How to know if you have too much fats in your plan?



  • qkcam
    qkcam Posts: 67 Member
    my food changed a bit over the past year some of it was around having rotator cuff surgery, i would log as sometime to feel consistant in my world- and still do as having chronic illness takes a toll.. also i have noticed when i am "feeling better" i can eat alot better, but when my energy is so low .. i tend to have to get what i can find available. for a short time i tried "lower carbs" and then i heard carbs were needed for muscle i eased up on that, and truthfully my limits were at 1800 and often i went over- and the going over was at nite with bran cereals or greek low fat yogart with PB2 or both, sometimes at nite i would pack in 500 cals : ( looked at report, in the last 30 1/2 my carbs where over 200, in the past 7 days only 1 days was over 200 the rest average 130.
  • homesweeths
    homesweeths Posts: 792 Member
    Okay, so if I'm remembering right, according to Mark Sisson, you're in the range of "slow but insidious weight gain" when your carbs average above 150g a day. 50-100g is what he calls the weight loss "sweet spot", and 100-150g is "maintenance". So if he's right (and his method works for me, so at least as far as I'm concerned, he's right), you've been eating to gain or maintain, not to lose.

    Hope this sheds some light, and helps.
  • FaylinaMeir
    FaylinaMeir Posts: 661 Member
    Okay, so if I'm remembering right, according to Mark Sisson, you're in the range of "slow but insidious weight gain" when your carbs average above 150g a day. 50-100g is what he calls the weight loss "sweet spot", and 100-150g is "maintenance". So if he's right (and his method works for me, so at least as far as I'm concerned, he's right), you've been eating to gain or maintain, not to lose.

    Hope this sheds some light, and helps.

    I'm losing weight between 100-150g so I don't think it's absolute for everyone
  • homesweeths
    homesweeths Posts: 792 Member
    Okay, so if I'm remembering right, according to Mark Sisson, you're in the range of "slow but insidious weight gain" when your carbs average above 150g a day. 50-100g is what he calls the weight loss "sweet spot", and 100-150g is "maintenance". So if he's right (and his method works for me, so at least as far as I'm concerned, he's right), you've been eating to gain or maintain, not to lose.

    Hope this sheds some light, and helps.

    I'm losing weight between 100-150g so I don't think it's absolute for everyone
    I'm sure you're right. I can "keto" between 50 and 80g, and I've heard you're supposed to be closer to 30g for that to happen. Everybody's body works differently, which makes perfect sense to me.
  • qkcam
    qkcam Posts: 67 Member
    thank you ! this is great info to have .. i can definatly work to keep my carbs in the "sweet spot" range of 100 to 150! yay what a great goal to have! what about the fat grams with that amount of carbs? thanks.
  • FaylinaMeir
    FaylinaMeir Posts: 661 Member
    qkcam wrote: »
    thank you ! this is great info to have .. i can definatly work to keep my carbs in the "sweet spot" range of 100 to 150! yay what a great goal to have! what about the fat grams with that amount of carbs? thanks.

    eat as much fat as you want, as long as it comes from animal sources or say coconut oil, ghee, and depending on who you ask butter.
  • qkcam
    qkcam Posts: 67 Member
    so my total cals for the day don't really count with this ? i feel like i need to keep counting. usually i take the skin off chicken,but i guess that would be a good serving of fat? so much to learn! thanks for your help.
  • FaylinaMeir
    FaylinaMeir Posts: 661 Member
    qkcam wrote: »
    so my total cals for the day don't really count with this ? i feel like i need to keep counting. usually i take the skin off chicken,but i guess that would be a good serving of fat? so much to learn! thanks for your help.

    oh I understand and honestly I was always the same way, I WANTED to eat that chicken skin but oh noes it had fat. I REALLY suggest reading the paleo solution by robb wolf, if you don't want to buy it borrow it from the library, that's what I did. It's a little "sci-ency" but if you read it you'll learn a lot. I ate 1900 calories today and I'm slowly losing weight and feel great! I was stuck at my weight for months eating 1200 calories or 1900 it didn't matter. I increased fat, lowered calories and bam, weight loss. Some of it might be just water weight and I'm okay with that but the most important part is I feel great.

    Basically you want to focus on fat, some protein, and some carbs. You can also read up at his book is great too, pretty much the same as Robb's but less sciency. I like the science parts, gives you things to say to people when they argue with you. I dunno, I'm willing to give this diet 30 days and access how I feel. So far, pretty good. Oh and another thing: as time goes on you'll be able to eat more fat. I started out almost gagging trying to eat enough food because the fat made me SOO full, but now I'm fine. I can't remember the last time I ate almost 2000 calories LOL It's a nice feeling!
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    If one can eat Paleo pancakes I do not understand removing chicken skin. High fat with moderate/high carbs may not work well so just keep that in mind as you try different things. (Ie I'm not for a minute suggesting a low fat diet in order to eat more carbs/sugar). Calories will indeed count with a higher carb intake because over-eating is likely with higher carb intake (for many people, not all). I'd monitor carbs/sugar rather than calories though.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    qkcam wrote: »
    so my total cals for the day don't really count with this ? i feel like i need to keep counting. usually i take the skin off chicken,but i guess that would be a good serving of fat? so much to learn! thanks for your help.

    If you're tracking your calories, just set your macros in MFP to reflect your goals of more fat. You can keep calories constant and still get more fat in -- it just requires reducing your carbohydrate (and to a lesser extent, protein) intake. Eating fat doesn't automatically mean you're going to blow your calorie count out of the water. You can eat 150g of fat and still be under a reasonable calorie goal of 1850 calories, for example (150g of fat come to 1350 calories, leaving 500 for carbs and protein, which are also reasonable at 100g protein, and 25g carbs).

    Also, by nixing the skins, you're missing out on a fair bit of selenium and other nutrients, it's not just a gob of fat and nothing else --
  • homesweeths
    homesweeths Posts: 792 Member
    edited May 2015
    I think she was talking about removing the chicken skin before she took up paleo/primal, in the old mindset of "eat fat = be fat".

    Nowadays, the roasted chicken skin is one of my favorite treats. (I remember being in Europe, decades ago, at a fancy dinner, and a doctor there wasn't interested in the roasted meat so much as the fat and skin -- and the rest of us watched her in astonishment as she ate. Now I can understand that she was making a healthy choice!)

    I think, though, if you can't afford organic, free-range chicken, that the general advice is to remove the skin before eating, anyhow, right? Because in conventionally raised animals, the toxins are stored in the fat, and I don't think the skin is healthy, in that case. I could be wrong.

    I know that for one of my very sensitive family members, any kind of conventionally raised meat is out of the question. If the animal has been fed soy, and/or antibiotics, its meat is poisonous to my loved one. (Forget about the skin... the whole creature might as well be poison, including the bones made into soup.)
  • KombuchaCat
    KombuchaCat Posts: 834 Member
    In my world there is no such thing as too much fat. Do not fear fat!
  • FaylinaMeir
    FaylinaMeir Posts: 661 Member
    edited May 2015
    qkcam wrote: »
    I ate 1900 calories today and I'm slowly losing weight and feel great! I was stuck at my weight for months eating 1200 calories or 1900 it didn't matter. I increased fat, lowered calories and bam, weight loss. /quote]

    I meant to say "lowered carbs". haha

    @Akimajuktuq dunno if the pancakes was towards me or her but I know me personally no way in he HELL would I have ever considered eating paleo pancakes in the past. I was convinced eating that much fat in one sitting woulda killed me. :lol:

    Dragonwolf wrote: »
    Also, by nixing the skins, you're missing out on a fair bit of selenium and other nutrients, it's not just a gob of fat and nothing else --

    Not to mention most of the natural flavor of the chicken! yummy /quote]
  • qkcam
    qkcam Posts: 67 Member
    also i have really low HDL issues .. i wonder if all this healthy fat will bring up the HDL or make my LDL worse?
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    qkcam wrote: »
    also i have really low HDL issues .. i wonder if all this healthy fat will bring up the HDL or make my LDL worse?

    It increases both on the test, because it increases the size of the LDL particles, which is a good thing.
  • qkcam
    qkcam Posts: 67 Member
    that will be good i have alot of small particles now
  • qkcam
    qkcam Posts: 67 Member
    this seems helpful..i must have seen it before but there is so much online it is easy to get off track!..