How often do you weigh?

trl2550 Posts: 12 Member
edited April 2015 in Social Groups
just curious how often everyone weighs themselves and why. I'm tempted to weigh daily to see if I'm progressing, but then again, I want to weigh once a week so I don't get discouraged by small daily fluctuations. What works for you?


  • RejsGirl
    RejsGirl Posts: 203 Member
    I weigh every day, just cuz I'm nosey like that. I recently started using Happy Scale to log, so maybe I won't freak out every time I show a gain.
  • trl2550
    trl2550 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm nosy like that too... So it's hard for me not to weigh every day. Maybe I'll succumb to it eventually, but trying to hold off for the first week to hopefully see some result and then be motivated! :)
  • bfay1101
    bfay1101 Posts: 35 Member
    I weigh daily. First thing in the morning (after a pee of course:) ) I like to know the fluctuations everyday.
  • JamesAztec
    JamesAztec Posts: 524 Member
    I recently asked this exact question in the Weight Loss Surgery group I'm in. I only weigh when I go to the doctor's office (I don't own a scale or have a gym membership yet). Many of the folks in the other group weigh daily.

    If you're going to weigh daily, be aware that your weight will flucuate for MANY REASONS (water retention, hormones, stress, sleep, day of the week, etc) It's best to keep a running 7 day average and then you can get a more accurate picture of where you're at. :-)
  • rps67
    rps67 Posts: 163 Member
    I jump on the scale every single day. I know my weight may fluctuate so I don't let it get to me if it's up a bit one day, but, boy, does it make my day if it's down a bit. I tried to stick to weekly weighing and it drove me crazy.
  • AmeeSandhu
    AmeeSandhu Posts: 120 Member
    I weigh every day. I know I'm more than a number and if the scale tells me my weight is higher, I don't let it destroy me. It helps me refocus in the right direction. I find that if I'm avoiding the scale, then I'm trying to fool myself and am avoiding the truth. Which usually means my diet has been primarily processed foods and I have not been exercising.
  • LilIslandGirl
    LilIslandGirl Posts: 6 Member
    I weigh in once a week (every Monday morning). This helps me to be mindful of what and how I eat during the weekend. o:)
  • Nikkishappy
    Nikkishappy Posts: 6 Member
    I used to weigh everyday. But now I weigh once a week so that I know what to put in the machines at the gym for my weight. And then I see how much I lost or gained by weighing on the first of the month and comparing it to the last months weight.
  • GabinkaP
    GabinkaP Posts: 188 Member
    I am going to weigh every day. Otherwise, my spreadsheet won't work. My OC tendencies will be foiled. They can be tools! So I'll obsess over calories and weigh every day to see how I'm faring. (And I do know I'll fluctuate so I'm not going to stress about that.)
  • I did the Michelle Bridges 12WBT, so I always weigh myself on Wednesday mornings. I find this is a good day to weigh in mid-week. As Michelle says, if you are tempted to weigh in on other days, do 10 push ups each time you have that though!!!! :-)
  • bfay1101
    bfay1101 Posts: 35 Member
    I weigh every morning but only record my weight on sundays.
  • JamesAztec
    JamesAztec Posts: 524 Member
    I asked some people at work that are "normal" weight but not athletes by any stretch. Most didn't even remember the last time they weighed themselves. They had an idea what they weighed but weren't obsessed about it. They just tried to eat right and stay active.
  • jessicayamaguchi
    jessicayamaguchi Posts: 8 Member
    Every day.
  • alesaux1867
    alesaux1867 Posts: 15 Member
    I weigh daily. There are often some fluctuations with water retention etc but it mostly tracks in the right direction. I only do this because I'm nosey and impatient. Just be careful you don't get obsessed by it. It's more about the way you look and feel in your body than the numbers.
  • cancervixen
    cancervixen Posts: 34 Member
    I weigh everyday in the morning on the Wii Fit. I find that it's more accurate than my regular scales. It also keeps a detailed chart of my weight and BMI.
  • drdst91
    drdst91 Posts: 15 Member
    Daily. Keeps me accountable. Adjust my food regimen and scheduled exercise accordingly. I record daily on MFP and Sparkpeople, but calculate total weigh loss by the week. This method has kept me on track. Stick with what works.
  • pattylynn727
    pattylynn727 Posts: 17 Member
    I weigh when the mood strikes me sometimes daily, sometimes every few days and sometimes weekly. I go more on how my clothes fit me.
  • smokeatr71
    smokeatr71 Posts: 1 Member
    I weigh every few days just to make sure I'm headed in the right direction. Most importantly is not to get to emotional one way or the other when your weight fluctuates.
  • JessicaChicago70
    JessicaChicago70 Posts: 83 Member
    I weigh every week or every two weeks. I feel like that way I'm more likely to see progress.
  • ccfitnesspal
    ccfitnesspal Posts: 7 Member
    Weighing too often will skew results. I think its better to do it only once a week, at about the same time of day, on the same scale. The better thing to do is to measure yourself (neck, arms, waist, hips, thighs, calf). Inches are a better indication of weight loss or muscle gain rather than weighing yourself. When you work out, (cardio and definitely when you do weight bearing exercise) you are trading muscle for fat and fat weighs more. So you may see an increase in weight or no change but your clothes start to feel less tight in areas. Hope this helps, Good luck.
    trl2550 wrote: »
    just curious how often everyone weighs themselves and why. I'm tempted to weigh daily to see if I'm progressing, but then again, I want to weigh once a week so I don't get discouraged by small daily fluctuations. What works for you?