Summer Vacation Travel

valschlecht Posts: 23 Member
I am 6 weeks post-op. Next, we are taking a three day road trip to Michigan for a family reunion. We will be traveling with non-bariatric people who have not been here mfor my new way of eating. HELP. Suggestions for snacks along the way? someone mentioned a "travel bowl" in another post. What is that? What do you typically order at restaurants? How do you deal with saboteurs who are with you all day long? Any words of wisdom would help with my next tough challenge. Thanks.


  • Warhawk79
    Warhawk79 Posts: 29 Member
    Since you are still early out, I don't know if what I say would apply, but I keep Life Choice Protein Bars and Jerky in the car. If I have ice I keep cheese sticks and fairlife milk with me. You could also do protein shakes. At restaurants, I try to always check out their menu and nutrition online before I get there. But other than that, sometimes I order like a salad and eat the meat and cheese off or it or find something protein heavy on the menu. Hope this helps.
  • Cronniss
    Cronniss Posts: 108 Member
    A travel bowl is basically a small bowl that will hold the amount of food that you can eat in one sitting. Usually made of plastic and easily washed.

    Here's one of mine -


    They come in many colors and cost between $1 and $2. (I got mine at Target.) I take about 3 of them with me when I go visit my family (who are all big eaters).

    As far as dealing with saboteurs, just politely tell them that you're not hungry or that you already have something to eat. When I showed my family one of my bowls they looked at me and asked "Are you sure that's enough?" My response was, of course, "Oh, don't worry....that's more than enough for me. There will probably be some left over." (Which the dogs got as a treat...hehe.)

    It might take a meal or two, but most people will "get it" once they see that you actually can only eat so much.
  • lenac87
    lenac87 Posts: 383 Member
    We drove from Michigan to Florida and I packed a cooler with reduced fat cheese, I spread laughing cow cheese on some deli turkey and made roll-ups, greek yogurt, protein shakes, and cottage cheese. Going out I was still on the pureed phase at that point so I stuck with mostly soups, have a great time!
  • amybvsg
    amybvsg Posts: 3 Member
    edited June 2015
    I refuse to eat out without my portable scale (5 wks post vsg). Otherwise, I would be paralyzed since I can't eyeball portions yet. Also don't be afraid to ask for what you want from your server. I have asked for a sandwich, hold the bread or a salad hold the lettuce....they didn't bat an eye. :smiley:
  • valschlecht
    valschlecht Posts: 23 Member
    amybvsg wrote: »
    I refuse to eat out without my portable scale (5 wks post vsg). Otherwise, I would be paralyzed since I can't eyeball portions yet. Also don't be afraid to ask for what you want from your server. I have asked for a sandwich, hold the bread or a salad hold the lettuce....they didn't bat an eye. :smiley:

    Never thought about salad, hold the lettuce. That's perfect! I often look at the salad menu and want to just get what's on top. When did you all start eating lettuce and raw veggies? (Only 1.5 months out)

  • heathergshea
    heathergshea Posts: 38 Member
    I like to order shrimp cocktail for dinner when I go out. I know exactly what I am getting. I can easily weigh it on my pocket scale and it is yummy. I also looked for grilled chicken or any grilled protein that seems moist enough. I have only been out a handful of times if that but it has been really much easier then I thought.
  • sinderstorm
    sinderstorm Posts: 225 Member
    I've done a couple of road trips and my go-to's are my protein powder, shaker cup, and you can get skim or 1% milk at nearly any restaurant or fast food place. A cooler with some Baybel light cheeses, Dannon Light and fit greek yogurts, and hard boiled eggs would also be a great way to keep some safe, portioned food within reach at all times.
  • kchaki
    kchaki Posts: 75 Member
    All of these are great ideas. I found myself at fast food places with the grandkids and was amazed that even they will make what you want. Mc Donalds-had a grilled chicken breast with nothing else. Taco Bell-chicken fresco taco, hold the shell! And don't forget, early on...KFC-mashed potatoes and gravy! I didn't eat all of any of these items, but got what I needed and the grandkids got what they wanted.
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    I have done several trips since WLS, the first one at 3 months out from WLS. Road trips are frankly easier because I can take a lot of my own food. I take protein bars, protein powder, cheese sticks/slices, deli meats, and flavored water. Even a multiple day road trip, the hotel will put your food in the fridge and your cold packs in their freezer so you can repack your cooler in the morning. If I need a protein shake I can easily buy plain bottled water or a small bottle of skim milk and make a shake when we stop for gas. It's easy. I pack meat and cheese seperate and take small tortillas to make a mini wrap. As for people pushing things on me, it really hasn't happened. I eat what I choose to and if they say anything my standard answer is that this is all my tiny tummy will hold. Fast food isn't for me anymore, the sole exception being Wendi's chili or maybe a 6" flat bread from Subway.

    It's not really hard, it just takes some preplanning.
  • valschlecht
    valschlecht Posts: 23 Member
    I've done a couple of road trips and my go-to's are my protein powder, shaker cup, and you can get skim or 1% milk at nearly any restaurant or fast food place. A cooler with some Baybel light cheeses, Dannon Light and fit greek yogurts, and hard boiled eggs would also be a great way to keep some safe, portioned food within reach at all times.

    I have every one of those things on my list. Thanks for helping me see I am on the right track. All of you have such great suggestions. I bought a small, portable scale and travel bowls today.
  • valschlecht
    valschlecht Posts: 23 Member
    I've done a couple of road trips and my go-to's are my protein powder, shaker cup, and you can get skim or 1% milk at nearly any restaurant or fast food place. A cooler with some Baybel light cheeses, Dannon Light and fit greek yogurts, and hard boiled eggs would also be a great way to keep some safe, portioned food within reach at all times.

    I have every one of those things on my list. Thanks for helping me see I am on the right track. All of you have such great suggestions. I bought a small, portable scale and travel bowls today.
  • gldngrl7
    gldngrl7 Posts: 13 Member
    amybvsg wrote: »
    I refuse to eat out without my portable scale (5 wks post vsg). Otherwise, I would be paralyzed since I can't eyeball portions yet. Also don't be afraid to ask for what you want from your server. I have asked for a sandwich, hold the bread or a salad hold the lettuce....they didn't bat an eye. :smiley:

    Never thought about salad, hold the lettuce. That's perfect! I often look at the salad menu and want to just get what's on top. When did you all start eating lettuce and raw veggies? (Only 1.5 months out)

    My nutritionist said you should wait a minimum of 42 days post surgery before venturing to salad. On day 43 I had a small spring mix salad and chewed really well -- man, did that hit the spot!

    If you try and have problems, give your stomach more time and try again in a few weeks.
  • sinderstorm
    sinderstorm Posts: 225 Member
    edited June 2015
    I'm nearly 2 months out and still haven't ventured into raw veggies yet. I'm good with cooked, but have had enough tender tummy issues that I'm taking it slow. I did have 2 grapes yesterday, chewed really well, and those went down fine, so I'll get there. I was told slow and steady, and let your body be your guide for adding new foods.
  • Kleona29
    Kleona29 Posts: 35 Member
    You've done the most important part - planning ahead and getting info and help from others. I think you'll do great on this trip. You've inspired me.
  • JudiMoving2
    JudiMoving2 Posts: 77 Member
    Lots of great information here! Food bowls, travel scales, special orders at fast food and when to eat raw veggies!
  • JudiMoving2
    JudiMoving2 Posts: 77 Member
    PS Thank you everone!!
  • TN_Tinker
    TN_Tinker Posts: 143 Member
    Love all this info!! Thank you all! ♥