Core strenght

LuccaK Posts: 4 Member
to me, core strength is everything. It keeps my posture aligned when baby wearing and prevents back pain. Getting it back was challenging with the first, and i know it shouldn't be wasy the second time around. Nonetheless I found this amazing youtube video called pstpartum core strenght. The exercises are on point, small movements, cery focused on that little area where i feel I've completely lost ownership of. Slowly and steadily I will get it back. What is your goal to get
Core strength after baby?


  • sophroniapete
    sophroniapete Posts: 11 Member
    I have noticed that when I wear my baby I tend to sway my lower back forward. Prior to pregnancy my core was not really strong anyhow. I have been paying attention to my posture. I will have to check out the youtube video. Maybe that will help me get rid of this baby belly. :)
  • LuccaK
    LuccaK Posts: 4 Member
    I see what you say. I'm still following the video. The effort is small but precise. I feel my belly getting stronger. Hopefully it'll get stronger as I lose the weight and help with posture. It's hard not to hunch when carrying these ever growing cutie pies.