Do you add the calories burned during exercise?

On your FD do you take the calories burned during exercise and add that to the 500?
Example a bike ride might he 150 calories so that mean that you can have 500 calories or 650 calories.
Thanks a lot


  • victoria_smith
    victoria_smith Posts: 26 Member
    I "believe" you are not supposed to- as it goes against the idea of the fast day. There isn't anything stopping you from doing that on a Non-Fast day but I understand you are not supposed to go over the "allotted" amount.. on the Fast day's. hope that made sense! :smile:
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    As Victoria said....

    A fast day is supposed to give your digestive system a bit of a rest and allow your body to go into a sort of repair mode. Of course if you exercise and feel very jittery, I would eat some extra cals on that day. As your body gets used to fasting, you probably won't need to dig into those exercise cals.
  • Justafewtoloose
    Justafewtoloose Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks a lot. I cycle to and from work so exercise every day.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Nope! Not on fast days, 500 and that's it.

    You may find your ability to train/cycle fasted improves over time. Mine certainly has - I managed a PB last week on a hard 2hr cycle and felt fine despite the masive calorie deficit.
  • karen_fitzgibbon
    karen_fitzgibbon Posts: 736 Member
    No, But yayyyyyy for cycling to and from work!
  • Marmitegeoff
    Marmitegeoff Posts: 373 Member
    No 500 or less is the limit. but as sijomial says (You may find your ability to train/cycle fasted improves over time. Mine certainly has - I managed a PB last week on a hard 2hr cycle and felt fine despite the masive calorie deficit) I went out last week and did 100km fasted at a reasonable speed. but I have been building up to this for a while. The previous Tues I only managed 45km and was then wrecked.
  • Justafewtoloose
    Justafewtoloose Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks so much for the info and encouragement..