Last 10 pounds/5% bodyfat Frustration

Taleatia Posts: 9 Member
Hi all! I'm new to this group and am really frustrated right now.

I'm 5'4", 134 lbs. and about 24.5% body fat wanting to get down to 124 lbs. or around 20% body fat...which ever happens first or feels good really.

I've been around my current weight for 2 to 3 years and have tried to shed the last bit of weight to reach my goal physique probably a dozen times now. Since I don't look terrible, it's been really hard to stay motivated. I exercise 4 to 6 days per week year round and have gotten consistently stronger and more fit, but it doesn't seem to change my physique that much.

I know my problem is diet but I just can't sustain a good calorie deficit for long enough to reach my goal. Since it's no longer a matter of health, I tend to overeat on weekends, at special events and during times of stress. The rest of the time my diet is very healthy and calorie-controlled.

For those of you in similar situations, what are you doing to stay motivated and keep on track?
I'd also love some buddies who would like to trade updates/messages once or twice a week if anyone is interested!


  • samra338
    samra338 Posts: 2,622 Member
    I'm 5' 2", 125 lbs at a similar 24.5% body fat. I am aiming for 115 lbs at 20% body fat. I try to mix up cardio with strength training (body weight moves at home). I plan to use dumbbells once I lose some more weight and gain strength. I take regular measurements of my waist and hips to stay motivated. My diet is similar to yours as I want to have something that is sustainable for the rest of my life. Good luck with your journey!
  • penfaith
    penfaith Posts: 9 Member
    I'm 5'2 and 112.6 lbs, I find a vegan diet is the best way to lose and maintain weight. Also find watching documentaries help a lot to boost motivation! Good luck to you on your weight loss journey
  • mnsmov15
    mnsmov15 Posts: 315 Member
    It could have been me writing this post :)
    I am 34, staying @ or about 130-134 for the last 3 years, though I have reached 124 once.
    I am 5'4" and 130 now, would love to get to 120. I was 175 at some point and lost my weight to get to 135 in 2010. Since then, have maintained mostly, but would love to get to 120

    I simply like having less jiggly bits and being able to wear cute clothes without rolls in my body. The amount of discipline in food it takes for me to be losing is pretty demotivating. I have no probs sticking to any workout routine. I run 3X and some bw workouts or 30ds on 3 other days. But, once I stick to workout routine, I grwo hungry and eat more too. :(

    Keep waddling from 128-130 now for 2 weeks.
    What is your calorie goal? I dont think I can sustain too low and I am too scared to eat more :(
    Any tips/friends would be helpful!
  • Taleatia
    Taleatia Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks so much for the responses everyone! This is all very inspiring!!

    Mns, we are totally twins! I'm eating about 1550-1600 right now. I've lost weight on that amount before. I dimly remember that it got easier after a couple of weeks, but right now I'm starving :neutral:

    I get confused with the number of calories too because I run 15-20 miles per week and do 2 hour-long weightlifting sessions. I've lost weight at 1700 calories when I was really strict about it.
  • dimple_gal
    dimple_gal Posts: 139 Member
    i am in the same boat! I have been struggling to keep below 145 at 5'7" and even though i am losing inches and things just look better, the scale doesn't budge. I got down to 142, but my goal is 130-135. I have been at this for 2 years, and run 3 x week and work out with weights 5 days a week. Oh, and I am old (51) which just makes it that much harder! I too struggle with a couple days a week not eating well, and that kills my week. My eating goal is 1600 but I consistently eat less.
  • samra338
    samra338 Posts: 2,622 Member
    Although you might have lost weight previously with 1700 calories, you will have to reduce your calorie intake further because as you lose weight, your body needs lesser calories. If you haven't done so already, use a TDEE calculator to work out how much your body needs and reduce it by 250 cals to reduce at a slow rate. This has always worked for me and the weight starts moving after 2-3 weeks.
  • 7upnorthgirl
    7upnorthgirl Posts: 1 Member
    Yup...same boat here! Much like cindaymom I am 41, 5'7", weigh 143, and would
    Ike to get to 130-135. My weakness is sweets! I know if I can kick that sweet tooth, I'll have won the battle! Right now I feel like I eat sweets, run it off, them eat sweets since I ran. Vicious cycle. I'd love to keep in touch with everyone in this string for support and motivation!
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Lifting.. Keeps you strong and allows you to eat a bit more. I'm eating up to 2000 cals on lifting days. Running combined with lifting allows you to eat more too and cuts the fat.

    I'm working on getting down to 19% BF again.. In my profile pic I was that and 160lbs.

    If you are doing that much activity, you probably should be eating more - I think your body is telling you that too. That's my best advice really.. It's cool to have a cheat day maybe even two or three but you have to be diligent and not pig out every day. Try going for walks when you feel like going for poor food choices or if you already had some, an hr walk is good :)
  • nolajen10
    nolajen10 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Cindaymom and 7upnorthgirl, I am in the same boat, 5'7", 140lbs and 40 years old (well, 41 in 6 weeks...). I am trying to get more motivated with going to the gym. I used to be really good about it. I love weight training, Zumba and any kind of dancing, but when you get out of the habit, those first few times take some serious motivation, and scheduling. I work and have 3 kids. I belong to 2 gyms, have an exercise bike at home, plus dumbells and an assortment of videos. Just no motivation. Maybe tomorrow morning I'll get up early. Since I wrote it here, I'll have to do it now. Ok, see, now it's in writing!
  • aysea81
    aysea81 Posts: 12 Member
    We are similar.
    My latest stats are 5'4 124 23% bf.
    My stats vary from day to day because of many factors.
    My goal at 5'4 is to be 120 and 20% bf
    I now walk at 15.0 incline 2.0-2.5 speed at least 6 days a week
    I do a little bit of jogging now too at 5. Speed 1.0 incline
    I do 4 weight machines less heavier weights 3 sets about three times a week
    I eat just under 2000 and lose consistently
    However a couple of days every couple of weeks i overeat/ binge because i love certain foods then i continue forward again
    My motivation is looking my best in clothes.
    The eating that i do is emotional when bad and for results when good
    Also when i do good and build up momentum and see results that motivates me
    I think as long as we jusr keep doing a very good job most of the time we will eventually get to where we want to be.
  • mommy2626
    mommy2626 Posts: 32 Member
    yes!! this is me, and at this point I have been working out great but my food intake is out of control. I dont eat horribly but eat whatever i want and drink wine and such as well. I still feel like i look alright so not really motivated to do more. Now I would really like to get down and get motivated to lose the last bits. my tummy area especially:)
  • nolajen10
    nolajen10 Posts: 7 Member
    Yay! I got up at 5:45am and went to the gym like I used to. Posting it on here really DID make me go! Crazy! Now I'm ready to make it a habit. But I definitely need to warm up better next time. When you take 4 months off from training, you get really stiff....
    I'm at 24% body fat hoping to get down to 20%. That would be ideal for me. So I figure I need to be about 138lbs and 20%. So if I lose 4lbs of fat and gain about 2lbs of muscle I should be good! So close, yet it seems so far! :)
  • Nic123fitness
    Nic123fitness Posts: 27 Member
    Hi ladies! I'm 5ft 3.5 and currently 121, I'd love to have more muscle, and loose my last 5lbs but I appear to be stuck! I definitely eat too much at the weekends and in the evenings after work. The rest of the time I'm really careful. If you have any tips for managing those times, I'd love to hear them! So far I've found that drinking tea and going to the park for a walk provides a good distraction!
  • hattie419
    hattie419 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm also really similar and struggling to lose the last few pounds! Just before Easter I was on a diet for almost 4 weeks which barely included sugar or fat at all (and I don't eat bread - makes a huge difference) and I found that I started to not want or feel like I needed sugar, when I tried chocolate I found it far too sweet! This is so odd because I'm such a pudding gal and have the sweetest tooth possible, but if you can go a few weeks without it you can do more :)
  • nikkifaldu
    nikkifaldu Posts: 1 Member
    I am struggling with my weight since last 7 years! As of current I am 5 feet 3 inches, 124. But real problem is my body fat % - which is 29.8 %. I guess It is too high for my weight and height. I try to hard but cannot get it down. I really try to restrict my calories around 1300 to 1400 (which is very hard for me) and I walk about 4.5 to 5 miles a day still cannot lose those body fat%. Please help me what should I do?
  • j1wright
    j1wright Posts: 286 Member
    Just joined this group today but been a member for over three years. It helped me lose about 60 pounds after the birth of my second baby. I was so motivated then and now that I have gained 10 plus pounds, I can not get motivated for more than 5 days in a row....
    I am 5.4 weight 124 pounds with 25 % body fat. Gotten as low as 110 pounds 19 percent body fat. I want to be about 114 to 115 pounds 21 percent body fat. I am going to the gym today for the first time in a couple of months.
    My issue is alcohol. I recently went through a divorce and started drinking and eating excessively. I have realized my issue and dealing with it on a day to day basis but I need some accountability. Is anyone interested in posting your results each week on this forum and telling us how you did that week?
    I need to lose 10 pounds!
  • samra338
    samra338 Posts: 2,622 Member
    I'm about 2 inches shorter, but the same weight as you. I'm also looking at 115 to 118 lbs at 22% body fat. I work out 6 days a week and have lost steadily since last october. I'm sending you a friend request.
    j1wright wrote: »
    Just joined this group today but been a member for over three years. It helped me lose about 60 pounds after the birth of my second baby. I was so motivated then and now that I have gained 10 plus pounds, I can not get motivated for more than 5 days in a row....
    I am 5.4 weight 124 pounds with 25 % body fat. Gotten as low as 110 pounds 19 percent body fat. I want to be about 114 to 115 pounds 21 percent body fat. I am going to the gym today for the first time in a couple of months.
    My issue is alcohol. I recently went through a divorce and started drinking and eating excessively. I have realized my issue and dealing with it on a day to day basis but I need some accountability. Is anyone interested in posting your results each week on this forum and telling us how you did that week?
    I need to lose 10 pounds!

  • j1wright
    j1wright Posts: 286 Member
    Samra, I accepted your request. Worked out for over an hour today and feel great. I hope I can keep this up.
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,526 Member
    Wow! So many of us! I could have written the op's first post, and several of the others!

    The calculators don't work for me! I'm currently purposely eating at maintenance and trying to learn to read my own hunger cues. Sometime soon I will go back to deficit to lose those last 8-10!

    Please add me if you'd like!
  • amillenium
    amillenium Posts: 281 Member
    I am 5'2" and I hover in the low 120s with approx 20% body fat. I have done a few fitness challenges where I can get down to around 112 but I struggle to maintain it. Right now, I am working out more and trying to fill my calories with more satiating choices so that I dont feel hungry...I know it will be slow but it is so frustrating.
  • samra338
    samra338 Posts: 2,622 Member
    Well done @j1wright . Take it one day at a time. Just concentrate on 1 lb at a time and you will get there.
    j1wright wrote: »
    Samra, I accepted your request. Worked out for over an hour today and feel great. I hope I can keep this up.

  • j1wright
    j1wright Posts: 286 Member
    Thanks Samra. You keep it up as well. All you ladies seem like we are in the same boat. What all are you doing to lose it? I am at 1200 cal meal plan and working out at least 3 times a week but I am considering this my first week back because I am more determined than ever. My clothes are too tight and I am not buying new clothes. Lol.
  • samra338
    samra338 Posts: 2,622 Member
    I'm on a 1200 cal day too...I do C25K 3 days a week and home video workouts with some strength training on the alternate days.
  • iopasdbnm
    iopasdbnm Posts: 6 Member
    It's so hard.
  • SpeedRacer13
    SpeedRacer13 Posts: 104 Member
    I'm on the last 10 now! I was struggling...and the scale wasn't moving..up or down so I decided to just back off for a few days. Didn't log on for a week, but kept an eye on what I ate and continued to work out. Haven't weighed in for 2.5 weeks. Now I'm back, relaxed and 3 pounds lighter! I think, at least in my situation, the stress of always counting, measuring and worrying 'is this going to bring me over 1200?"....just wasn't working.
  • LittlePinkShotgun
    LittlePinkShotgun Posts: 101 Member
    Yup I'm in the same situation! My stats:

    height - 5'4
    weight - 134 (131-134 fluctuations)
    goal - 127 (ish) not sure more focused on running, body fat and how my clothes fit

    I think my main problem is with snacking. My meals are healthy but then I eat donuts or chips or ice cream and ruin all of my progress.

    I feel like I should just buckle down for a few weeks and be done with this but some how I always manage to get off track!
  • LittlePinkShotgun
    LittlePinkShotgun Posts: 101 Member
    Maybe we can organize our efforts and motivation into a kind of 10 pound boot camp? Like the Biggest Loser Challenge group they have here. I dropped 10 pounds (give or take) in that challenge and had a lot of fun. I felt kind of bad because I had a lot less weight to get off. But we are all in a similar situation so the competition could be fierce and fun!!!!! :smiley:
  • LittlePinkShotgun
    LittlePinkShotgun Posts: 101 Member
    Here is a link to the challenge I was talking about. We could make some changes to the challenge to make it specific to the "Last 10 Pounds"...

    Would there be any interest in that?

    If so I'm happy to help coordinate teams and weigh ins :)
  • Toadstool_
    Toadstool_ Posts: 120 Member
    I'm on my last 8-10lbs - haven't decided exactly on my goal weight. Starting to get really impatient now that it's starting to slow - want these pounds gone!! *sulks* :)
  • carole4000
    carole4000 Posts: 50 Member
    At 5' 4" would love to lose 10lb but cannot seem to get below 140lb. I seem to lose a pound then gain 2lb. Walk a lot and just started to walk/jog outside as well as treadmill/gym. Got a bit of a battle with my weight at the moment!