Chat and Accountability May 24- May 30

Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
Guys Opening this up a little early cause I am looking for opinions on the following: This is a speech I've written for a fellow Military Retiree to give on Monday at three different Ceremonies. I am interested in knowing what you all think Thanks

Good Morning, I hope this Memorial Day is kind to you as it has been to me. I want to thank _____________________ for asking me to talk to you today. It was both my honor and privilege to serve our great nation in the United States Air Force for more than 20 years. I served during the Vietnam War, and the Cold War. You cannot serve our nation for that period of time without losing a friend and comrade to the fates of war time service. The price of our liberty is the loss of these friends the concept is well understood by us, we know and accept it. The pact we made to them thru our service together is that we would not forget them.
Since our nations inception in 1775 the Total American Combat Deaths from all Wars combined are 666,440 if you add the Non Combat War Zone Deaths it rises to 1.3 million, (1,354,664) to be as exact as is possible. In the Scheme of things we have been comparatively fortunate compared to the other great powers of our time. We have lost fewer in all our wars combined than either the British, French, or Germans lost individually in World War I. Do not misunderstand me here, I mention this not to minimize the cost of our Freedom, but to extol one of our natural blessings of having two oceans between us and much of the rest of the world during so many troubled times.
I mention it; because so much has been secured for us by so few. I look at our freedom as a value that these men and women have secured for us. When only three tenths of one percent of our population has done so much for the other ninety nine point seven percent I am surprised that, in a capitalist nation like ours, we don’t honor that value delivered even more throughout the year.
No I mention it because so many folks take time today to offer thanks to guys like me. I am here to tell you that such kind words, while always great to hear, are misdirected today. This is not my day. Today is about those who gave the full measure of their devotion to secure our liberty. It doesn’t take hearing from me to honor them. No I think if you want to truly honor them, than on this weekend next year get a 5 inch by 7 inch flag gather your children and or grandchildren and on Saturday, go to any Cemetery in your county. Wander around and look for either the military gravestone or a Civilian one that identifies their service. Write the name down, his dates and post the flag to the right side of the stone as you face it. Go home and have your children search the internet for that service member. See what you can find out about him or her. Then on Monday, at noon, observe a moment of silence and discuss him with your gathered family. By doing so, you will have upheld all that he did and all that he worked and died for, by the simple act of remembering him. Thank you and God Bless you God Bless all who have given so much and may God Continue to bless our great nation.



  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    Well written John.

    Happy Sunday all.
  • jenniferyounginillinois
    jenniferyounginillinois Posts: 535 Member
    Happy Sunday everybody. Last full day in Arizona. Kinda want to stay for the week but guessing my boss might have a bit of an issue with that. :smile: Oh well. Another fab day on the horizon. Need to find a good breakfast place.
    Have a great day!!!
    John, wonderful speech and I want to thank you for all you've done in serving our country.
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    edited May 2015
    Happy Sunday Folks!
    Thanks Kim and Jen
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    "...we don’t honor that value delivered even more throughout the year."
    I know you're saying that wasn't the point, but I feel that we should John!

    "today is a day for those that gave the full measure of their devotion.."

    It's a great speech John! Wish I was there to hear it live.all three of those organizations are wise to get you to speak.

    Happy Sunday all!!
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Well its the first Monday of the week. Hope all is well with all of you.

    Carol - My Friend Bill Helms will be giving the speech. I'm not a good orator.

    Jen - Safe Travels Home.

    Enjoy the Day folks.
  • jenniferyounginillinois
    jenniferyounginillinois Posts: 535 Member
    Good morning everybody. Another 'successful' groping courtesy of the TSA. Today we remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice to keep our country free. It's a shame hat so many freedoms that were fought for have been lost, all in the name of 'security'.

    Today I'm restarting my Whole30 journey. Jen's Jaunts will be starting this week as well. No way is Carol going to show me up in Vegas!!!! :tongue:

    Have a wonderful day everybody.
  • kris3b
    kris3b Posts: 321 Member
    Jen, I haven't been groped going through security since a flight right after 9/11. My last four flights I came up as pre-check. My coworkers think I "know somebody" but I say it just means I am destined for a cavity search soon.

    I'm BACK! Now, how can I lose 40 pounds in a month??? Yep, I gained around 15 pounds since I was on here. I am NOT giving up.
  • jenniferyounginillinois
    jenniferyounginillinois Posts: 535 Member
    edited May 2015
    kris3b wrote: »
    Jen, I haven't been groped going through security since a flight right after 9/11. My last four flights I came up as pre-check. My coworkers think I "know somebody" but I say it just means I am destined for a cavity search soon.

    I'm BACK! Now, how can I lose 40 pounds in a month??? Yep, I gained around 15 pounds since I was on here. I am NOT giving up.

    Well lucky you Kris! I refuse to go through the body scanners, which is why I always have 'date' at the airport now! :wink: :love:

    We're not going to let you give up!!!! Hey, if Carol and crew didn't kick ME out of here, I'm quite sure you're safe. :) We got this, right????

  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    kris3b wrote: »
    Jen, I haven't been groped going through security since a flight right after 9/11. My last four flights I came up as pre-check. My coworkers think I "know somebody" but I say it just means I am destined for a cavity search soon.

    I'm BACK! Now, how can I lose 40 pounds in a month??? Yep, I gained around 15 pounds since I was on here. I am NOT giving up.

    SOOOOOO great to have you back Kris!! I remember what a source of inspiration you were to me back in my Sparkpeople days. And look at us, still at it. Chica, if we have anything it's stamina!! And that's all it take. A desire to not give up. And just by being here, you'll help us all stay or get back on track.

    Jen: thanks for keeping us in the Kris loop!!

  • jenniferyounginillinois
    jenniferyounginillinois Posts: 535 Member
    Good morning everybody. I am all out of sorts. Crazy two hour time difference already wreaking havoc with me. But hey, gotta get back to the regular routine. Getting ready for work.
    WAKE UP EVERYBODY!!!! :tongue:
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Happy Tuesday Folks! Well after doing the Modified Murph WOD Yesterday, and then a 5k walk last evening, figured my HRV would be in the tank this morning, especially since my arms feel like they are going to fall off at the shoulder and that to get rid of the sore lumps where my Bi's and Tri's used to be it would be welcome. Despite all that got a readiness reading of 8 with a green flag. WTF? on that one. Train Hard it says, Jeeez! Not gonna Happen.

    Jen Welcome Home should clear up fairly soon. Have a great day and an early night.

    Kris - Welcome Home. 40 in a month probably not a wise goal. You gonna hook up with Gun Runners and do Vegas?

    Well have a great day folks, I'll be working through Saturday so today is my first Monday of the week since yesterday was a holiday.
  • sbuzzard24
    sbuzzard24 Posts: 22 Member
    Good Tuesday morning!! Great speech, John... I saw several people were differentiating between Veterans Day and Memorial Day, very well said!

    Carb Nite-- So, I "had" to take my carb nite a little early, only 6 days in (my husband is a pastor and in an effort to not offend people...sometimes it is just eaiser to eat...). I am still down a pound so the week was not wasted. I restarted on Sunday and will not carbnite again until (June 2) my 14th wedding anniversary/daughters 1st birthday (yes, I spent my 13th anniversary having a Csection last year!!). It is getting eaiser, food choices more obvious... If I am down 5lbs by my next carbnite I will have made pre-baby weight by her 1st birthday, which is my goal.

    Kris-- If you lose 40 lbs this month you will probably gain 50 next... never wise to lose more than 2lbs. a week (on average)... Slow and steady wins the race!! :)
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    Kim, Great progress pictures! Its not a "before/after" but a before/during" It still showed how far you have come even though you still have more to go to reach your goal.

    John, I read your speech and it is very well written. I feel that it is a perfect length.

    Kris, sorry about your gain, :/ a few of us had gained weight (me included) and hopefully which each slide, we learn what not to do and perseverance always wins!

    I'm currently eating on a set of new macros set by Christin, It is easier than I thought it would be and I don't feel hungry or full. Bummed that I cant eat more when I was presented with a gorgeous fatty perfectly smoked brisket.. :'( But that's the little piggy in me.
    I don't know if I've lost any weight yet, till after my cycle so we'll see!!
    Picked up our half pig yesterday and it fit in my freezer! yay. However, no head! WTF?! I'm still waiting on a reply from the farm, since the hamging weight includes the head.
    Today I'm making Chicharrones, first time ever. Arturo is happy about that lol.

    All of my fosters including the puppy are "officially" adopted! All The paperwork has been signed. Puppy is going home today to a great family with a pool so that will really help with his rehab.
    Bravo is leaving on 6/3 and Carly on 6/13 and Arturo is treating me to a day in SF after all the fosters are gone! Then we'll see if I have the will to foster right after that or take a short break.

    Susan, Congrats!

  • imabizzybee
    imabizzybee Posts: 123 Member

    Today I'm restarting my Whole30 journey. Jen's Jaunts will be starting this week as well. No way is Carol going to show me up in Vegas!!!! :tongue:
    Jen, my Whole 30 reboot started this morning (Tuesday). I'll join you in the jaunting as well.

    This time on the Whole 30 I'm going to focus on fat and try to keep carbs quite low. I liked the 12 days I did early in May, but sure enjoyed the fruit a bit too much. I'm shooting for at least 60% fat and to try to keep the net carbs (carbs - fiber) to under 40 grams. I made some fat bombs with ghee rather than full butter, so they are compliant. I had veggie smoothie and a fat bomb for breakfast at 7:30, and just now ate a bit of lunch at 2:30 because it seemed like I should rather than because I was really hungry. I like that!
  • jenniferyounginillinois
    jenniferyounginillinois Posts: 535 Member
    edited May 2015

    Today I'm restarting my Whole30 journey. Jen's Jaunts will be starting this week as well. No way is Carol going to show me up in Vegas!!!! :tongue:
    Jen, my Whole 30 reboot started this morning (Tuesday). I'll join you in the jaunting as well.

    This time on the Whole 30 I'm going to focus on fat and try to keep carbs quite low. I liked the 12 days I did early in May, but sure enjoyed the fruit a bit too much. I'm shooting for at least 60% fat and to try to keep the net carbs (carbs - fiber) to under 40 grams. I made some fat bombs with ghee rather than full butter, so they are compliant. I had veggie smoothie and a fat bomb for breakfast at 7:30, and just now ate a bit of lunch at 2:30 because it seemed like I should rather than because I was really hungry. I like that!

    YAY Cynthia!!! BTW, today I started as well. I messed up yesterday as I wasn't completely 'with it' after my flight. :tired_face: So today is Day 1 for me as well. Let's Whole30 and jaunt together.

    I'm going to go get some ghee after work and see what it's all about. Also taking some suggestions from Kim and Heron regarding meat. Going to do my best to find only organic and grass fed and see how that works with my gi system. Also going to do my best to limit the fruit intake, since I can be a fruitaholic, especially when I'm giving up sugary treats. So a lot to focus on. Will be reading Carol's Whole30 emails again as well to help.

  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    WTG Cynthia and Jen Roll on it!

    Thanks all for the comments on the speech, I do not deliver them I just write them for my past American Legion Commander Bill. He is a very good speaker and delivers them well.

    Heron good o on the Fosters! Have fun in SF!

    OK Dokay here are some pics from the Murph WOD yesterday, Susan said she likes to get a good sweat on, so do I... The one in the middle is half way through. The one with the Ruck is heading out the door to do the 2nd mile. The two on the bottom say all I need to say.
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    Jen, its not just "organic" The feed can be organic but the animals are still raised in a high stress environment and thus affect the meat as well. I would rather buy pastured meat that doesn't use certified organic feed than buy certified organic meat, because if a farmer is raising his animals on a pasture chances are he is anti monsanto lol Try this link
    Also check out search for paleo/sustainability and join like minded people, they probably buy pastured meat or at the very least are interested in it to go in on a share with you if you don't have the space for a lot of meat.

    Cynthia, can you use coconut oil for whole30? There are so many awesome low carb coconut oil fat bombs..And yep, high fat food is very satiating. Love your new macros.

    The puppy was picked up by his new mom and dad. It was bittersweet for me.. He is a really good puppy!! He was scared to be in a big truck so high off the ground the first time so we had to put him on the wife's lap for the ride back. As they were pulling away, she rolled down the window to say good bye and he started crying and I saw he panicking as the wife tried to hold him down. I ran back into the house so he won't see me and hopefully will settle down quicker. I feel sad but I know he will bounce back, I wish I could tell him that he wasn't getting abandon again and that he is about to embark on a new life! There are a few special fosters that holds a special place in my heart and he is one of them. He just have this tender sweetness to him that is hard to describe but if you were to hold him in your arms you'll totally get it. ;) The old me would have buy a king size bag of reese's, open a bottle of wine and cry while Arturo looks on helplessly LMAO The new me can now rationalize what emotional eating is. This would be considered as a NSV?
  • jenniferyounginillinois
    jenniferyounginillinois Posts: 535 Member
    heronh wrote: »
    Jen, its not just "organic" The feed can be organic but the animals are still raised in a high stress environment and thus affect the meat as well. I would rather buy pastured meat that doesn't use certified organic feed than buy certified organic meat, because if a farmer is raising his animals on a pasture chances are he is anti monsanto lol Try this link
    Also check out search for paleo/sustainability and join like minded people, they probably buy pastured meat or at the very least are interested in it to go in on a share with you if you don't have the space for a lot of meat.

    I apparently left off the 'pastured' part. I'm doing my best. We have local farmers that sell at the farmers market, so I'll be checking with them this weekend to see how their animals are raised. I'll check out the link as well. Thanks so much.

    So happy your foster pups have new forever homes now but I'm sure it's difficult for you. Yes, I would consider not eating a big bag of Reese cups and drinking a bottle of wine a NSV.
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    Jen, that is great that you have easy access to good meat. Didn't mean to get all technical with the wording. It's just that I'm seeing a trend of companies putting "organic" on products and overcharging things!
    Let us know if you feel a difference eating pastured meat. I'm very curious :smile:
  • jenniferyounginillinois
    jenniferyounginillinois Posts: 535 Member
    heronh wrote: »
    Jen, that is great that you have easy access to good meat. Didn't mean to get all technical with the wording. It's just that I'm seeing a trend of companies putting "organic" on products and overcharging things!
    Let us know if you feel a difference eating pastured meat. I'm very curious :smile:

    No worries Heron. I'm still learning. :smile: