Chat and Accountability May 31- Jun 6

Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
Green Flag 9 w an HRV of 63, Get to train hard today.


  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    What a day yesterday...while I was sitting in my kitchen calming eating my bowl of Rice Chex as part of my first CN spike, I hear a crack, then a thud, followed by a series of cracks and a big thud. A giant branch of one of our trees fell just past the front of the house. End that broke from tree as 30" across. Whole thing over 50feet long. Thankfully did not hit the house. And $350 later its gone. We could have never cut it up...but was amazing to watch a tree crew do it. And they told us $1800 to take rest of tree down. This is the second large limb from this tree that's 6feet from our house to fall. A big old maple. First limb landed on the roof and did about $4000 in damage. Bright side all the limbs near the house have now fallen.....because I am not ready to spend, nor do I have $1800 to remove a tree. Tree poor, geez.

    But Carb Nite was great. Mexican. Amazing the glycemic index of corn on the cob, corn chips and corn tortillas.
  • kilosierra83
    kilosierra83 Posts: 228 Member
    I hate maple trees! I am maintenance supervisor of a community and we spend more money on those things than any other tree.

    Doing well here, except shin splints are making a re appearance. Bought a new pair of hiking boots, Merrell's, hopefully it dries up so I can break them in. Can't wait to hit some trails if we are truly out of monsoon season.
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member

    Doing well here, except shin splints are making a re appearance. Bought a new pair of hiking boots, Merrell's, hopefully it dries up so I can break them in. Can't wait to hit some trails if we are truly out of monsoon season.
    Do you run Kevin or are the shin splints from walking? Sorry!!

    Happy Day 1 of the fuel up challenge! About to go fill up now. I'm shooting for 64oz over the day.

    Kim: I like the idea of a go to sleep alarm. This is the last masters class I have, and work is insane right now, so I don't know that I'll always be able to adhere to it. But sometimes time just gets away from me.

    Happy day five or six for Jen & Cynthia! Are you guys joining any whole 30 forms on Facebook? Or are there any here on my fitness pal?
  • sbuzzard24
    sbuzzard24 Posts: 22 Member
    TOMORROW IS MY 14TH ANNIVERSARY/MY DAUGHTER'S 1ST BIRTHDAY AND CARBNITE!!!! This time I actually finished the 10 day induction... as of this morning I am 3 lbs. away from being out of the 200s AGAIN for the last time. An issue I have heard/read a lot about with CNS is being terrified of the gain and I am feeling it right now! So close to my goal and weight is coming off, I actually don't want to carbnite and go backwards but I understand the science and I know my body NEEDS the insulin spike. Last CN I was 206, went up to 208 and now 10 days later am 202... so I know it works, but still gives me agita!

    I drink sooooooo much water... I've had 48 oz. and it's only 9am!! :smile:
  • Good morning everybody. Well, today is Day 1 AGAIN of my Whole30. Yes, I messed out again. Jeez!!!! I'm going to get through 30 days if it kills me!!!!

    Very little water so far this morning but getting ready to 'hit the bottle'. :smile:
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    Kim and my fellow Fat2Fit pals, I don't do social media but I might be missing out on some health tips. What are some people you follow on twitter that doles out good content?
    Arturo is coming home today. Yay! He was in Mississippi attending a SOTG course.
    Had my first CN per Christin's macro. It was just ehh. I wasn't even hungry the next day.
    My CN didn't go as planned since I had to go to a funeral, it was very short notice. He was a Veteran, five medals it was a lovely service. He was a tough I learned through the service that he was diagnose with liver cancer (from diagnosis to his end was only 23days) and at the end he refused pain meds because he wanted to have a clear mind during his last days when he is receiving visitors. He said he wanted to remember and enjoy every waking moment, It wasn't until when he is close to death that he decided to ask for pain meds. RIP Gene
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    Oh Heron, so sorry to hear about your friend. But how brave and insightful of him at the end. 23 days. Wow.

    I'd been meaning to ask you about your CN macros. What are you supposed to do? I may (or may not as I only had coffee before 3pm) gone over mine on Saturday. A ton of corn chips. But damn it was all good. I was just commenting on another group that the Glycemic index of a gluten free CN is higher on most things than their gluten filled counter parts. I really enjoyed this one

    Obviously follow DH Kiefer. Goiqoxjvipjn5g.jpg
    tta go look at Ben Greenfields twitter. Robb Wolf, marks Daily Apple. Most of mine are primal /paleoish and CN. I think I follow most of the coaches.
  • kilosierra83
    kilosierra83 Posts: 228 Member
    Over a gallon of water today. Not sure what my "goal" should be. Let's call it 100 ounces. I work outdoors so I drink a lot, and other than a cup of coffee it's pretty much all water.
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    Geez! Yall are blowing me away on the water. I got in 50 oz and that was an improvement for me. Better tomorrow.

    Heron, what a beautiful description of Gene. We need more like him.

    Susan: stay the course! You know CN works for you!! Update us. :smile:

    Kim: ser my alarm and going to bed at 10:30. Two hours earlier than usual. Bed time alarm works!!

    Jenny: no worries! Stuff happens. You'll do great!
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    edited June 2015
    Short on time have quick turn around today, drank 160 oz yesterday. Kevin for a goal try 1 oz water for 2lb Body weight. That will work even with fairly hard outdoor workloads.

    Happy Anniversary Susan.

    Dittos what Carol Said for folks. Gotta go.
  • sbuzzard24
    sbuzzard24 Posts: 22 Member
    When I got pregnant with my son 9 years ago I went FULL ON PREGGO... I ATE EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING THAT I WANTED, I gained 75 lbs!! I was 26 and it came off relatively easy. This time I said... I am going to do this right. Gain no more than 30 lbs., stay active through my whole pregnancy, eat Whole 30 at least 80% of the time. Then reality set in (aka MORNING/ALL DAY-SICKNESS). I hated the smell of food, carbs were the only thing that I could stomach. I was too exhausted to keep up my workouts... I gained 45 lbs. and lost ALL muscle tone (along with my willpower).

    One year ago, on my 13th wedding anniversary, at this time I was walking into the operating room. Took my place on the table and 30 minutes later became a girl-mom! The past 365 days have gone WAY TOO FAST! Emery is walking and talking (a language yet to be discovered), she has 8 teeth, and LOVES pork BBQ (the vinegary NC kind!!). She fears nothing but the vacuum and is the most persistent child I have met, which will probably serve her well and frustrate others (including me!). The world is her oyster, and she seems well aware!
    In related news...for our anniversary this year, we got a kayak!

    Today I am down 42 lbs... and it was ALL TOTALLY WORTH IT!!!!! I'm on a journey from Fat2Fit, thanks for being on it with me!!!
  • Hey everybody. Sorry for the lack of posts. I probably won't be posting regularly for a bit. I'll still be around reading the posts.
  • kilosierra83
    kilosierra83 Posts: 228 Member
    Did over 120 ounces of water yesterday.

    Question for those who have done Carb Nite. Did you pay much attention to calories? I have been trying to stay under about 1500 and am starting to wonder if I should increase that some. Some days it's easy to be under, other days I get hungry later in the day.
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    Kevin. That's way too few calories. The general recommendation is to just focus on the less than 30 net carbs on ULC days and on Carb Nite eat as many carbs as you comfortably can...which is different than pigging out and stuffing yourself for four weeks. After that assess your progress and alter your macros if necessary. You need to be in the 2000 calorie range in ULC days and around 300 carbs on CN. Try to keep overall fat lower on your CN. Ideally a low fat high Glycemic first spike 6-8hours before dinner (I do a protein shake made with skim milk, extra dextrose and 5 gr of leucine) along with a big bowl of rice chex with skim milk). Then a good carbs dinner followed by a yummy dessert (and maybe a few chips) just before bed.
  • sbuzzard24
    sbuzzard24 Posts: 22 Member
    Kevin -- I agree...WAY TOO FEW CALORIES, regardless of your eating plan...

    Had my 2nd CN last night, mercy day... as many as you can eat comfortably?!?! I ate a "normal amount" and felt sick. It's so strange, I look forward to CN then I want to eat all the foods I was craving for the past 10 days... and none of them taste as good as I had imagined!! I did have some kettle cooked chips (my vice!!!) before bed. Woke up only 1 pound heavier than yesterday morning... hoping it stays off!! How many days do you go between CNs? I know what works is different for everyone... I'm looking for my sweet spot. The first week I only did 6 days due to obligations, this time was 10 days.
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    Susan, I'm sticking to every seven nights as I like my CN on Saturday. I have nudged it back to Friday (6days) and then back to Sat (8days). I start dragging after that and want my CN.

  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    Susan!! What a fantastic post. You completely made my day. I loved the recap of your year with your precious girl! And I'm so happy you're sharing your journey. It makes mine so much more enjoyable!
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    Most of my post disappeared!! AAARRRGG!!

    Okay, so:
    Susan, again, thanks for taking us along. I love hearing about your progress. You're such a great voice here!

    Kim: My sleep alarm is making a HUGE difference. What a simple concept that has helped me get so much more sleep in the last few days. You're a peach! Thx!

    Kevin: One word… "CN with strawberry cheesecake with ice cream on the side." 'Nuff said.

    Jennifer: Not so fast Missy! We need a bit more 'splainin. We are all family here. Let's have it.

    John: HUGS. That is all.

    Heron: YOU just saved me about $30! My Tough Mudder shoes are the Vivobarefoot Bretho Trail Shoe. Love them but you can see my toes through them now. ;) I'm getting the purple/yellow ones!! I'll break em in out in Vegas!!!

    MUCH LOVE GUYS!! 4 more weeks of my Masters. This week is especially heavy as my research is due in 8 days. YIKES! I should do some research! LOL… it won't be my absolute finest work but I have learned a lot and I'm excited about how it might impact practices in my district.

    Oh! BTW: We have several folks finish a W30 this week. They are busting with reflections about how great it was. If you can make it all the way through, it is WELL WORTH it as you learn so much and after those 30 days… that is when the real magic starts. ;)


  • imabizzybee
    imabizzybee Posts: 123 Member
    Good morning everybody. Well, today is Day 1 AGAIN of my Whole30. Yes, I messed out again. Jeez!!!! I'm going to get through 30 days if it kills me!!!!
    Oh Jen, I just finished day 9, but I know I'll need to re-start again on Sunday or Monday. A dear friend has a birthday and a big promotion to celebrate tomorrow, and I have a banquet to attend on Saturday. I'll be as careful as I can, but will have little control over what is there. At a picnic last night I had chicken. That's it. Chicken. I brought watermelon, but it was gone before I got through the line, and everything else was non-compliant some way or another.

    I'm NOT complaining. I am loving my ultra-low-carb whole 30 and am feeling great. Otherwise I wouldn't already be planning an immediate re-start! But I will weigh myself before starting again. ;)

    Carol: best wishes on your research. For the last year that is what I've been doing all day every day, so I feel your pain. BUT, I've submitted 5 manuscripts and am working on more. It is worth it, and I actually do enjoy it. Proud of you!