Chat and Accountability May 24- May 30



  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    edited May 2015
    Kris: come see me!! Let me know about your Houston trip as soon as you know!

    Heron: I'll be in Palm Springs. Where are yall in relation to that?

    Kim: 4.5 hours of sleep last night. :(
    I know this is the WORST thing for me. Going to maybe do a sleep challenge too. For real.
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    edited May 2015
    Carol, Yep 4.5 hours is not good. Even worse if it cintinues over time. Stuff happens, we all get the occasional night that circumstances force us into few hours. But honestly, those aren't the nights to focus on. They happen and you move on (and hopefully have both a good sleep foundation before them and can make some of the hours up in the next day or two). It's building that sleep foundation you need to do, so that getting good sleep is a habit on al the other days.

    Jassa method recommends beginning to move your bedtime 15 minutes earlier. Which I like. But I've really been geeking out on Gretchen Rubins work. Her book "Better than before" and her podcast "Happier". Anyway one of her recommendations is to set a bedtime alarm. I love this. I now have an alarm at 8:50pm Sun-Thurs on my watch. It reminds me to start wrapping up the day, do any bedtime rituals. And then easily it's lights out by 9:30.
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    edited May 2015
    Good Morning and Happy Friday Folks! Hope all is well with all of you. From the readings above looks lie a typical slightly dysfunctional moments here or there. No biggie stop what you're doing extend your arms out at your side at shoulder height, Then quick side to side motions moving from the waist, and SHAKE IT OFF! The immediate reaction your body will have will make you smile and release all those good endorphins etc... If you do it in public (like I'm prone to do) You'll do the same for all who observe you. Have some fun go out and play, or better yet just play when you're out.

    Jen and Cynthia Keep it rollin' I read somewhere that gals protein numbers should be on the lower end of the range, as your physiology will roll into gluconeogneisis faster than mine will. Looks like you're finding your handle so good o.

    Kris - 500 cals in a day is not a good thing. Ever. C'mon you can do better.

    Kim and Heron koo-el pics.

    Carol - Sometimes ya gotta do what ya gotta do for the young'ns but just like smokin' its not the now and then it's the habit that kills ya.

    If you want to start a Mediation practice but don't want to sit around cross legged and hands palms up and all that stuff just find a place that is quiet, and practice box breathing for a few minutes at a time. start with say two minutes before a meal, Do 10 Box Breaths, with 4 sec legs, So Breath in for 4, hold it for 4, let it out for 4 and hold it out for 4. 16 sec per breath will be 160 secs or a bit short of 3 min. EZ PZ. Focus on the breaths other thoughts will wander in just let them bounce off the breath,

    have a great day folks!
  • jenniferyounginillinois
    jenniferyounginillinois Posts: 535 Member
    Happy Friday everybody. Heading out to run errands with mom and then get some serious house cleaning/arranging done.

    Carol, I won't say anything about your sleeping since as we all know, I have my issues with it as well.

    Heron, cute kittie pic. :smile:

    Kris, already told you about the 500 calories and what would happen! :tongue: EAT GIRL!!!

    Cynthia, we're on Day 4 now. Woohoo!!!!

    I had a little more fruit last night because I just needed some. I know that it can be an issue but I look at it this way: it's better than cookies or candy. I'll be keeping an eye on it though and making sure I don't overdo it.

    Alright peeps. Out the door!
  • sbuzzard24
    sbuzzard24 Posts: 22 Member
    So... I am down 2lbs from last Friday and that is WITH a Carb Nite... I am really getting used to this and sooooo excited to see not just weight but BODY FAT coming off!!! I'm down an 1.5 inches in my waist and 1 in my hips!!! Prior to finding CNS I was losing weight but COULD NOT change my body composition... HOORAY FOR SMALL VICTORIES!!! Also, my babe who has been on a sleeping strike SLEPT ALL NIGHT FOR THE FIRST TIME IN A MONTH!!! I could conquer the world right now!!

    Fat bombs... I want some... gimme a good, easy recipe!!
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    edited May 2015
    Susan - Not a Fat Bomb but the Hammer Version of Bulletproof Coffee, in a blender, 20 oz of brewed coffee, one half scoop of whey protein isolate, 1 tblsp Coconut oil, 1 tbsp Almond Butter, 1 tsp baking soda. Blend well, seems to have some of the same effects as Fat Bombs. I would be interested in some recipes for them as well.
  • sbuzzard24
    sbuzzard24 Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks John... I tried "bulletproof coffee" once... and didn't love it... I just used coconut oil and clean butter blended... I've been doing heavy cream (took some serious getting used to, I'm a black coffee person!!)... but almond butter sounds GOOD!!
  • imabizzybee
    imabizzybee Posts: 123 Member
    edited May 2015
    Jassa method recommends beginning to move your bedtime 15 minutes earlier. Which I like. But I've really been geeking out on Gretchen Rubins work. Her book "Better than before" and her podcast "Happier". Anyway one of her recommendations is to set a bedtime alarm. I love this. I now have an alarm at 8:50pm Sun-Thurs on my watch. It reminds me to start wrapping up the day, do any bedtime rituals. And then easily it's lights out by 9:30.

    I've been geeking out on Gretchen, too. For me, going to bed is no issue. It is the too-early wake up that is the problem. I'm always up with the sun. I do not have a clock in my bedroom at all, but wake when I wake every day of the year (with the rare exception of those early morning flights). I'm blessed that I can take a nap if need be, but rarely do.

    Susan, you don't know what a gift good sleep is until you have a baby! So glad you are finally getting through the night.

    Day 4 is right, Jen! I just went to market (to buy a fat pig - kidding!) and came home with a bunch of organic asparagus, baby bok choi, and swiss chard, and hydroponic bibb lettuce. Tonight is ground turkey with Thai seasoning in lettuce cups, and tomorrow is stir fried shrimp and veggies. I love fresh, local summer food!!!! Still keeping breakfast to fat bombs and my veggie smoothie. Carbs ultra low and fat high with moderate protein. Feeling great! I just got Dr. Westman's new Atkins book last night, which is pretty much what I'm doing (but without the bars/shakes and bad oils). I'll keep eating like this for a 2-week "Induction" and then modify with a bit of fruit and see what happens. Dying to step on the scale to see if ANYTHING is happening, but I'll be good.

    PS Gretchen Rubin did a recent appearance on Livin' La Vida Low Carb. That's how she eats.

  • imabizzybee
    imabizzybee Posts: 123 Member
    Oh, and <3<3<3 those kittens. Wish I weren't allergic! (Though, FYI, my allergies are way better since going grain-free nearly two years ago. Very unexpected! Spring is no longer sneeze season)
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    sbuzzard24 wrote: »
    Thanks John... I tried "bulletproof coffee" once... and didn't love it... I just used coconut oil and clean butter blended... I've been doing heavy cream (took some serious getting used to, I'm a black coffee person!!)... but almond butter sounds GOOD!!

    Dittos for me Susan I'm a Hot and Black Coffee guy. So any additives are not generally welcome. I tried the heavy Cream a few months a go and did not like it. I have been doing this for a couple weeks and enjoying the result, as it gets me through my two hr drive to work, and my first four hrs of work before I start feeling hungry. Eating a high protein breakfast (Eggs and Bacon) some days and none on others doesn't seem to make any difference; if I have it on the way to work, I'm good from about 09am to 4 pm. with just water updates.

    PS I also add a dash of cinnamon, and Nutmeg sometimes as well.

  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    John, while that may work for you, Susan is following CarbNite and use of whey in morning Is strongly discouraged. Even if used post workout the person would have to wait an hour after a strenuous workout. But should really use food if am trainer. Causes a huge insulin spike. I realize the fats will blunt it some, but it will basically negate being ULC. He was specially referencing whey protein in this tweet. 29l92my8czjl.jpg
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Interesting thanks Kim
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    edited May 2015
    Cynthia, what type are you? I'd posted an Instagram picture / tweet which she replied to that said...

    Better Than Before by @gretchenrubin Apparently I am a questioning, promotion focused, private resolving, sprinting but small stepping, novelty loving opener.....great great book. Read it. Listen to it. #willpower #habits #change #better

    I also now realized that I used travel as a loophole to go off plan. Versus having a vacation safeguard (stay ultra low carb all day, indulge at night) that only applies to vacations NOT to work trips.

    Oh and obviously you are a Lark. I have traditionally thought of myself as an owl, but seem to be morphing into a Lark.
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member

    Rendered lard and made pastured pork chicharrones!!!
  • jenniferyounginillinois
    jenniferyounginillinois Posts: 535 Member
    Oh my Heron! I WANT!!!!!!! :smile:
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    Wow. Heron. Those are over the top!!!
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Happy Saturday folks.

    Heron - Gorgeous!

    Whole 30's - embrace the Simplicity.

    Carb Niters' - Be the Spike! Sharp, Hard and Lean!

    For the Rest of Us, Look out your window, if you see things growing take a moment and contemplate the 100 K ft view, for you are gazing on a small piece of the greatest Integrated Just in Time Logistics System ever.
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    Rain, rain, rain, rain, rain. Not dangerous like in TX but relentless and forecasted all day. Which means no mountain biking this weekend. Even if sunny tomorrow the trails will be closed with this much rain. Couldn't it just go to Northern California where they need it.

    Wait....I'm going to northern CA next week (Roseville/Sacramento), maybe it will follow me.

    And I'd planned to grill pizzas for carb nite. Working on plan b.
  • jenniferyounginillinois
    jenniferyounginillinois Posts: 535 Member
    Happy Saturday everybody.

    Kim, we've had rain like crazy down here as well.

    Just fixed some dinner - tacos in a radicchio leave cup and sauteed broccoli. I'll say I miss the cheese but this is pretty darn tasty nonetheless.