Chat and Accountability May 31- Jun 6



  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    Cynthia - I am in awe of you. But I always have been!
  • sbuzzard24
    sbuzzard24 Posts: 22 Member
    Not more than 7 days... Well... my 10 day induction ended on a Tuesday... and I know that I won't be able to resist Emery's "Donuts and Daisies" birthday party treats... so I think I'll go another 10 til the 13th, then start cycling every 7 days. I am still up 1 lb. from preCN... but down 8 since starting CN 20 days ago... that's crazy good for me. As I approach my goal(ish)--my goals are NEVER firm-- I know it will come off slower, but I am so stoked to have an eating approach I can stick with and thrilled to have some gurus to guide me!

    Water update... I'm drowning... :smile: 100+ oz daily so far. My plan is 20 oz before I leave home, I fill my 24 oz. water bottle 3 times at work, and have at least 20 oz. with dinner.

    Carol--What is your Masters in? I HATED, HATED, HATED THE RESEARCH PORTION OF MINE!!! Mainly because the stuff that actually interested me, was not verifiable in the time period I had to work with... researching something you are not passionate about... :neutral: ugh.
  • kilosierra83
    kilosierra83 Posts: 228 Member
    edited June 2015
    Easily getting over 120 ounces so far.

    Does light sabre fighting with the kids in the front room followed by a wrestling session count as cardio? MFP doesn't have a spot for it... lol. When your youngest (2 year old girl, youngest of six) charges into the fray with her purple light sabre in hand you know you are in for a good fight!
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    A must read, passing along from Robb Wolf
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    Easily getting over 120 ounces so far.

    Does light sabre fighting with the kids in the front room followed by a wrestling session count as cardio? MFP doesn't have a spot for it... lol. When your youngest (2 year old girl, youngest of six) charges into the fray with her purple light sabre in hand you know you are in for a good fight!
    Absolute best exercise on SO many levels Kevin! Enjoy!!
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    John, my favorite quote from the article: "... at 68, semi-retired Vrind now plays and teaches seniors’ volleyball a couple of hours a week, cycles for at least an hour every day, does gymnastics, and plays with her eight grandchildren."
    Goodness! Her recovery is remarkable!

    Susan: my research is on effects on student achievement and teacher attitudes when educators are supported with training and modeling of sheltered strategies. (Basically, if we train them and support them, can they teach the non-english speakers effectively. Can we help them elevate expectations and will kids show growth)
    Thankfully, i'm super passionate about this. We do training all the time and it goes nowhere. This work is more about changing beliefs and offering continued support.
    Sorry your research was a bummer. I'm sure it's beneficial still.
    Thx for asking. :)
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Well Happy Friday Folks! Hope all is well with all of you. RED TOP

    It's National Donut Day! Yeah! Carb Niters Have a blast! I've heard that both Dunkin Donuts and Krispy Cream are giving out freebies. Our care team is doing donuts and coffee on the Dementia Ward this morning in honor of the day.

    Kevin Concur with Carol absolutely some the best EX I'll bet it was a cut above anything you can do alone!

    Carol - Yep I want to meet her.

    Water update, 18-20 glasses a day good re enforcement challenge I have probably been slacking on it, Doing an eyeball calibration by logging food this week.

    This has been a trying week will post up more tomorrow gotta roll for now.


    PS Heron thanks for the shoe link.
  • kris3b
    kris3b Posts: 321 Member
    Jumping on for a quick post. I looked down at the date on my computer and realized it is the fifth. I have been a bit crazed at work. I have successfully drank over 64 oz of water, every day, since Carol posted the challenge. It is the ONLY thing that is working, but I will take it! Thoughts out to all of you. Have a grand weekend!!!
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    Kris! Thanks for joining us!! I'm getting better with water too.

    We have company this weekend and everyone is sleeping but I need to get up to get a step ahead of the 5 kids!

    Anybody talk to Jen? Please drop her a note if you have another way of contacting her. (Right now, she is me 6 months ago...needs our support!!)
  • kris3b
    kris3b Posts: 321 Member
    edited June 2015
    Oh my goodness Carol. Must have been feeling that vibe because I returned one of her emails this morning. Cyber hugs going out to ya Jen!!!

    Enjoy that quiet before the kid-storm hits! I am enjoying some quiet time and getting a pile of work emails out. Keep trying to wake the BF up, but he is zonked out. Thing is he will wake up ranting, "Why didn't you wake me up???" LOL

    Thanks for the water challenge! My bladder is still not accustomed to it. Our water usage is going to be the highest this month, both in consumption and toilet usage!

    Off to do MORE yard work and then a workout. The weeds are winning in my yard and I wish I could get myself to use some chemicals. I hate using that stuff, but it is crazy this year. At least those pesky helicopters have fallen from the trees. You should have seen us cleaning the gutters last weekend. Every time we would either be on the roof or on the ladder, it would begin to downpour. Quite humorous:) (I think it was last weekend. OY! time is flying)
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    Kevin, agree with the ladies, that's too low.

    Susan, congrats on your weight loss.

    Kim,I was just asking Christin that same question about Carb nite and she says consistence is key. I did my first carb nite and I am about to have my 2nd carb nite. However, I'm still at the same weight range, (hence the question to Christin) She thinks that my sudden increase in stress and bad sleep due to my recent fostering of medical dogs and Arturo going out of town a few times (I don't sleep as good when he is not here) contribute to my stall. Damn you! Cortisol! So I'm just going to be patient and keep following the macros. By the way here's my Carb nite macros
    CN: Begin 4-5pm with
    Carb Shock, or low fat
    cho 30g with around

    6-7 Dinner, Balanced
    meal. Think lower in fat
    Meat, Starch. Think
    white rice, potato, or
    tortilla. try to avoid a lot
    of bread. You should
    aim for 100g CHO

    8:00 pm some type of
    dessert moderate fat
    50g CHO

    9-10:00 pm your big
    dessert, fat is ok around
    100g of CHO

    John you are welcome, did you get a pair?

  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    edited June 2015
    My total macros for CN is 2200-2400K
    CHO 250-300
    Protein will vary but make sure I get at least 90
    These macros are base on my bodyfat and lifestyle, everybody is different
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    Sorry yall don't have a recent podcast!! But I'll try to get it out this week. Today I'm enjoying my kids!