Here We Go!!!

Erinleigh13 Posts: 56 Member
edited May 2015 in Social Groups
thank you to those who joined the group! just wanted to introduce myself and ask you to do the same if you have a minute. I live in the Los Angeles area and just turned 43 in March. I want to lose about 40-45lbs. I am on daily blood pressure meds because it is high and I just feel tired every day. I have a little boy who will be 8 this summer and as you can imagine, he's a lot to keep up with! I need to make this change not only for myself but for him as well so I can set a good example and be here with him for a very long time.


  • 12Ace12
    12Ace12 Posts: 30 Member
    Hey, I just turned 43 in March I need to lose 45 pounds because this weight is wearing me do. I do live in florida yes it's Hot. Thank you Erinleigh for starting this community.
  • 8ericalynn
    8ericalynn Posts: 19 Member
    Hi - I am 45 and a mom of a 4.5 year old daughter. I work in a stressful job and after hurting my foot 2 years ago I have gained 30 lbs. I am just now getting back to being able to run-walk. To make matters worse my husband is uber-thin and can eat whatever he wants. He is an ultra-runner and very fit. I am working on not being triggered by that...
  • TanyaS007
    TanyaS007 Posts: 177 Member
    Hi, there I'm 47 and live in Maryland. My hope is to ward off the stress of my job and emerging health concerns with healthier eating habits and more exercise. The motivation to keep going would be great! I look forward to taking this journey with you! :)
  • doeharris74
    doeharris74 Posts: 8 Member
    Hello everyone :smiley: I just found y'all by looking at the discussion boards. I'm 41 and counting, mom of 6. My oldest is 24 and my youngest is 2 (yes, I'm nuts, lol) I went thru a double mastectomy last year and ended up pushing 170. I've been using mfp for about 2 months with healthier food choices and exercise. I haven't been on a scale in a while but last time I checked I was down 14 lbs. I look forward to helping each other get healthier!!!
  • tcbutler8627
    tcbutler8627 Posts: 279 Member
    Hi there!!! I'm 43, will be 44 in August. I'm a father of three, ages 11, 9, and 7. I work a job where I do shift work and am on call all night about 1/3 of the time. I used MFP a couple years ago to lose about 30 pounds and did good with keeping it off until this past winter, when I gained about eight of it back and had a hard time getting started with losing any of it. I know eight pounds doesn't sound like much, but I was measured for a vest at work when I was at my lowest weight and the rep said I could gain about five pounds and it would still fit properly. Any more than that and it wouldn't fit right. Guess he was right because after gaining the eight pounds, it doesn't feel good/right at all.

    I've been here about three weeks now and have lost almost four pounds, leaving about four to go. I'm trying to do it slowly and then stick around on here to maintain.

    Good luck everybody!!
  • cjsacto
    cjsacto Posts: 1,421 Member
    edited May 2015
    Hi! I'm 45 and live on the West Coast (US). I lost 35 pounds two years ago on MFP, but then I got busy and let it all go - and gained it back. For me, this has to be a constant, permanent change. I'm now five weeks into my reboot and I've lost 11 pounds. I would love supportive friends and I log in every day. I would like to lose another 40-50 pounds (I am not certain what my final goal weight will be).

    Thanks for creating the group, Erinleigh!
    CAROLISWHOIAM Posts: 4 Member
    Hello everyone am 41 been fighting depression I have a handicap 16 yrs older and that has Taken is tool finally I have a great man who supports me but he is a fit man who works out everyday, I need women my age who can understand what am going thru I need a change in my life I like the gym did well when I did it I just need that push from ppl my age and women who have the same kids work and need that guidance hope to make friends wea we can change tips and encouragement.
  • TLL09
    TLL09 Posts: 125 Member
    edited May 2015
    Hello, I am 41, I live in a small city in Ontario, Canada. I am a single mom to a 5 year old. I am currently unemployed and the stress/depression of losing my job and trying to find a new one had me gaining 20 lbs this winter, added to the 30 I already needed to lose. Biggest I have ever been! Not good (and none of my spring clothes fit), so I am here to lose 50 lbs and greatly increase my physical activity!

  • sunnydee216
    sunnydee216 Posts: 110 Member
    Hi All, I am 47 live in KY and need to lose about 60 lbs. I go to the gym 5 days a week at least. Pushing myself to get this weight off for good! The weather is going to be hot and sunny this week! That means I need get outside and take care of all the yard work needing to be done. I love gardening, it's good for the soul.
    Have a great day everyone!
  • 8ericalynn
    8ericalynn Posts: 19 Member
    What a good group!
  • phoebelayla
    phoebelayla Posts: 1,254 Member
    Hello everyone! I am 46 and live on the west coast. Being accountable to a positive group has helped me to lose in the past, and now I need to lose ten of those pounds....again. My clothes are tight, but not for long. I need to log everything I eat. I like to work out, so watching what I eat is the big challenge for me.
  • Redbeard333
    Redbeard333 Posts: 381 Member
    Hey folks! I'm Steve, 43 years old, and live in Rhode Island. I teach science (astronomy, physics, meteorology, etc) at a local high school, and also at their alternative high school, working about 60 hrs/week. I rejoined MFP mid-January when I weighed 286.8 pounds, my heaviest ever. Since then, with MFP and a FitBit Charge, I'm down 31.8 pounds, and have several short-term goals. The most immediate one is to weigh 250 by mid-June, when I see Rob Zombie live at Mohegan Sun Casino!!

    Best of luck to everyone on here; we can all achieve our goals with positive reinforcement and realistic expectations!!
  • zummerzet_lou
    zummerzet_lou Posts: 159 Member
    Hi - I'm 41 and starting to feel it! I'm a mum to an 11 year old son, and nearly 9 year old daughter, and they are growing up so fast. We all race BMX together at weekends (I'm quite new to the sport so got lots to learn), and I also love mountain and road biking too.

    My metabolism is definitely slowing - takes a lot of hard work to lose any weight, and only a couple of bad food choices to undo the hard work. I have about 5kgs I'd like to shift (and failed in the last 5 years to get rid of them).
  • macbblue
    macbblue Posts: 19 Member
    Hi! I'm 43 years old. I need to lose 100+ pounds. I can't believe I just typed in the world did this happen? I go! I could use all the help and encouragement I can get! Nice to meet you all! :)
  • Erinleigh13
    Erinleigh13 Posts: 56 Member
    thank you all for making it over to this group-sorry if it was hard to find!!
  • Lisa760
    Lisa760 Posts: 113 Member
    Hi there, hope everyone is having a fabulous week so far! I'm 40 years old and I live in Hawaii (island of Oahu). I joined MFP over two years ago and got results during the five months I stuck with it. I just started up again two days ago, weighing 143.4 lbs. at 5'6". My goal is to lose 15 pounds. My clothes simply don't fit me anymore and honestly I don't have money to purchase new clothes. I love my body but I don't recognize it anymore. Some of it is the extra weight, some of it is just that I'm getting older. It freaked me out the other day when I looked in a full length mirror and I didn't recognize my calves. Weird, I know, but it was one of those "OhmyGodI'vegainedsomuchweight!!" moments. So here I am, happy to be among others committed to improving their lives and increasing their happiness!
  • rlshopp6
    rlshopp6 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi I'm Becca, 40 will be 41 next month. I need to lose 30 pounds, have been hovering at this weight, up and down within 10-15 pounds the last two years. I'd like to make this year the year I get to my goal weight (after being overweight my entire adult life) and I'm consistent with my exercise, so for me it's all about eating. Recommitting to good nutritional choices and logging, and really glad to have others to support in that who understand the age shifts that happen in this season of life. Very happy to meet all of you!
  • Erinleigh13
    Erinleigh13 Posts: 56 Member
    cjsacto wrote: »
    Hi! I'm 45 and live on the West Coast (US). I lost 35 pounds two years ago on MFP, but then I got busy and let it all go - and gained it back. For me, this has to be a constant, permanent change. I'm now five weeks into my reboot and I've lost 11 pounds. I would love supportive friends and I log in every day. I would like to lose another 40-50 pounds (I am not certain what my final goal weight will be).

    Thanks for creating the group, Erinleigh!

    11lbs in 5 weeks is a great start!!! what kind of exercise have you been doing?
  • cj94404
    cj94404 Posts: 154 Member
    Lisa760 wrote: »
    Hi there, hope everyone is having a fabulous week so far! I'm 40 years old and I live in Hawaii (island of Oahu). I joined MFP over two years ago and got results during the five months I stuck with it. I just started up again two days ago, weighing 143.4 lbs. at 5'6". My goal is to lose 15 pounds. My clothes simply don't fit me anymore and honestly I don't have money to purchase new clothes. I love my body but I don't recognize it anymore. Some of it is the extra weight, some of it is just that I'm getting older. It freaked me out the other day when I looked in a full length mirror and I didn't recognize my calves. Weird, I know, but it was one of those "OhmyGodI'vegainedsomuchweight!!" moments. So here I am, happy to be among others committed to improving their lives and increasing their happiness!

    Oh yeah. Totally know that feeling. I saw myself in my Halloween costume and I looked....frumpy. Thick and swollen and wow that happened fast. I put on thirty lbs in five months which shocked me.

    And I did not want to be fat and 45. Such a cliche.

  • cj94404
    cj94404 Posts: 154 Member
    Oh and you live in my dream home except it would Kauai. Hawaii is otherworldly....with Costco!