Month 2

KingsGirl4 Posts: 152 Member
Wow! I just completed day 36 - month 2, day 1. Boyyyyyyy that was so crazy tough but I did it! It was tough because it had the fit test as well, so a total of 85 minutes - a huge step up from month 1. I'm hoping I didn't injure myself and I hope I don't get discouraged tomorrow. I'm trying to focus on 1 day at a time.

How's your month 2 been? How do you find the motivation to push through? Did you add to your diet for extra energy?


  • Lostcoastline
    Lostcoastline Posts: 21 Member
    i am just starting the harder part of month 2, after the recovery week. I am keeping myself motivated by reminding myself that I am so close to finishing!

    Of course I still can't do half the exercises but at least I am trying...
  • amdawells
    amdawells Posts: 76 Member
    @Lostcoastline ... I know how you feel! I can't say I'm not 100% able (yet) to complete each workout without taking a small pause but I try to as well. I have noticed that I don't have to stop anymore during the warm up! I think that's pretty awesome for me! **pats self on the back** Good Job!
    Mine starts Monday & I have to say I'm a little intimidated! Here's to one more day of Core Cardio & Balance!