Saturday, June 6, 2015

valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member


  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    This is quote isn't necessarily fitness related, but I loved it! It's something that I'm still working on.

    Marla - I hope your hand is doing better! Having a hand/wrist in pain is the affects everything!

    I went for a nice swim yesterday. But the kids have been so difficult the past four days or so. I think it's just boredom of summer. They bicker and fight about everything and whine constantly. So time to lay the smack down a bit on them just until they remember how to behave a little more like actual humans. Anyway, crashed last night and didn't do my strength training. Hoping to get it done this afternoon. Also, couldn't get myself up for an early run this morning, so I'll do that tomorrow morning instead. But I do have Pilates class this morning and I'm looking forward to that!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    A friend sent me a video about small hand ball exercises where you roll over hand and arm to release tension. Going to buy a rubber ball today.

    We are staying in beautiful area near vineyards in a 60's house. Reminds me of growing up with formica counters. Going to walk to breakfast at deli down to street.

    Left messages to get massage from massage school in Arcata. We are going there next week.

    Believe it or not they grow up quick val...but i admit i dont miss laura running to me saying julie hit me, julie hit me! Julie saying, lauras ruining my toys mom! Lol. My girls are best friends now and laugh at the past!
  • auntsammy88
    auntsammy88 Posts: 401 Member
    Today I started the You Are Your Own Gym App. Day 1 consists of ladders (1 rep on set 1, 2 reps on set 2, etc until you can't do the number of reps then begin reducing by 1 rep per set) of each exercise for 7.5 minutes per exercise with rest between sets and exercises. The exercises today were: Pushups (knee height on coffee table), Let me Ins (knees bent, on door with towel), Seated Dips (knees bent 90 degrees using coffee table), and Let Me Ups (used hubby's desk because my arms are too short o use our dining room table). I'm hoping to get some walking and/or cycling in today as well.
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    val that threadstarter is perfect for me today! I'm having a bit of an existential crisis right now. Greece is going through some stuff right now and we're all feeling it very acutely. It's getting very depressing lately and having DHs friend visiting from US right now just makes it all the more obvious how bad things have gotten. Anyway, I took today to be Eeyore. Hoping tomorrow won't be so gloomy.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Marla hope you get some relief on your wrist.

    Sherry doesn't seem like it should have to be that hard to get a kid in school. Hope you can get it straightened out.

    Val hope your body is less sore today! How are the fevers?

    AuntSammy that sounds like a cool app!

    Yesterday I was tired all day. I was cranky with Jason for our boring session (not his fault I'm limited in what I can do but there was a lot of repetition this week between him & what we did in my Pilates class), work was busy but the bosses let us leave early, and I got in a decent swim. I planned to swim 30 minutes (slowly building) but after 25 I was tired so I let myself quit. Sat in the hot tub & sauna for a bit before showering & heading home.

    I read an article shortly after I was injured talking about setting recovery milestones. The suggestion was to have mini goals of things you can do so you're still working toward something. My trainer & I discussed it and had a hard time coming up with something. The example in the article was planking - try a 15 second plank, then 30, etc. That's something I'm already good at so that wasn't appealing. Today I realized my milestone is mowing my stupid lawn. The first time I mowed it this spring it took me 5 times over the course of 6 days. The second time I was able to do it in 4 times over the course of 4 days. Last weekend it was 4 times over 2 days (3 hour rest breaks between). Today I did the whole yard in 2 segments with 4 hours of rest between. And my leg doesn't hurt. In the past week I've made a lot of progress all around. The elliptical & bike I was able to go longer than the week before and without pain. This is the point where the doctor warned me to be careful - it's easy to overdo it when you first start to feel good - but it gives me hope.
  • Aprilfoolbride
    Aprilfoolbride Posts: 552 Member
    Three days without sugar or a binge.