Exercise makes me dizzy and nauseous

linux40 Posts: 127 Member
I try to exercise almost every day in some way or another, mainly walking - but lately I bought a rowingmachine, and I just love it. Yesterday, on my FD, I started rowing just within an hour after main-meal, but the harder I pushed my self the sicker I felt. This has happened twice now, and I don`t like it. Is it so that we should not work out on our FD? I`m fine with doing the rowing on non-fastdays....Seems like my body can`t take it....


  • Foamroller
    Foamroller Posts: 1,041 Member
    Supply with electrolytes, especially on FD. If unusually cold, dizzy or headaches it usually helps. Either with food or No Salt, Lite Salt, Nuun tablets. Magnesium vs cramps. Headaches can also be symptoms of body getting used to low-no starches. Rolling migraines type. Google «Atkins flu» if you wanna know why.
  • feisty_bucket
    feisty_bucket Posts: 1,047 Member
    linux40 wrote: »
    Is it so that we should not work out on our FD? I`m fine with doing the rowing on non-fastdays....Seems like my body can`t take it....

    Foamroller's advice is way solid. I'm sure you can fix it to get through rowing (rowing is great) any day of the week.

    I don't do anything hard on fast days though, just walking.

  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    If exercise on fast days is new, start up a bit easier. Your body will adjust after a while. Could well be the electrolytes as Foami says. I sometimes drink a cup of bouillon on fast days, when I'm feeling shaky and cold. It usually helps.
  • linux40
    linux40 Posts: 127 Member
    Thank you so much for your replies! Yeah, I´m having both dizziness, headache and this nauseous feeling when working out on my FD. I`ll try to do what you guys say, and see if it helps. But perhaps I should stick to just walking for a while those days, and not the rowing (which is harder for me). Didn`t have a clue about electrolytes. Have some laying around, will certainly start taking! :)
  • oxers
    oxers Posts: 259 Member
    Yeah, I just started but personally I don't see myself doing anything but taking a leisurely stroll on FD. I don't feel weak or dizzy, but I feel like I WOULD if I tried anything intense, you know? Yeah, I want to lose, but I don't want to put myself in danger, either.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    You will probably adapt. I really struggled at first but now fasted exercise feels totally normal.
    Just build up slowly over time, I've gone from a walk in the park (a literal walk in the park!) being plenty to being able to do a two hour quick cycle ride.
  • kgb6days
    kgb6days Posts: 880 Member
    I usually do my exercise (running) early morning, then fast all day. Maybe try that and see if it helps instead of eating after your meal
  • linux40
    linux40 Posts: 127 Member
    Thanks again for your replies! I think building up slowly is the way to go. Today I went for a walk early in the morning and that was fine. Last fastday I did the same with my rowing, early in the morning. That worked pretty well, a bit dizzy after a while but not as much as on eveningtime. Thanks for those great advice. :)