May 18th to May 24th weekly goals

barbhat13 Posts: 725 Member
1. Swim twice...pool and open water
2. Eat only at table or back yard swing
3. Log 100%
4. Under net calories 100%
5. Start training log..
6. Lose 2 pounds


  • classysassy4ever70
    classysassy4ever70 Posts: 765 Member

    This week's Goals
    1) Drink 10/8oz of water - 7x
    2) Exercise (Cross Train) - 3x
    3) Walk 12,500 steps = 5miles for me - 5x
    4) Make menu for the week - doing it on a daily basis the night before
    5) Keep tracking/logging
    6) Smile and be positive! B)

    Have a great week everyone! ✰
  • freyjac
    freyjac Posts: 205 Member
    Well I didn't do so well with my goals last week. I only did 13 miles instead of the 18-20 i have been wanting to do. I am pretty sure i didn't get enough water or sleep. I did do a new kettlebell workout once last week but then i couldn't move the rest of the week. I went up in weight but I am thinking i had too much sodium because i went up 4 pounds which i don't think i should have. Today I weighed myself again and i was down 2 from that 4 pound increase.

    So this week I need to push it hard because i was so close to be at my goal for this challenge then I went up again. I am hoping this week to be able to get back to my goal. I will also be getting my daughter more active. One of her favorite dresses wouldn't zip up this week and she was very upset. So I am going to do my best to get her eating healthier and getting more active. Hopefully getting her into better habits before she goes off to school in the fall. For Her I am sure it is probably stress in trying to get the last few things done and passed before her hs grad. I personally think she still looks good. She isn't fat by any means. So I told er she just needs to make some better food choices. Hopefully that will help.

    My goals this week
    1) "last chance workout" week 1 final push to get to my goal by Sunday.
    2)drink plenty of water
    3)eat more fruits and veggies
    4)run/walk 18-20 miles.
    5)Ketttle bells 2x this week
  • barbhat13
    barbhat13 Posts: 725 Member
    That's right! Last chance workout week
  • JreedyJanelle
    JreedyJanelle Posts: 645 Member
    I hit my goal and then some.! I had an arm lift and that took off some weight. I haven't been cleared for more than just walking right now and I miss my workouts, although I am still recovering from the surgery.

    This week's goals are to
    1. get that water in.
    2. walk walk walk, (raining and will have to walk inside.) yuck.
    3. remember to eat, for some reason I am just not hungry.
  • MonicaA2013
    MonicaA2013 Posts: 753 Member
    Well last week i got my tubal ligation done. All is good to date. Still have another week of recovery before i can get back to normal.So my goals will be weak but still something to strive for,,,LOL.

    This weeks goals Are ....

    1) Drink my water 64oz+
    2) Start back into my routine slowly
    3) WALK WALK WALK the more i do the quicker i heal.
    4) Stay within my calorie goal
  • barbhat13
    barbhat13 Posts: 725 Member
    Open water swim tonight....... Made it a mile in choppy water!
  • CumberlandGrammy
    CumberlandGrammy Posts: 331 Member
    Awesome swim, barbhat! bet that was quite a workout!
  • barbhat13
    barbhat13 Posts: 725 Member
    Awesome swim, barbhat! bet that was quite a workout!

    A great workout! And took post swim carb snack to ward off starving craving.... Did the job! Dried apricots walnuts Jammie Sammie {pb snack): and body armor fruit drink. Lots of vwater too.
  • barbhat13
    barbhat13 Posts: 725 Member
    Aggghh. Crash and crave after tough 12hr work shift....crashed in big chair and ate till craving over....gotta plan better But even tho embarrassing, logged in all food.. Which were healthy carbs but lots! No being under net calories yesterday. So two more 12 hr shifts coming up...better planning
  • classysassy4ever70
    classysassy4ever70 Posts: 765 Member
    I have been sick for a few days and all I wanted was comfort food. I gained 2.5 pounds this week. I hope I can drop this by next week. But I did great over all on this challenge!

    Thanks for the support! :)
  • barbhat13
    barbhat13 Posts: 725 Member
    My new favorite weekly workout.
    Open water swimming!