Finished my first week.

naxeea Posts: 138 Member
Just finished my first week of 5:2 diet.First week is always difficult but I have have done it before and has worked very well for me.Anyone who's interested to motivate and share their diet progress can join and add me.


  • sachmeer
    sachmeer Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Naxeea Im on my first week too, its been ok actually, one question did you leave it as late as possible on your fasting day to eat anything ?? so far this is been great for me
  • oxers
    oxers Posts: 259 Member
    First week! First DAY. Er, first FD, rather. I feel okay! I've split up my meals like I normally would, but I think next FD I'm gonna try splitting my breakfast cals in two and assigning them to lunch and dinner, respectively. Mom bought me my favorite donut this morning, but it's sitting patiently on the kitchen counter, unmaligned. It's not too hard to resist when I know I can chow down tomorrow morning, if I so choose. I'm a little bit cranky, but I think it'll get more manageable as I go. Any tips/tricks/words of wisdom?
  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    Lots of water and keep yourself occupied with things you enjoy.
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    I feel so old with all of the newbies ;)

    Water and tea, protein, loads of veggies, a bouillon if I'm shaky. Plan your days but stay flexible. Find out through trial and error what cal split or foods help you through your day. Stay positive and accept weight fluctuations during the week. Keep your eyes on the longterm trend.

    And what jknight said.
  • linux40
    linux40 Posts: 127 Member
    flumi_f wrote: »
    Stay positive and accept weight fluctuations during the week. Keep your eyes on the longterm trend.

    This is so true and well said! When I started doing 5:2 some months ago, I thought it would go one way, and that was downwards (on the scale, that is). But I´ve really learned that this way of losing weight is not a linear one, it really goes a bit up and down, and we get some ups and downs (especially after the first couple of weeks where mostly lose pretty much, pretty fast). It`s absolutely fluctuations along the road. Longterm it is :wink:

  • naxeea
    naxeea Posts: 138 Member
    2nd week and 1st FD let's see how it goes.
  • naxeea
    naxeea Posts: 138 Member
    So I finished my week 2,went great.Looking forward to week 3.
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    Great job!!
  • naxeea
    naxeea Posts: 138 Member
    linux40 wrote: »
    flumi_f wrote: »
    Stay positive and accept weight fluctuations during the week. Keep your eyes on the longterm trend.

    This is so true and well said! When I started doing 5:2 some months ago, I thought it would go one way, and that was downwards (on the scale, that is). But I´ve really learned that this way of losing weight is not a linear one, it really goes a bit up and down, and we get some ups and downs (especially after the first couple of weeks where mostly lose pretty much, pretty fast). It`s absolutely fluctuations along the road. Longterm it is :wink:
    That's why I prefer measuring inches.,keeps coming off.☺️
  • marika116
    marika116 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm glad the fluctuations in weight was mentioned! I started this about 3 weeks ago. Today is a fast day for me. I'm finding FD actually ok and have realized that if I don't eat at all until the evening then I'm fine once I get past a bit of a hungry phase around noon. The first week I lost albs but then it's kinda gone up a pound or two then down again after a fast day...I'm just concerned that I'm going to keep just going up a pound or two then down again and not actually getting down the 10lbs I want to! I've decided to get the exercise in now too. At first I wanted to just see how it went for the first couple of weeks but I feel I need to get some HIIT or running in to actually really boost my weight loss. Anyway...thanks for all of you who post on's good to see how other folks are doing and it helps with the motivation! ;)
  • clairejeynes84
    clairejeynes84 Posts: 5 Member
    I've found the weight fluctuations disheartening at times! Feeling like I've gone backwards! So I've started weighing myself only once per week and it's usually the morning after my second fasting day. This way I get a consistent reading each week and a loss each week rather than noting the fluctuations and going on a roller coaster ride of emotions! Weigh in day tomorrow! And I'm excited, for like the first time ever I love weighing myself and watching the number go down each week! I've lost 11.5kgs already and feeling amazing!
  • marika116
    marika116 Posts: 8 Member
    Thats awesome clairejeynes84! Good to hear you are having success! I think I will have to start reducing the amount of times I weigh myself. It's funny really, because I've never really been one to watch the scales, I usually prefer to go by how my clothes fit but tbh they don't seem to be fitting that loose yet! Lol...oh well I guess its still early days yet!
  • Marmitegeoff
    Marmitegeoff Posts: 373 Member
    I weigh every day and then take a 7 day average. So this morning I was 95.2 but the average was 96 so I only take notice of the 96 and the 95.2 gets hidden. This way there are many fewer fluctuations, but there are still some. However on the positive side I started on 1/1/15 at 110 kg so that is 14 kg down, well over 10% of my starting weight.
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    Awesome overall loss Marmite! !
  • mominstands
    mominstands Posts: 83 Member
    End of my first week, logged 546 on my 2nd fast day and down 2.5lbs
  • naxeea
    naxeea Posts: 138 Member
    boz2004 wrote: »
    End of my first week, logged 546 on my 2nd fast day and down 2.5lbs
    boz2004 wrote: »
    End of my first week, logged 546 on my 2nd fast day and down 2.5lbs

    Great job boz2004 :).Starting my week 4 tomorrow.
  • naxeea
    naxeea Posts: 138 Member
    edited June 2015

  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    Thanks @naxeea. Love your pic.
  • naxeea
    naxeea Posts: 138 Member
    @jknight001 Pleasure:)