


  • VioletLemon
    VioletLemon Posts: 56 Member
    Hello everyone- Im new to MFP about 10 days now. 3 weeks ago I weighed 350 lbs, joined the YMCA, completely overhauled my kitchen and pantry with nothing but whole, organic food. Today I weigh 343 and my wish for 12 weeks would be at least 25 more lbs. My goal weight at the end of my journey will be 158.
  • allaboutthefood
    allaboutthefood Posts: 781 Member
    Hey all, I'm Connie 42 mother of 3 aged 15,9 and 3 yrs. been overweight pretty much all my life. I am a baker/decorator and have a major sweet tooth so this new lifestyle journey I am on has been a challenge. I started this just about 3 months ago weighing in at 295 lbs I am down to 264 lbs, still have a long way to go, but I have found my balance and with each day it's getting easier. I love to set personal challenges, so doing a group one sounds like fun. My goal weight at the moment is 199 lbs. I can't remember the last time I weighed under 200 lbs. Good luck everyone. Looking forward to this.
  • showey27
    showey27 Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you!
    I did check them both out. I have read a lot of the TDEE info and feel I am pretty close. I wonder if I am still in the 'wait it out phase" trying to reset my metabolism. I have been a 1200 calorie gal for so long and have done many diets where I didn't even get that many calories...cut to 800 calories protein only and lost 30 lbs in 3 months...while that was quick I won't do that again - I have gained it all back, felt like crap and now have to rebuild what I have destroyed. Only one of the countless examples I could provide.
    What was your calorie goal at your start of this? Did it work right away? Did you have to adjust?
    Thanks for your help!

  • runningsahm
    runningsahm Posts: 208 Member
    Congrats on one-derland, @conniescakes1 ! That's amazing progress in a short time. Keep it up!

    @VioletLemon congrats on making the changes needed to succeed! Welcome to the group.

    @showey27 thanks for the reminder that faster is not always better. I'm a bit impatient when it comes to waiting for things to change.

    @jasonraygagnon , any baby yet?
  • dcsr624
    dcsr624 Posts: 14 Member
    Hello! I'm Chrissy and this is my first ever group challenge online. I've been on MFP for about 40 days and that makes me so happy! Many failed attempts before but it's clicked this time for some reason. Excited to begin!
  • VioletLemon
    VioletLemon Posts: 56 Member
    thanks everyone! Looking forward to this and encouraging others along the way!
  • JMC3Terp
    JMC3Terp Posts: 2,803 Member
    Hi, I'm Justin, 25, and I am new to this challenge. Though I am currently doing 3 other challenges. I started 63 days ago at 321 pounds with the goal to lose 160 pounds. So far I have lost almost 40 pounds. Looking forward to this group and challenge!
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    @runningsahm, have you finished your half-marathon now? I'd be interested in hearing how it went. I just got back from running 14 k (which is a third of a marathon) in preparation for my own first half-marathon three weeks from now.
  • chloe2300
    chloe2300 Posts: 87 Member
    Hey everyone. I'm Chloë, 23 years old and in the UK. I'm currently down to 160 from a SW of 200lbs. I'd like to reach 145lbs by the end of the challenge. Excited to be begin my first online group challenge
  • rmcloughlin22
    rmcloughlin22 Posts: 61 Member
    Hey everyone. I'm Rachel and I'm 28. I've been doing my logging for about a week now and hoping to start seeing some results on the scale soon. It's amazing to see what your diet really looks like in numbers when you lay it all out. I'm trying to make small changes each day on a path to healthier living and fitness. My goal is to lose 15 pounds during this 12-week challenge. I hope this helps keep us all on track!
  • SWeETCaRoLiNe115
    SWeETCaRoLiNe115 Posts: 41 Member
    Hi my name is Caroline only joined mfp a month ago,looking forward to the 12 week challenge,
  • Fabu_lass
    Fabu_lass Posts: 122 Member
    Hi I'm Marisa I've joined this challenge as I want to lose weight and need the support. Over the 12 weeks I would like to lose 15lbs (5 every 4 weeks). Today I'm 212. That will take me under 200 which I know I haven't seen for 6 years if not longer

    Thanks for this
  • xtina40
    xtina40 Posts: 22 Member
    xtina40 wrote: »
    Hi everyone- looking forward to round 2! Am hoping to set more realistic goals this time. Am feeling good about my weight loss so far want to stay on track losing slow and steady.

    Right now my weight is 212.5. By the end of the challenge I would like to weigh 200, with a goal of a pound weight loss per week.
  • MK24551
    MK24551 Posts: 174 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Kara. This is my first online challenge :smile: I'm excited. I have been on this journey for 31 days, start weight 192.2. I had lost a total of 8 lbs but the gained 2 lbs while I was sick. I also lost inches bc I can see the change in my body but of course I didn't measure myself at the start so I don't know how many I actually lost. I have some very difficult days where I just want to eat everything bad, but then I have really good days. I hate that part of it. I am looking forward to all the support I will gain from you all!

    Thanks for putting this together!
  • Singularity84
    Singularity84 Posts: 98 Member
    Hi, I'm Jennifer. I'm 30 and have over 100 lbs to lose. I just started using MFP again and I tend to do well for awhile, then lose my motivation. I'm hoping this challenge will help keep me on track.
  • runningsahm
    runningsahm Posts: 208 Member
    @Lagopus I did finish, thanks! It was a red-weather event (meaning high alert) because of the high humidity levels. It was supposed to be cloudy and chance of storms, but instead it was all sun. IFeeling a bit sore today... but so glad I got out there!
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    Congratulations runningsahm!

    Geez, high humidity and risk of storms... That certainly won't be a problem for me! I'll be lucky if the temperature is more than a few degrees above freezing.

    What part of the world are you in?
  • runningsahm
    runningsahm Posts: 208 Member
    Midwest - USA. On Friday reports were predicting lightning during the race, which would have meant cancelling it all together, but instead it was 75º and nearly 100% humidity. I drank a ton of water. =)

    Where are you located? Are you excited for your first half?
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    I'm in the Scandinavian Arctic. North. WAY north. Think Point Barrow, Alaska and then some. I grew up in the Midwest, though, so I know what you're up against.

    I'm not exactly excited, but I'm looking forward to it. I'm pretty confident I can pull it off, and I hope maybe somebody will cheer for me. The race is a really small one, just a couple hundred runners doing full or half-marathons or 10 km races along the same roads. Some of my friends think I'm crazy, but that's okay.
  • LauraCunningham1
    LauraCunningham1 Posts: 18 Member
    hello laura here
    looking forward to losing weight and reaching my goals. mother of 2. :)