Chat and Accountability May 24- May 30



  • jenniferyounginillinois
    jenniferyounginillinois Posts: 535 Member
    Good morning everybody. Phew! Slept through my alarm this morning. Heck, I think I slept more than 8 hours last night, straight through! :tired_face:
    It's Wednesday. That is all...
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Happy Wednesday Folks! Got a Good Tabata session in on The Exer Bike, HRV was showing 7 and a green flag so with arms still pretty sore figured it was a good day for HIIT. Hoping the soreness is clear by Fri so I can get a heavy lift day in this week. If not no worries Sunday will be here before ya know it.

    8 hrs is a good thing Jen. :)
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    Yay! Jen! On the sleep. It just hit me yesterday that part of your issue with meat could be due to not eating in much and having lost the digestive enzymes needed to digest it. I can't remember if you said you'd given it up for awhile and then it started bothering you. If that's the case, they will return. Many folks who move from vegan/vegetarian back to omnivore will initially have these issues. Which clear up ...and then they feel great. I know there are supplements you can take in the short term. But I think focusing on good quality meat for a bit should fix you right up.
  • jenniferyounginillinois
    jenniferyounginillinois Posts: 535 Member
    Yay! Jen! On the sleep. It just hit me yesterday that part of your issue with meat could be due to not eating in much and having lost the digestive enzymes needed to digest it. I can't remember if you said you'd given it up for awhile and then it started bothering you. If that's the case, they will return. Many folks who move from vegan/vegetarian back to omnivore will initially have these issues. Which clear up ...and then they feel great. I know there are supplements you can take in the short term. But I think focusing on good quality meat for a bit should fix you right up.

    Well Kim, that's what happens when I need that 'recovery time' from being away (remember, I don't travel as much as you). As for the meat, I hadn't really been 'off of it' for that long (maybe a few weeks). Not having a gall bladder anymore, I was told that high fat foods could cause some issues. Most of the meat I would buy at home was lower fat but of course you never know when you're going out to eat. I'm trying to keep track now of what happens when I eat certain things so that I have a better history of when problems occur. Day 2 of Whole30 and going to do my best to make it through this time. :smile:

    Again, thanks for all of your tips and suggestions. That's why I'm here. :smile:
  • kris3b
    kris3b Posts: 321 Member
    I need to start by thanking all of you for the warm welcome back. I sure missed all of you. This is such a fantastic group and I am thankful for all of you. I need to remember it when I am struggling and beating myself up over my self-perceived imperfections on the health and life front. I just hate showing my weakness. Poor Jen has had to listen to it through my downer emails! Now I will spread the "joy" to all of you, but you're not off the hook Jen. haha

    John, Sorry that I missed your beautiful post. It was lovely. Way to go on that workout!!! Love the saying on your sweaty shirt:) As for the TM, not sure. I know I won’t be able to do it since surgery will probably be around that time, but perhaps I can make it. Yesterday, in our weekly work meeting, they discussed all of the upcoming school conferences and they have a bunch of them planned. I should see if there is a show in VEGAS at the same time. Knock out two birds with one stone. Way to go kicking butt in Chicago (or was it Wisonsin??? That was funny to me).

    Carol, Thanks sweet lady. I was thinking of you last night. How are you doing down there in Texas??? Thoughts and prayers going out to you and your fellow Texans.

    Jen, NO NO NO! You are leaving me as the only vegetarian in this meat-loving group??? Just kidding. Wishing you the best with giving it a go. I will say that awhile back, before the boyfriend and I gave it up, we went organic/grass fed and my body was much happier. I still believe my allergies to meats were linked to my antibiotic allergies. They pump so much into those animals. Kind of on the subject, but yesterday there was a work birthday lunch at a Chinese buffet (YUCK to all things buffet) and there was a clam bake on the TV and I was upset about the poor live lobsters being thrown on the coals. Everybody was laughing at me. It took me back to my early childhood going out to Cape Cod on family vacations. The tide would go out and I would spend the entire morning trying to “save” the lobsters and crabs by collecting them and putting them into little water ponds. I wasn’t the brightest child since they could obviously crawl to the water. LOL It is my destiny to go vegan, BUT my body would be far happier with meat. Never know, I could go back to it.

    Heron, (((HUGS))) and bless you for your fostering. You are doing a wonderful thing. I can imagine how tough it is. Proud of you for the NSV! Something tells me a new pup will be entering your home soon. The boyfriend and I have talked about fostering, but our cat is old and we want him to remain king of the castle, with little stress in his remaining time.

    Susan, Hi! A belated welcome to you! Haha on the 50 pounds. That would SO be me. I will do it the healthy way along with clicking my heels together in hopes of the 40 magically disappearing. Here’s to you reaching that goal soon! Woohoo:)

    Kim and Cynthia, I see you ladies are going strong as ever. Nice:)

    Yesterday was pretty good, despite the buffet. Limited my choices and felt pretty good about it. No cheese and my body is already happier. I would like to say that the yesterday’s nighttime munchies were conquered because of my strong will power, but I was simply too tired to eat and passed out a little after 7pm. Slept through the night. My body needed it. Tonight a workout is happening!
  • sbuzzard24
    sbuzzard24 Posts: 22 Member
    John... I LOVE THE MURPH!!! I do it (mini, mid, full) with my aerobics classes, such a great workout, such a great tribute. I have tried to convince our AFJROTC to do it here at my high school but they think it is too difficult for their cadets... CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT!?!?!? They drive me nuts!! I'm going to a new kettle bell class tonight... I'm excited to learn some new moves.

    Carb Nite... Dinner last night was so filling that I only half wanted to kill my husband when he busted out Ben and Jerry's afterwards! I have been (as a health educator) so brainwashed by the government food guidelines, I am enjoying how full fat makes me feel!! I will admit... this type of stuff makes it very difficult to teach the set curriculum... "choose my plate" and such... I find myself constantly telling my students, "there is not perfect diet for EVERYONE, EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT!!!" UGH.

    Jen... the BEST part of Whole30 for me is the sleep... I sleep soooooo good (when there isn't a crazy baby waking me at 1am).
  • jenniferyounginillinois
    jenniferyounginillinois Posts: 535 Member
    kris3b wrote: »
    I need to start by thanking all of you for the warm welcome back. I sure missed all of you. This is such a fantastic group and I am thankful for all of you. I need to remember it when I am struggling and beating myself up over my self-perceived imperfections on the health and life front. I just hate showing my weakness. Poor Jen has had to listen to it through my downer emails! Now I will spread the "joy" to all of you, but you're not off the hook Jen. haha

    John, Sorry that I missed your beautiful post. It was lovely. Way to go on that workout!!! Love the saying on your sweaty shirt:) As for the TM, not sure. I know I won’t be able to do it since surgery will probably be around that time, but perhaps I can make it. Yesterday, in our weekly work meeting, they discussed all of the upcoming school conferences and they have a bunch of them planned. I should see if there is a show in VEGAS at the same time. Knock out two birds with one stone. Way to go kicking butt in Chicago (or was it Wisonsin??? That was funny to me).

    Jen, NO NO NO! You are leaving me as the only vegetarian in this meat-loving group??? Just kidding. Wishing you the best with giving it a go. I will say that awhile back, before the boyfriend and I gave it up, we went organic/grass fed and my body was much happier. I still believe my allergies to meats were linked to my antibiotic allergies. They pump so much into those animals. Kind of on the subject, but yesterday there was a work birthday lunch at a Chinese buffet (YUCK to all things buffet) and there was a clam bake on the TV and I was upset about the poor live lobsters being thrown on the coals. Everybody was laughing at me. It took me back to my early childhood going out to Cape Cod on family vacations. The tide would go out and I would spend the entire morning trying to “save” the lobsters and crabs by collecting them and putting them into little water ponds. I wasn’t the brightest child since they could obviously crawl to the water. LOL It is my destiny to go vegan, BUT my body would be far happier with meat. Never know, I could go back to it.

    Yesterday was pretty good, despite the buffet. Limited my choices and felt pretty good about it. No cheese and my body is already happier. I would like to say that the yesterday’s nighttime munchies were conquered because of my strong will power, but I was simply too tired to eat and passed out a little after 7pm. Slept through the night. My body needed it. Tonight a workout is happening!

    KRIS!!!! Yes I'm still eating meat. Remember though, I was still eating fish so wasn't vegetarian or vegan. :wink: Yo can continue to send me those 'happy' emails anytime you need to. You know I'm here for ya! Don't talk to me about buffets. I used to go to them all the time! I avoid them now because basically nothing there works well with my system. Ooooo, we would LOVE you coming to Vegas!!! I'm sure you would be a better spectator/supporter than I was in Chicago/Wisconsin (poor Carol, John, Jake & Mike).
    I loved your story about trying to safe the lobsters and crabs. Awwwww, now cute. :smile:
  • jenniferyounginillinois
    jenniferyounginillinois Posts: 535 Member
    sbuzzard24 wrote: »
    John... I LOVE THE MURPH!!! I do it (mini, mid, full) with my aerobics classes, such a great workout, such a great tribute. I have tried to convince our AFJROTC to do it here at my high school but they think it is too difficult for their cadets... CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT!?!?!? They drive me nuts!! I'm going to a new kettle bell class tonight... I'm excited to learn some new moves.

    Carb Nite... Dinner last night was so filling that I only half wanted to kill my husband when he busted out Ben and Jerry's afterwards! I have been (as a health educator) so brainwashed by the government food guidelines, I am enjoying how full fat makes me feel!! I will admit... this type of stuff makes it very difficult to teach the set curriculum... "choose my plate" and such... I find myself constantly telling my students, "there is not perfect diet for EVERYONE, EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT!!!" UGH.

    Jen... the BEST part of Whole30 for me is the sleep... I sleep soooooo good (when there isn't a crazy baby waking me at 1am).

    Susan, at least you have a reason for your sleep issues. :wink:
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    Jen: we couldn't ask for a better supporter in Chicago! You just hush about that!

    Heron, I'm not a huge animal person but I almost cried when I read your description of that puppy driving away. What a wonderful thing you do by fostering these babies.

    Susan, I can totally relate to your dilemma at school. My girlfriend, Caroline, is the nurse at my children's elementary where I used to work. We have both acted as "healthy lifestyles coaches" for the campus this year. The My Plate initiatives are killing us! But we've had a lot of success, or she has, implementing programs that have kids eating more vegetables and getting activity in their lives. We work closely with our fabulous health fitness teachers. Just keep encouraging those kiddos to make better choices. Those kids are so lucky to have you!

    As for me, I'm pretty darn pleased with things lately. This last whole30 turned into a whole 20 but it still gave me a chance to take a break from the scale, yet again. I wish I would've done this earlier in my life. My clothes fit better so why do I need to scale? I'm back to the whole 30ish way of eating. But I know I'm going to put "life into living" here & there. And I'm not real worried about it. I have one more masters class that starts next week and goes five weeks and I finally am done! This last one is a big one, I have to compile all my research and write everything and get all of my logs and everything turned in. This on top of some consulting jobs I have this summer, a summer camp that I'm helping to teach, a conference that I have in California, and summer staff development for the teachers. Oh and those kids I'm trying to raise. Those guys are going to raise themselves even though they try. But I have to say, that eating better has been what has saved me.
    I don't want to be on a whole 30 as a lifestyle. I don't think it's meant to be a lifestyle, it's a learning tool – Dallas Hartwig just put out a post about that. But I'm not sure what I want to add back. I don't really miss anything all that much.

    Cynthia: I'm still over indulging in fruits and nuts. But I think of myself as kind of fruity and kind of nutty so I'm okay with this.

    Sorry about the long ramble.

    Oh, and we are dry. Some of my friends and family are not so lucky, but everyone is safe. Thanks you guys for worrying about us.

    John and Kim and Chris – I loved reading your updates also!

  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    Water challenge starts June 1!!!
    64oz (or what you know is right for you) per day.
  • jenniferyounginillinois
    jenniferyounginillinois Posts: 535 Member
    Good morning everybody. OMG Carol, you're up EARLY!!! :)

    Water challenge! Yes, I need a challenge. I'm putting an unofficial Jaunt in June with Jen challenge for June as well (similar to Jen's January Jaunt). I completely understand about indulging on fruit. I have always used fruit as a way of weaning myself off of the other sugars. So far, I'm doing better but it's only been two days so far. :smile:

    Well it's Thursday and glad it's been a short week. Another 'long' night of sleep last night so that was good (at least I didn't sleep through the alarm this morning).

    Have a great day everybody! Looks like we all need to break out those water bottles!
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    edited May 2015
    Happy Thursday Folks! No HRV this morning gotta get a new Battery for my strap. Still a bit sore from Murph but all in all feeling pretty good. Slept in a bit this morning so could end up being a rest day. Fitbit wise I'm almost 7K steps ahead on the week so even a very light day will leave me even or still a bit ahead.

    Jen keep the sleep streak going. Dittos on Carols thoughts about Chi TM. You were a fine spectator, dedicated to the team and persevered for us in Limbo land not knowing what we had done. Couldn't ask for better. Plus we managed to learn stuff. So no more self flagellation, ya done good.

    Carol - Glad you and yours are safe. Here is your visualization thought of the day. You gotta full Life Ruck there kiddo but your Power to Weight ratio is damn good, Stay hydrated and frequent short breaks to let the load settle in between shoulders and hips. You're nearly to the crest of wellness ridge. Keep the No gun Handy but good choices means you don't need it as often, but when you do you can draw it quick and sure. You look behind you as your family and friends rise behind you waiting for your signal, you look ahead, and look behind one more time raise you hand and say "Follow ME!"

    Susan - JR ROTC guys can be weinies. I have a couple of JROTC groups that do volunteer work at our hospital as part of their program. Lot a variability in the leadership skills out there. I use Murph in slices as well, Working with a client that is rehabing a new steel knee, Our Goal is to return him to the Referee field this football season. Got him doing a Half Murph for tonight's Work out. Will be interesting to see how he does.

    All righty then have a great day and a better tomorrow, You are were you are cause you put yourself there. Jamm On!
  • jenniferyounginillinois
    jenniferyounginillinois Posts: 535 Member
    Ok John and Carol. I'll stop (as you said John) with the 'self flagellation'). :smile:
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    edited May 2015
    Will response more later but I just want to post this adorable picture to Prometheus kitten adoption season. This picture is all kinds of cute! They are called purritos
  • imabizzybee
    imabizzybee Posts: 123 Member
    Day 3 - so 10% of the way to 30! So far, so good. Since I never eat grains anyway, the biggest change for me is no sugar/no dairy. But ghee is allowed, and so is coconut oil. Fat bombs away! Not going crazy with those, though, since I'm still cautious about calories (old habits die hard). Doing well on my macros. Under 12% total carbs (including the fiber) and over 65% fat for 2 1/2 days now. I feel fine. No "carb flu," and plenty of energy to run in the morning.

    I'm pretty confused about protein. Some sources say you need an absolute minimum of 50 grams, others say take your body weight in pounds x .8 and eat that many grams, and the ketosis people say to keep it pretty low because higher protein amounts will turn to sugar just like carbs do. So, I'm currently shooting for about 50 - 60 grams for the first two weeks and then I will re-evaluate both protein and carbs. Meals would be easier with more protein, and I'd love a piece of fruit every day.

    "Sun tea" brewed with a sprig of fresh mint is lovely this time of year. No hankering for soda at all.

    Carol, you make me laugh with that water challenge. Even in the dead of winter I drink 64 oz before 10 AM. I learned from Tim Ferriss to have 20 oz within 20 minutes of getting up in the morning. Of course, I do pee a LOT! But in the hot weather I drink more and excrete less, of course.

    But then, Tim Ferriss also says have 30 oz of protein within 30 minutes of getting up. Dazed and confused...
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    Another episode of Kim posting someone else's picture. This one belongs to Jason Seib. And since he had tweeted it to me, I feel fine sharing. For all of you fixated on a scale number. His client Deb.

  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    Carol, Ramble away, love reading your posts.Thank you for your kind words. I did cry when I got back into the house not a full blown cry fest but a short, quiet cry. And as predicated, he has adjusted quickly in his new home. So much attention was given to him and with 4 kids he'll have no shortage of playmates. It the best outcome! If a foster misses me and did not transition smoothly, I have made some wrong decision in my fostering duties. I give them just enough love and structure for them to feel safe and wanted but not get too attach to us, however, Its extremely difficult to do that with a puppy :p

    Cynthia, there are a lot of different views on protein and I think it also depends on how efficiently can one process the protein. Sounds like you have a good plan going and like you said adjust it as you go.I used to miss fruits but not so much anymore, you'll get used to certain things.

    Kim, Thanks for posting that picture. Great reminder to us all not to be focus on the scale. I can actually relate to that. Pre CNS days at my lowest ( 168)) I wore a bigger size (12), now I'm smaller (Sz8-10) but weigh a little more -170lb And I wasn't even lifting. its all about losing fat ;)

  • kris3b
    kris3b Posts: 321 Member
    Good evening!

    Carol, Great to hear all is well for you in Texas. Your positive post made me smile. A wonderful healthy attitude. Bravo! Hang in there with all of the school stuff. I swear my freelance teachers were dropping like flies this month due to school chaos. Everyone was doing PARCC testing. I was behind because of it and all of a sudden everyone is ready for work. I can't keep up! Forgot to tell ya. We have a bunch of conferences and one is in Houston (can't remember if it is summer or fall). I will let you know if I am down in your parts.

    Cynthia, I have heard the weight thing for figuring protein, but I have kidney issues that flare up if I am too high in protein. Discovered it while going very high while weight training. Now I just listen to my body. I can tell when I am slacking in that dept.

    Kim, Thanks a bunch for the pic share. I needed it! I have a very muscular build and fixating on the numbers, while comparing it to others, is crazy for me. I am 5'5" and think the lowest weight I got to was 120 and that was with an eating disorder. Although I had bones showing, I could pinch inches and was soft. Then I was into lifting, weight around 140-145, leaner and far healthier. I ate healthy and a LOT. I didn't fret about the cals. A healthy reminder.

    John, WTG on those miles. You are doing fabulous!

    Jen, WOOHOO on sleep. I am in on the Jen's Jaunting:)

    Heron, Awe! Those kitties are precious.

    Me, I only hit 510 cals today, but feel okay about it. Well, I must admit that I had a crazy craving for salt and had a small bag of chips from the vending machine. I never do that. I blame hormones since I was not hungry. Just kind of blah today and very busy. Didn't want to eat. Tonight I did a lower body routine. I LOVE glute bridges. My favorite new move. My tush is very happy and they are helping with the sciatica and running:)
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    11:00 at night and I'm at WALMART!!

    And yes I was up very early this morning. Kim, you're going to kill me I'm sorry. I'm really just sorry for myself.
    I'm just leaving here because both children told me things they needed at the last minute for school tomorrow. I should just let them suffer and go without it but we're in the homestretch and I really want them to have in the school year on a positive note. One of them really needs positive note.

    John, I love the visual. Makes me feel so empowered! Thank you

    Cynthia and Jen,keep rocking your whole 30! Remember, it's not a lifestyle, it's a learning tool. And you guys are great learners!

    Heron: precious kittens!
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    Oh Carol, what city in CA is the conference?