fat diet (Keto). I'm not looking to start an argument, just trying to give my stats. I also keep a fitness instagram and YouTube channel. I'm always looking for motivation and support. Feel free to add me and kick my *kitten* into high gear!