June Mini Challenges

luvs_choc8 Posts: 788 Member
Monday June 1
Ahanksa Wrote:
FOOD: To finish out the discussion from last week on organic foods, I want to share with you the "Dirty Dozen Plus". This is a list of fruits and vegetables which are high in pesticides. Nearly all of the data used to determine the pesticide level in these foods took into account how people typically wash and prepare produce - for example, apples were washed and bananas peeled before testing. The following "Dirty Dozen Plus" had the highest pesticide load, making them the most important to buy organic versions - or to grow them organically yourself: Apples, Strawberries, Grapes, Celery, Peaches, Spinach, Sweet bell peppers, Nectarines (imported), Cucumbers, Cherry tomatoes, Snap peas (imported), and Potatoes. Plus these which may contain organophosphate insecticides, which are highly toxic and of special concern to environmental groups: Hot peppers and Blueberries (domestic). So, when given a choice, pick organic if you can when it comes to these fruits and vegetables. Finally, this is the beginning of a new month. So, take the time to look at your progress. Have you reset your weight as you have lost (or gain or maintained), have you looked at your progress to take a minute and pat yourself on the back on your progress, or have you looked and seen a pattern of eating or exercise that you want to change or exaggerate. You get the point, take a moment and reflect on your journey! EXERCISE: Ok, so I am not a big fan of sit ups...not good at them at all. But I can do crunches (though I hate them). So this week's challenge is crunches (or sit ups if you prefer). For the next 6 days starting today you will do your maximum number of crunches today (let's say 25 as an example) then you add 5 sit ups or crunches past your maximum number each day starting tomorrow. In 6 days you should have 50 for example if you start at 25. Let's see how everyone does.... INSPIRATIONAL QUOTE: You have failed only when you quit trying. Until then, you're still in the act of progression. So, never quit trying and you'll never be a failure.---Tommy Kelley **Hope everyone had a great weekend and that you have a wonderful week...Happy Monday!!**
