Body Fat Percentage

meganruth22 Posts: 8 Member
I'm new to this group and have a quick question for you ladies. What is a good range for body fat percentage? I just gained some weight on vacation and am at 30% which just sounds so high! I was told that this is in the healthy range and I don't look bad but I would like to be more toned and lean. What is considered the healthy range for young women? (I'm 23.) And what are some of your BFP goals?
Thanks :smile:


  • snarlingcoyote
    snarlingcoyote Posts: 399 Member
    The little readout I got the last time I had a metabolism test done says women's body fact percentages should be:

    20-39 - 21% to 32%
    40-59 - 23% to 33%
    60-79 - 24% to 35%

    I got a little smiley face, because I was at 31%. I've lost weight and gained muscle since then (not a lot but a little) as that was in February, so it should be lower now. I'll go back in October and test again, I think.
  • crane_noelle
    crane_noelle Posts: 2 Member
    My scale says im at 21.5%. I really want six pack abs though and I read that unless one can get below 20% that will be unrealistic. How thin is too thin though?
  • ForTheLoveOfCheese
    ForTheLoveOfCheese Posts: 5 Member
    I've got 4 pack abs (had just about a 6 pack a month ago before going on holiday to Italy - nom nom!) and for me, it has been the biggest slog. I few months back I got my bf% checked, and I was on 15%, which I was told is not necessarily healthy. It's also too low for most women, including me, to be fertile (not all, as there are some lucky ladies who are genetically predisposed to be just dandy and healthy when very lean) so there are risks. You also may lose bone density, so I lift to try and counteract that.

    I'm now working on losing the holiday fluff and getting the definition I want back. It is hella difficult, requires a lot of discipline, and can be rather unhealthy, both physically and mentally. But it is possible, even for someone like me whose body clings to the weight like a koala to a tree! Give me a shout if you want to chat :smile:
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Here's a picture I've seen posted in some of the forums. I'm at 29% right now, and am working toward 20-25%

    As for some nice stomach advice, this thread is written by a smart & amazing lady.
  • sgirl2009
    sgirl2009 Posts: 57 Member
    I'm at 30% working towards 20% :)
  • Toadstool_
    Toadstool_ Posts: 120 Member
    I am currently at 26.7% according to my scales (but I do think they're perhaps a little kind!) - I am aiming for 23-25%.
  • snarlingcoyote
    snarlingcoyote Posts: 399 Member
    I'm at 31% and only WISH I looked that nice in a bikini!
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    edited May 2015
    I was 17% once. And the epitome of good health. And I still had menses, which since I was 52 was a royal PITA, so I got an IUD and that was the end of that! :lol:

    I think I'm around 25% now, maybe as much as 30% and I really want to get back to at least 20%, maybe less.
  • cbeaurep
    cbeaurep Posts: 5 Member
    Follow-up question... How does one determine their body fat %? Do I have to get calipers? Or do you go to a gym where they offer that service?
  • starfish235
    starfish235 Posts: 129 Member
    I think I might be at the 25 to 30 percent if I go by these pictures. I weigh 107 pounds and 5"2". My BMI is 19. I have very slight buns, hips and legs. My weight goes straight to my belly and arms.
  • amillenium
    amillenium Posts: 281 Member
    Im curious too--where do you get it bf% tested? My scale has the ability to measure this but I wonder if it is accurate.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Scale is very inaccurate.. Closest to accuracy is calipers or tape measure
  • amillenium
    amillenium Posts: 281 Member
    @dixiewhiskey Thanks so much! So sounds the most accurate I can do at home is take measurements and use an online calculator.
  • snowflakesav
    snowflakesav Posts: 649 Member
    My scale indicates I am 19.3%. I believe that is low, I think I am closer to 22%
  • heathsab
    heathsab Posts: 13 Member
    Tape measure and online calculators offer a pretty decent approximation - I'm around 26% now, going for around 21%
  • LindaGTaylor
    LindaGTaylor Posts: 260 Member
    I am currently at 35% body fat. I workout 6 days a week and burn about 570 or more per workout and eat 1300 calories or less a day. Question when will the body fat start leaving?
  • nenshali
    nenshali Posts: 331 Member
    Does anyone know a nice online calculator that takes many measurements into count? I know I used one some time ago but just can't find it, no matter what I google.
    When they only ask for waist and hips, I'm always worried it's not quite specific. Of course that isn't it anyway, but especially after measurement mistakes can happen, it'd relax me.
    I assume I have a bf % of around 26% but I'd like to double check to have a mark where I start again in my journey :)
  • mnsmov15
    mnsmov15 Posts: 315 Member
    I have liked the calculators here.
    There are 3 - so taking avg of diff methods is safe too ;)
  • LawMJY
    LawMJY Posts: 42 Member
    Mine is currently about 24%, according to scales. I'd like to get to 18-19%, I'm pretty sure that's when I'll be down a dress size.
  • Toadstool_
    Toadstool_ Posts: 120 Member
    mnsmov15 wrote: »
    I have liked the calculators here.
    There are 3 - so taking avg of diff methods is safe too ;)

    Surprised at how different the 3 come out! I got 27% on the first one, -10.2% for the second (?!) and 21.3% on the last one. My scales weigh me at 26.3%, similar to the first one which sounds about right so perhaps my scales aren't too wildly inaccurate!