5/2 Day 72 Saturday Movin May Day 2



  • nurselizrn
    nurselizrn Posts: 6 Member
    Surfing the web and watching movies are my main areas for sitting throughout the day. I also sit at a desk or drive my car a lot for my work. I need to get up and move while I watch TV, that would probably make a big difference.
  • craftscout
    craftscout Posts: 290 Member
    Even though I didn't read the challenge until today, I actually did it yesterday! :) I sort of participated in a 1 mile fun run at my kids' school, and ran probably 1/4 of the total mile - a huge accomplishment for me.

    But the cherry on top was that I had me and my kids walk a mile to the event and back, because it was easier than trying to deal with the parking!

    A lot of my sitting is like those listed above - computer/desk time, driving, relaxing at home. I actually am on my feet for the most part at work, which is one of the things I like about my job, now that I am in shape for it.
  • farbinkie
    farbinkie Posts: 8 Member
    Yesterday and today were a little odd, as there was more driving than usual, so I think I'm going to keep up the log for the next two "regular" days.
  • ksmith020682
    ksmith020682 Posts: 6 Member
    Walked at a fast pace for 30 minutes, pulling the dog along behind me. No jogging though, I have a lower back problem and jogging is a no no, maybe a when I lose some more weight I'll try again, but my doc says no. Last time I tried jogging I was off work for 3 weeks and couldn't walk without a walker for 2 weeks and I didn't weigh as much then.
  • meganepreston
    meganepreston Posts: 487 Member
    Day 2: I work a double in a VERY busy restaurant every Saturday. Today I kept my pedometer on me. 9.4 miles! I only got the chance to sit down during my one little break. My feet are very tired. I will check in on my sitting awareness on Monday during my desk job.
  • keepcalmrunon246
    keepcalmrunon246 Posts: 10 Member
    I did it! I downloaded the Wanderlust 28-day online challenge for May to keep me motivated, so I did the walking challenge. Happy to be moving more!