New to MFP, arthritis, and Volumetrics

mamamiau Posts: 36 Member
Hi, all. I'm 67 at this writing. I joined MFP about a week ago and have really enjoyed tracking my meals and weight online. I have, ideally, about 100 pounds to lose. At minimum, I need to lose about 30 so my doctors can re-evaluate the need for a knee replacement!

To lose the weight, I'm following the principles of Volumetrics and that seems to be working well for me after about a month.

Because of the arthritis, I can't do weight-bearing exercise right now, not even fitness walking. I can use a stationary bike or one of those portable "cycling" thingies (BO-ring,) or I can swim. We have a small pool on the premises, good for water exercise but not laps.

I'm just beginning to think about joining the Y or a gym but approaching that cautiously since (like many of us here, I imagine) I'm on a fixed income.

Looking forward to see what the rest of you are doing to improve not only weight, but overall fitness.


  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Welcome. I don't know what Volumetrics are? Can you explain.

    Understand about not being able to do certain exercising, but ... there are options you mentioned and others (like the recumbent ellipticals, too).

    Have you checked to see if you Supplemental Health Insurance has Silver Sneakers or some other plan like that. Silver Sneakers offers free memberships to places that accept Silver Sneakers and, if traveling, you can use it anywhere that accepts Silver Sneakers. I don't qualify yet but at my fitness center (community center), if it weren't for Silver Sneakers, no one would even be there during the day! At my center Silver Sneakers gets you everything a full membership does -- fitness center, track, gymnasium, and pools. They even have lots of fitness classes (water aerobics, etc) JUST for Silver Sneaker members.

    This is a great group of people. All encouragement, no judgement! You will like it here.


  • mamamiau
    mamamiau Posts: 36 Member
    Hello! Thanks for the reminder about Silver Sneakers. I need to look into that.

    Volumetrics refers to an "eating plan" as opposed to a diet,* based on retraining yourself to recognize satiety and to achieve it by increasing water content and fiber and limiting simple sugars and oils in what you eat. Nothing is forbidden, and you do still count calories, but you end up eating more volume for the same or fewer calories. Lots of fruit, veggies, soup, salad, etc.

    *Even though the word "diet" appears in the latest book:
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    I second the idea about SS. I do have it, and it makes going to the fitness center affordable, since it is free with the insurance :). I do a variety of classes so I don't get bored, there are times of day when only SS members are in the gym area with treadmills, bikes etc. So you are not having to look at 20-30 yr olds, that keeps me motivated.

    Swimming is an excellent way to lose without hurting your knees.

    Good luck with your health and eating plan.

    Join in our chats for motivation, support and fun :)
  • mamamiau
    mamamiau Posts: 36 Member
    I got back in the pool yesterday after many years for a bit of water calisthenics and about 5 minutes of (non-continuous) swimming. It felt wonderful!

    I definitely need to check re: SS. Will try to do that today since I will be doing chores at home.
  • mamamiau
    mamamiau Posts: 36 Member
    I got back in the pool yesterday after many years for a bit of water calisthenics and about 5 minutes of (non-continuous) swimming. It felt wonderful!

    I definitely need to check re: SS. Will try to do that today since I will be doing chores at home.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    mamamiau, good for you. Just add a few mins. each day, and you'll be doing a good calorie burning routine very shortly.
  • mamamiau
    mamamiau Posts: 36 Member
    Thanks, @retirehappy! I kept going longer today because it just felt so good.

    @grandmothercharlie, I found out my insurance doesn't include Silver Sneakers BUT they do have an arrangement with the Y which provides discounted monthly membership. So I'll be looking into that.

    Off now to skim through the chat threads.
  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 549 Member
    @mamamiau Welcome to the group. It's positive and a boon to us. Good to hear you've found a guide to nutritious eating that works for you.
    What worked for me was adding length of time for movement, just as you are doing. As time passed, and fitness level improved, I could do more, and began feeling much better. Much of the time we don't have gym access, so I use several apps to guide me through low impact exercise routines. The ladies have been a tremendous help in recommending fitness methods.
  • mamamiau
    mamamiau Posts: 36 Member
    I think I actually overdid it yesterday! Today is a day off but if I ger back in time from my sister's place I may fit in a little pool time anyway.