Apr 2015 Challenge ~ Apr 27th - May 3rd

cpanus Posts: 19,420 Member
Let's do it again!

Tank Top Arms

15 Push Ups
24 Bicep Burners (8 full bicep curls, 8 half bicep curls, 8 full bicep curls)
15 Shoulder Presses
15 Push Ups
15 Tricep Dips
15 Back Rows
15 Lateral Raises
10 Pushups
15 Tricep Kickbacks
20 Tricep Pulse Backs

Do these exercises twice. Modify or skip where necessary. Use the heaviest weight you can and increase your weight throughout the week.

Have a great week, everyone!



  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,420 Member
    My apologies for being late and having us redo last week. But just think about the gorgeous arms we are going to have!!


  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,420 Member
    KAR1959 wrote: »
    My team took 4 of 5 matches yesterday and finished the spring season in 3rd place. Unfortunately, my partner and I took the only loss. She was very upset and even cried a little. My teammates and I reminded her that as usual we gave our best losing 5-7 & 3-6.

    The good news is there is a possibility we may make the playoffs. The top 2 teams from the 6 divisions are automatic and then 4 teams in 3rd place make it for a total of 16. We're waiting to hear. With our 22 wins we have a shot. Fingers crossed!

    Today i went to the tennis center and practiced for an hour with teammates. We rented a ball machine...a good way to work on your strokes and get in good cardio.


    Kathy I'm sorry your team mate was so upset and I really hope you guys make the playoffs. Fingers crossed. Sounds like the ball machine was a great workout!

    DH and I took Bean our for 2 1/2 hours this morning. I don't know if I'm finished for today or not. I'll be back later. I'm taking Bean home and I might go out again. hmmmm...maybe!!


  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,420 Member
    Nah! I'm done for today...7.53 miles and 16,453 steps. Getting Bean early tomorrow and getting some miles in before I go to the gym, then, if it's not too hot, we'll go out again after I get home. We'll see how things work out.

    Have a great Tuesday everyone!


  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,894 Member
    Kathy sending hugs your way for you and her. I so do not think I could have stood in front of a mad machine while it zinged out tennis balls at me! :) Crossing my fingers for you. :)

    Chris I love your do over! :blush:

    Well since I finally took my lab results to a doctor it is no surprise that there was a problem. My thyroid THS, I think was a bit high. Almost 20. And my cholesterol was a bit high. hmmmmmmm

    Bed time,

  • lcarls71
    lcarls71 Posts: 320 Member
    Kathy I hope you and her make it to the finals. Give her hugs from us. Your best is all you can do and you ladies did just that.

    Arms are fine with me. Our abs trainer worked arms with us today and about killed us all. :'( I believe we will all be feeling class tomorrow. Lighter weights next class for sure.

    Working On some more steps for today but so tired alread.

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,894 Member
    Walked my boys again tonight. They were so good. I put my plants out today since it was so nice.

    Tired, night all.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,420 Member
    Got Bean super early and walked for an hour 15 minutes then I hit the gym for an hour with our trainer then we took Bean out again for another hour then the boys decided it was too hot then we came home. Tomorrow we will get it done early with no interruptions.

    Got 7.03 miles and 15,353 steps done today. Think I'll read the rest of the evening! The workout at the gym was all upper body with weights and kettlebells and crunchy things and planks and...

    TTYL :*

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,702 Member
    Had physical therapy today - first time in two weeks - she worked me hard - still sore. Ouchie! :sad:

    Luv's ya'all!
    :flowerforyou: Paula
  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,267 Member
    We did it! After winning only 9 matches spring 2014, team RockSolid won 22 spring 2015 and made the playoffs!!! We are so excited, we play Saturday and win or lose what a great accomplishment. So proud of my team. :D

    Thanks ladies for all your positive thoughts...wish you could be there. :)

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,420 Member
    Kathy!!! CONGRATULATIONS!! Great going, lady!!! OMG! You guys rocked it! bwahahahah! RockSolid rocked it!!! Best of luck on Saturday!! B)

    Paula if it's sore that means it's working. Right? I remember when I 'squished' my knee how frustrating it was...and that was just a 'squish' not a 'slice and dice'! Did your PT have encouraging things to say? :#

    Shelley did you get anything really cool delivered today?? ;)

    Lynnette just wanted you to know that every muscle from my neck to my waist is sore from my workout yesterday...friends suffer together, right? :p

    Going to get Bean this morning for our walk. Then I'm looking for the courage to go to the gym today by myself. I know that sounds silly for someone my age. I have no problem going with DD...can't seem to go by myself. :s

    Just stopped by to check on my friends. <3 Back later.

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,894 Member
    Chris you make me laugh! What the heck are crunchie things? Muahaha. Awesome steps. And yes cool thing delivered! Also I hope to start getting sore with you and Lynette again soon. Hoping to feel like my old self soon. :)

    WOOHOO Kathy! B) Wow That is a huge improvement for all of you! Group photo please! Congratulations to all of you. B)

    Paula were you skipping your PT? Sorry you are so sore. And that it pays off. :)

    Well my inlay for the aquarium hood came today. It was perfect. More than I imagined. I took it to work to show some of my coworkers. They told me to not add anything else to the hood. Said it was going to show up the fish! :blush: I will post a photo of it this weekend.

    Have a great Thursday.


  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,702 Member
    Shelley, I was withdrawing from pain meds for 2+ weeks. It was bad. Killed me inside. Still not 100%, but in comparison, so much better. :smile:

    And yes, Chris, the pain does mean it's working. :bigsmile: But my arms and thighs hurt as much as the knee - assisted squats, ugh. Who knew I was so out of shape! :noway: But squats, wow!

    Kathy, So excited for you. Imagine us in the bleachers, cheering you on! You can tell it's us because we're wearing blue jeans and tee shirts that say "Go, Kathy! Rah! Rah! Rah!!"

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,894 Member
    Kathy I think Paula forgot to mention we will be the loud ones. Really loud! :)

    Get better Paula. Keep us posted on the recovery.

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,267 Member
    Thank you ladies for your support. It would be great to have you hear cheering us on. We are wearing pink tops and either black or white bottoms. I will take pictures and post...may need help, :)

    Everyone is excited and ready to play. I believe we are playing one of the top seeded teams but what the hell we have nothing to lose so we will go out and have fun and play our best. Headed to practice at 5:00.

    Paula - glad to hear you're better. And yes I can imagine you guys in the stands.

    Take care,

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,420 Member
    Shelley she had me brace my feet on the wall...bent knees...lower myself 1/4 the way to the floor...hold...lower 1.4 the way to the floor...hold...lower...hold...sit back up. Did that four or five times...owwwie! Waiting inlay for pictures!! And hope you are feeling better.

    Paula glad you are getting better. Just keep doing what you are doing. You will get stronger and stronger.

    Kathy fingers crossed!

    Lynnette I hope your soreness is gone. I think I just re-sored myself with our workout! bwahahah! I made that up!

    Today was beautiful. DH and Bean and I walked for 2 1/2 hours. Then they slept...I finished my book then did our challenge. My toe pushups aren't as good as last month...I haven't been working on them, so only the first set of pushups were on my toes...the rest were on my knees. I managed 6.59 miles and 14,380 steps today. Having lunch with friends tomorrow, but we'll get our walking done before I have to leave.

    Hope everyone had a great Thursday and that your Friday is splendid!

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,894 Member
    Yes Kathy, holding our breath. But I agree, you will have fun and this is awesome! Please do take a moment, close your eyes and imagine us all there. We will have pom poms, popcorn and be cheering! yes, that is it. B)

    Chris that sounds horrid! I must try it when I get my mojo back. Not sure how long it will take. And re-sored, love the new word. :) I am also reading books. Well they are reading to me while I finish painting my squirrals. Mostly done.

    Ok for those of you who love wood work here it is. This is the onlay, yes onlay. It lays on the cabinet, not in it. :P Rocky makes sure I get it correct. It is laying on my table outside. There is a close up of it sitting on the actual hood. The wood are almost a perfect match.

    Ate to much at a retirement party today. So not logging it. :P Would not even know where to start.

    --Shelley, Happy Friday all
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,702 Member
    Chris. Trying to visualize. Feet on walls while lowering yourself to the floor? Do you have sticky fly-feet?

    Shelley, Your non-inlay onlay is beautiful (except spellcheck doesn't think onlay is a word). Can't wait to see it in person someday.

    PTist has me doing TRX squats, which is what is making my muscles burn and ache so badly. That and bicycle and shuttle and so forth. But actually got to the "ooh that feels good" place while working out yesterday. Forgot how intoxicating that feeling is. Nice. :smirk:

    Luv y'all.
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,894 Member
    Paula that sounds grand. It is a wonderful feeling to get to the "ooh that feels good" point. Congratulations. And you know all my friends in this group can come and stay anytime. Lots to visit and see.

    Went plant shopping after work. I bought a strawberry plant that has large pink blooms. :) And I went to Petco. They are having their dollar a gallon sale again! And said they would take the 40 gallon back beings we were sizing up. So now the sump is going to be a tall narrow 55 gallon. I like the dimensions better before. But the wider 40 would not work! :'(

    One step closer. Many more to go. I have to go qualify with my duty weapon tomorrow. Wish me luck. B) Rocky and I potted up 4 baskets tonight. We will be planting fools tomorrow.

    Have a great weekend everyone. Get those steps in my walking buddies! :)

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,420 Member
    Paula you are too funny. It probably should have read...BUTT ON MAT..feet braced on wall...knees bent...etc... bwahahah! Killer exercise. I realize I count to 10 a lot faster than she does. She said I skip numbers but...
    I like the TRX. We do a lot of those exercises during our sessions. We have one at home.

    Shelley good luck on shooting everything up today. Then have a blast potting! Glad Petco did the exchange for you. That was pretty cool of them. Is that regular business if you are sizing up? That's great!

    We did our 5 miles yesterday then I shopped and then made a Spicy Chicken Stew that turned out pretty darn tasty. We'll see how it is after sitting in the fridge a day.


    I'm going to start doing a DVD on the day between our workouts. I'll be doing both today because my DH talked me into watching Game of Thrones with him instead of exercising last night...bwahahaha that was so easily done...so today I'll do our challenge then JM's 30 Day Shred. Tomorrow TDS...Monday our challenge...Tues TDS...etc. Any one want to join me? AND...I'm thinking of doing Tank Top Arms next weekl too. Is everyone okay with that or do you want me to change it up?

    Let me know...

    On my way to pick up the pup for a morning stroll!



  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    Have been sick and dealing with finding a place for my MIL. Glad to see everyone doing well. I have been logging food, just not exercising a lot
    Kathy, excited about your tennis game! (Weakly waving Pom pom while coughing) Go Kathy!