Busy Day!

Julie20fan Posts: 361 Member
It is going to be a busy day for me. I am preparing for family to come into town and will be going to a quarterly training that Beachbody offers in our local area. I am excited to be among other coaches and learn even more so that I can help more people. I hope you all have a fantastic weekend. I will be checking in as well.


  • catladyksa
    catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member
    Well my weekend is over as our work week begins on Sunday. I had three days off after a conference I attended last week. I was able to go thru one of my rooms and try and get rid of stuff....my first attempt. I have a LONG ways to go...but at least I started the decluttering process for my move home!!
  • Julie20fan
    Julie20fan Posts: 361 Member
    I hope the move goes well for you. I know I always dreaded the packing and de-cluttering part. My day starts today. I was busy all weekend and had some family in town. Went to a Super Saturday with my sister and nephew for Beachbody. It was a lot of fun and heard people's stories and their journey. Truly inspiring.