Chat and Accountability May 17 - May 23



  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    Completely non health subject:
    Today I see the leftover wolf traits in all my huskies. With the addition of a puppy my dogs and the fosters "packed up" like wolfs and proceed to inspect and teach the puppy were he is at status wise amongst the pack. Taiki the pup knew all the submissive cues and did great. But it made the hair on the back of my neck stand for a moment when I see how they were walking/stalking and looking at the pup as a pack. I've introduced Taiki one on one then 2 at once but this is the first time the whole group was loose with Taiki. It also allows me to see another side of their personality. They all played with the puppy but they all play differently... But is it also cool to see that when my oldest female arrived on scene how all the dogs clearly give her space and recognizing her as the lead dog. She's old but it's all about the attitude. ;)
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    Susan...that'sincredible that you have young women gaining muscle mass. Teach them the importance of maintaining muscle mass all their life...not to mention hot great it makes you look.

    Heron, I probably shouldn't do this...but here's the picture. She is 46. Does 3 lifting sessions a week. A pull focus, a push focus and a misc. Works with a trainer on the push/pull routines. So yes a lifter...but not young, however, definitely has muscle definition and shape.

  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    Kim, thank you so much! Very awesome and Holy **** that's a huge difference. She looks good in both of them but hells yea the purple dress is leaner.
    I would love to hear her story on her body io. Or carol's podcast wink wink. If she is willing to of course lol. She is 46 and has a what seems like a very doable routine, granted she has a trainer to help but I bet her story will resonate with so many women who are struggling because they are in their 40s and think that they have to do more to see results.
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Well Happy Thursday Folks! It's a pretty good day so far as I broke through 270 this week. HRV is Yellow flag today for an Active Recovery kind o day. Will Foam Roll for a bit, and see how my step count goes at work I'm well ahead on the week. So easy goals today.

    Ruck walk planned for Saturday fell through, (Most of the other guys have overtime op ) so will probably do something solo before the Podcast hangout with Carol, Mike and Jake.

    Heron - Very cool on the Dog observations. I found for me that it took a long time of practice at meditation before it had what any one would call an observable effect. Though one of the meditative thoughts I had early on when I was trying to sleep, was the thought of heaviness in each part of your body that you can feel awareness in starting with your Left Big Toe, and working you way up Toes to foot, feet to calves, calves to knees, so on. Don't move on to the next body part until you feel the heaviness of part you're thinking of. Last night I tried the Ap Meditation Oasis guided sleep meditation and it may be helpful if you need help with the thought clearing process. Mind clearing meditation does not turn off the voices but it does make them speak in turn instead of all at once.

    TJ got some good runs going there. So looks like you're getting a good process for Whole TJ.

    Susan - Very cool being one of the folks that firms up the minds and bodies full of mush. God Bless you. I love a good sweat as well, its my joints that revolt when I over do.

    Well gotta Roll Folks have a great Day. TTFN

  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Happy Friday Folks.
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    John! Why must you keep holding me accountable for the things that I say I'm going to do?? "...not only in diet, but all areas of life." Everyone knows that I'm full of it. I didn't even make up that tagline, Jake and Zach did when they started the show. I just thought it was catchy so I kept it.

    Okay, you're probably right. We should really do something about a different area of life. I do like the meditation idea it's something I really, really, really need to consider. I want to make the most out of downtime and I bet there are a lot of other people like me and Heron that don't know how to slow downand spend a few minutes very effectively in meditation. It drives me nuts to even try. That would be a great show focus! Thx

    Yes Susan, brag!!!! Love it!

    Thanks to everybody for all the fantastic input here. I usually read through first thing in the morning and then have no time to comment!!
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    Keep ticking away TJ!!
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    John I used to use the Mediatation Oasis sleep app most nights when I traveled. It was the first bit of meditation I did on my own. I was originally introduced to the idea by the owner of a local yoga studio who is known for her meditation work. But she does the long tradition 30, 60 minute meditation. I don't have time for that. I've read 8 minute meditation as recommended by Jadon Seib. For whatever reason the author didn't resonate with me as much as doing the (free) Headspace app 30 day program / 10 minutes a day. While I can and often do, short meditations on my own, I prefer doing the 10-15 min guided ones in Geadspace or Calm apps.

    Sarah Fragoso is on the current HerBodyIO podcast and talks about how meditation is helping her in other areas like decision making. I absolutely agree. As you get more mindful, retrain your mind a bit, it bleeds over everywhere. I listen better at work. Concentrate better. And as I've mentioned, frequently do 2-3 minute rescue meditations before presentations or when I need to get focused. I think you really can't afford not to develop this skill. And I'm continually amazed by the number of high level or highly successful people that mention meditating in interviews or podcasts.

  • sbuzzard24
    sbuzzard24 Posts: 22 Member
    HAPPY FRIDAY!! Is it carb nite yet?!?!?! I'm getting sooooooooo bored with fat food... I'm a black coffee person... so the addition of heavy cream has been interesting, to say the least!! So far my days have consisted of: ground beef, avacado, eggs, bacon, butter, spinach, olives, cheese, gee, heavy cream, coconut oil... I ate pork rinds for breakfast...LOL... I just couldn't do another egg...
  • jenniferyounginillinois
    jenniferyounginillinois Posts: 535 Member
    Happy Friday everybody. Sorry about not being around the past two days. Getting ready to head out to the airport for my trip to Arizona. Excited about getting to meet some wonderful folks.

    Have a great Friday!
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    John and Kim thanks for the recommendations, I'll check those out.
    Susan why so many eggs? Try other low carb veggies or else you'll get so sick everything. I like Bok Choy, turnips, radish, cabbage, Brussels sprouts and rutabaga. Yay! carb nite! Did you do the 10 days induction? I love pork rinds, but I gotta watch my protein so I eat them sparingly.
    I am so drained recently with the addition of the new foster puppy and still caring for my post op fosters. The good news is both fosters have found homes and will be leaving by 6/13. However I learned an important lesson on time management because of this experience so yay for me.
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    My pork is finally ready!! Yay, super excited, half of a pastured pig with a final hanging weight of 105lb. And I get the organs and half of a head!! I was told I might not be able to so I'm pretty happy that it all worked out.
    So... Anybody know what to do with a pig's head? I only know how to prepare the ears, jowls and cheeks and tongue.
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Kim - Rescue Meditations. I like the phraseology, when bullets were flying we also called them prayers. I have found these small moments, most useful in high stress situations, and even micro meditations in fast paced situations, but I also use them at different points in a normal day as well, to clear and focus. a good 90 sec ' thought cleanse" can have the same refreshing effect as a 20 min nap. The more you can couple them to good visualization the more powerful they become, at least for me. It's no surprise to me that the successful folks use it, a study of most great Military Commanders would reveal a tendency to practice some daily form of it. They generally allude to it in their biographies, and most of the modern ones, Including Patton, MacArthur, Eisenhower, Beckworth, and Schwarzkauf. All have been proponents of the practice and have mentored their subordinates in it. BTW Gen Patton was also a vocal proponent of cold showers as well, not for the thermogenic metabolic effects, (like fat loss) his was about the clear thinking state you have when you come out of the shower.

    Jen - Have a great trip and lots o fun.

    Heron - You already know more than I do about preparing Hog's heads. Do Enjoy!

    Susan - You'll get the hang of it. Keep rollin'!
    John! Why must you keep holding me accountable for the things that I say I'm going to do?? "...not only in diet, but all areas of life." Everyone knows that I'm full of it. I didn't even make up that tagline, Jake and Zach did when they started the show. I just thought it was catchy so I kept it.

    Okay, you're probably right. We should really do something about a different area of life. I do like the meditation idea it's something I really, really, really need to consider. I want to make the most out of downtime and I bet there are a lot of other people like me and Heron that don't know how to slow down and spend a few minutes very effectively in meditation. It drives me nuts to even try. That would be a great show focus! Thx

    Because Carol I know you well enough to know that
    1. you lead from the front.
    2. If you say it you mean it.
    3. That a powerful tool like that in your capable hands and head. Will make us all better us's.

  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    GLUTTONOUS DAY TODAY! And it was glorious! I indulged in several sinful things and I enjoyed every bit of it. Too much of everything. Whole30 turned into Whole19. But that is okay. I enjoyed spirits with friends and some yummy food (and some dessert that just made me sick really) but all that said, I am back to whole foods tomorrow.

    Okay Kim, now you have me very interested in meditation. I have never been able to do it but I was always just making a feeble attempt on my own. That app sounds perfect. I could use some focus in my life right now.

    Thank you John. I appreciate the vote of confidence. I will for sure be putting together a meditation show soon. Not sure how soon I can realistically start practicing it, though. But I will try.

    Jen - Have SO much fun in Arizona. I am excited to see your NORB pics!

    Susan - I know what you mean about the boredom with the foods. But you can troll the carb nite facebook page or websites and find a ton of options. "meatloaf" muffins are a yummy one.

    Have a great holiday weekend everyone!
  • jenniferyounginillinois
    jenniferyounginillinois Posts: 535 Member
    What a wonderful afternoon. Flight here, eh.... Got to meet the creator of the NORB who I already knew was awesome from having her on my live show. She somehow knew who I was in the airport. Wonder what gave me away. ;)

    Carol, sinful night for me as well, topped off with the bestest dessert created, tiramisu. Sometimes you just gotta do #vacationeating. :smile:

    Being still on Illinois time, I should have been in bed HOURS ago. Heck, it's Saturday at home now.

    Ok, time for this ol' girl to call it a night. Nighty night from somewhere in the desert. :tired_face::sleepy: :
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Happy Saturday Folks! Heading out to have Breakie at Whole Foods w Dan. Have a great day Folks!

  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    Carol, sounds like a fun day! Get the Headspace app. The thirty day lesson is great ( and helped me discover 10 mins too little, 20 too long, 15 perfect) he takes you through different methods. Then switch to the calm 28 day intro. There's 60 days of free training. I found I just had to do it first thing. I pushed bedtime earlier 15 minutes. Got up 15 minutes earlier while house is quiet. I now love the morning quiet before everything starts getting crazy. I need it.

    Thanks for everyone's nice notes yesterday about the 2lb or so scale drop.....unfortunately that's just getting me back to pre-KY Detby/Vegas trips weight. While I didn't eat crazy, I was drinking and could tell I was really inflamed and bloated upon return. Still a few tenth of a pound over my lowest. Well I was yesterday. Gave a pint of blood yesterday afternoon so got rid of that.

    But well we're at it, not sure if I ever shared the " before" here. Left Feb 2008. Right Memorial Day 2008. srb01a1x4its.jpg
  • jenniferyounginillinois
    jenniferyounginillinois Posts: 535 Member
    Good morning!!! Where the heck am I? Oh right, the desert. Hehehe..... Time to get up and figure out what I'm doing today.
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Gonna Be a great Fat2FitHQ Podcast Tough Mudder come on and live the Dream!
  • jenniferyounginillinois
    jenniferyounginillinois Posts: 535 Member
    Hmrjmr1 wrote: »
    Gonna Be a great Fat2FitHQ Podcast Tough Mudder come on and live the Dream!

    You guys having the podcast this weekend?