2 Week Countdown

So I'm in a really tricky predicament. I've been training for my first sprint triathlon (Swim 400 meters, Bike 30K, Run 5K), but various injuries have put me back in training. I can do a 5k. The biking portion I've done although it took everything out of me on the course (extreme hills) just for that portion alone. And I can shottily do the swim. But haven't done everything together yet and the race is April 26. I feel like I need to go overboard with training over the next two weeks but don't want to kill my body yet.

This is obviously a less than ideal situation, so the "you need longer to train" statement won't really help because I can't do much about it. I'm not trying to be perfect; just trying to make best. Ideas? How much should I train? HELP. lol


  • ephiemarie
    ephiemarie Posts: 264 Member
    I did my first (and so far, only) sprint tri last fall. A week before the actual race, I did the entire course just to get an idea what to expect for timing. Then I spent the week before the race focusing on practicing my transitions, with a few easy workouts thrown in. You're not likely to make significant speed gains at this point, so become familiar with the course and transitions to ease any anxiety about those aspects of the race.

    Good luck! Come back and let us all know how it goes! :)
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    No point in going overboard with the training, because it's not really going to help you. I would suggest doing a couple of swim-bike and bike-run workouts so that your body gets a feel of what it's like to go from one to the other. Keep the training volume low next week so that you're not tired going into the event.
  • EnduranceGirl2
    EnduranceGirl2 Posts: 144 Member
    Just jump in and enjoy the experience. Rather than focus on athletic performance, focus on the transitions and have fun moving from one event to another. Keep it simple. It's a sprint tri, not an expedition.
  • ShawnTX
    ShawnTX Posts: 50 Member
    Don't be afraid of having to take a break during the race. Never view your first one as a "race" anyway. I still don't after 6 sprints. I am not at a level yet where I can compete for the podium so I just gauge my performance vs. my previous races and am happy if I am making progress. This is the race where you will hopefully fall in love with the sport and establish a baseline of performance for yourself. Who cares if it is not worthy of the Olympics? You definitely shouldn't and neither will anybody else, I promise.

    I am in a similar situation with my upcoming race (also on April 26th). My first ever half Ironman. All I am concerned with is finishing. I have only swam the distance once in training. Still have not ever gone 56 miles on the bike, and have only run 3 half marathons. Have never even put two of those efforts together before. But here's the most important thing....I know I can finish it. And so can you! Be smart. Have a plan. Don't push too hard. You will find out a lot about yourself and what your body can do in that race. Err on the side of too easy for this first one and just enjoy the dang thing. If you have to walk half of the 5k, so what?!?!? Have fun and know that you will only improve from there. I'll be rooting for you and would love to have you come back to this thread and give us a report. :smiley:
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    So I'm in a really tricky predicament. I've been training for my first sprint triathlon (Swim 400 meters, Bike 30K, Run 5K), but various injuries have put me back in training. I can do a 5k. The biking portion I've done although it took everything out of me on the course (extreme hills) just for that portion alone. And I can shottily do the swim. But haven't done everything together yet and the race is April 26. I feel like I need to go overboard with training over the next two weeks but don't want to kill my body yet.

    This is obviously a less than ideal situation, so the "you need longer to train" statement won't really help because I can't do much about it. I'm not trying to be perfect; just trying to make best. Ideas? How much should I train? HELP. lol

    well, your race is tomorrow. hope it goes well!!
  • HillOE
    HillOE Posts: 61 Member

    DNF is Did Not Fail and is always better than DNS. I hope it went better than you expected.