Daily Check-In (Week 3 May 18th through May 24th)

heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
Week 3 Day 1 check-In!

OK sorry for slacking but I am now back from vacation ! Flight was 4 hours delayed so I didn't get back until late and my house was flooded , can't use water for now so my house smells yucky and I just want to go back to Texas lol I am so incredibly tired but I plan on hitting the gym tomorrow morning !


  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    Week 3 Day 1 check-In!

    OK sorry for slacking but I am now back from vacation ! Flight was 4 hours delayed so I didn't get back until late and my house was flooded , can't use water for now so my house smells yucky and I just want to go back to Texas lol I am so incredibly tired but I plan on hitting the gym tomorrow morning !
    Only made it to 7,818 Steps and 64 oz's of water yesterday :(

  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    Week 3 Day 2 check In

    No gym this morning, still trying to get back into the swing of things. A lot of chaos and personal issues going on with me and around me right now......barely enough gas to get me through the work week so I am going to have to try and get my steps in most likely without going to the gym this week :(
  • DDWS128
    DDWS128 Posts: 64 Member
    Week 3 Day 2 check In

    No gym this morning, still trying to get back into the swing of things. A lot of chaos and personal issues going on with me and around me right now......barely enough gas to get me through the work week so I am going to have to try and get my steps in most likely without going to the gym this week :(

    Sounds like things have been rough. Hang in there!

    Had a networking event at my house today. I was so busy all day getting the house ready. I hardly ate anything, drank 2 glasses of wine but got my water in. I was on my feet all day cleaning and the balls of my feet are killing me! But I got 10000+ steps. That's never happened before. Whoohoo!
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    DDWS128 wrote: »
    Week 3 Day 2 check In

    No gym this morning, still trying to get back into the swing of things. A lot of chaos and personal issues going on with me and around me right now......barely enough gas to get me through the work week so I am going to have to try and get my steps in most likely without going to the gym this week :(

    Sounds like things have been rough. Hang in there!

    Had a networking event at my house today. I was so busy all day getting the house ready. I hardly ate anything, drank 2 glasses of wine but got my water in. I was on my feet all day cleaning and the balls of my feet are killing me! But I got 10000+ steps. That's never happened before. Whoohoo!

    Thank you, and congrats on your steps!
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    Week 3 Day 2 check In

    No gym this morning, still trying to get back into the swing of things. A lot of chaos and personal issues going on with me and around me right now......barely enough gas to get me through the work week so I am going to have to try and get my steps in most likely without going to the gym this week :(

    Only got 7,818 Steps and 67.6 Oz's of water in yesterday
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    Week 3 Day 4 Check-In
    No gym this morning again....rough week...gained 3lbs on vacation...trying to not let that get me down.....Will be back 150% next week promise!
  • ronellaFit
    ronellaFit Posts: 31 Member
    Week 3 Day 4 Check-In
    No gym this morning again....rough week...gained 3lbs on vacation...trying to not let that get me down.....Will be back 150% next week promise!

    You can do it, I had to fight back the tears this morning getting discouraged as I get dressed for work but I pushed through. Been eating wings and ice cream with the family because will power is at an uptime low. Nursing the baby has me sooo wiped out, it is hard to work out like I want to but I am making excuses and I need to step it up. I have not lost any weight this past week. On a brighter note, I am on track today and water intake is great. We have a performance at my daughters school....it's the last of her choir performances and perhaps I will at bare minimum get in a 5k by the Seawall after. It's just hard trying. To balance this with a 3 month old, a full time job and there other children but I gotta do it.
  • DDWS128
    DDWS128 Posts: 64 Member
    My daughter is home from college and she is super fit. Well she has been pushing me. Yesterday we walked probably 3 miles. She monitors my water. She has designated herself my drill seargent. During our walk, I am arguing with her that I need to get back because I left my son in charge of the chicken and I didn't tell him I was going to be so long. She told me (this is for you Ronella), "Mom, you got to stop putting everyone else's needs before yourself. You need to start taking care of yourself." Everything at home worked out fine.
  • DDWS128
    DDWS128 Posts: 64 Member
    ronellaFit wrote: »
    Week 3 Day 4 Check-In
    No gym this morning again....rough week...gained 3lbs on vacation...trying to not let that get me down.....Will be back 150% next week promise!

    You can do it, I had to fight back the tears this morning getting discouraged as I get dressed for work but I pushed through. Been eating wings and ice cream with the family because will power is at an uptime low. Nursing the baby has me sooo wiped out, it is hard to work out like I want to but I am making excuses and I need to step it up. I have not lost any weight this past week. On a brighter note, I am on track today and water intake is great. We have a performance at my daughters school....it's the last of her choir performances and perhaps I will at bare minimum get in a 5k by the Seawall after. It's just hard trying. To balance this with a 3 month old, a full time job and there other children but I gotta do it.

    It is so hard with kids and breastfeeding does wear you out. The quality of food you take in is so important for energy. You will do it. Prayers going up for a super day.
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    ronellaFit wrote: »
    Week 3 Day 4 Check-In
    No gym this morning again....rough week...gained 3lbs on vacation...trying to not let that get me down.....Will be back 150% next week promise!

    You can do it, I had to fight back the tears this morning getting discouraged as I get dressed for work but I pushed through. Been eating wings and ice cream with the family because will power is at an uptime low. Nursing the baby has me sooo wiped out, it is hard to work out like I want to but I am making excuses and I need to step it up. I have not lost any weight this past week. On a brighter note, I am on track today and water intake is great. We have a performance at my daughters school....it's the last of her choir performances and perhaps I will at bare minimum get in a 5k by the Seawall after. It's just hard trying. To balance this with a 3 month old, a full time job and there other children but I gotta do it.

    It is a struggle to get back into it for sure! And you sound like you got your hands full..but you keep coming back! I love it! We can do this, being there for each other support and motivation is key here!

  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    DDWS128 wrote: »
    My daughter is home from college and she is super fit. Well she has been pushing me. Yesterday we walked probably 3 miles. She monitors my water. She has designated herself my drill seargent. During our walk, I am arguing with her that I need to get back because I left my son in charge of the chicken and I didn't tell him I was going to be so long. She told me (this is for you Ronella), "Mom, you got to stop putting everyone else's needs before yourself. You need to start taking care of yourself." Everything at home worked out fine.

    That is awesome! We all need a designated drill Sergeant every now and then!
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    Week 3 Day 4 Check-In
    No gym this morning again....rough week...gained 3lbs on vacation...trying to not let that get me down.....Will be back 150% next week promise!

    Only 5,513 steps and 50.7 Oz's of water in yesterday :(
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    Week 3 Day 4 Check in ( not sure what made me think yesterday was day 4 lol)

    Going to try a little harder getting my steps in today, lately I have not felt like walking circles around my office but I was doing so good getting over 10k in a day up until my vacation :( Gotta get these last couple pounds back off from vacation! I am off work tomorrow through Monday....got a nice camping trip planned and my sons VPK graduation! this is why I set my "get back into it" day for next week ....I can be back in it 100%!
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