How do you log your Insanity Workouts on MFP?

lisaking78 Posts: 1 Member
Why aren't any of the INSANITY exercises listed in the MFP exercise diary? I've now reached Day 43 (yay me) but I'm becoming increasingly frustrated that the daily workouts aren't listed on here. Help :(


  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    If you have a heart rate monitor, I input it as intense aerobics and put the time and use the calories my HRM said I burned. That's the best and most accurate way I know of loggin Insanity workouts on MFP.

  • mommy_gigi
    mommy_gigi Posts: 16 Member
    Wow day 43! I can only dream of the day! lol Have you followed the nutrition plans? Do you mind me asking you about the progress you have made and if it is a noticeable difference? I have a 4 month old and just started this 3 days ago and am determined to lose 42 lbs and be energized and toned again!
  • watto1903
    watto1903 Posts: 19 Member
    You can create your own exercise. I did a custom add for the first time i did each workout (after that they are 'remembered') Then use HRM to log calories burned. Or as JDHCM said
  • Toddahlie
    Toddahlie Posts: 116 Member
  • mrslcoop
    mrslcoop Posts: 317 Member
    I personally don’t bother. I find it easier to do the TDEE method and just log the time of the exercise and 1 calorie. If you’re gaining or losing too quickly you just need to adjust your calories up or down accordingly.
  • KatyFace9801
    KatyFace9801 Posts: 230 Member
    I have a heart rate monitor, but it's very close (usually) to "circuit training" on MFP. I didn't have a HRM my first go around, but now that I do I find that wasn't far off.
    Hope you're loving Insanity! It's changed my life
  • I highly recommend a heart rate monitor (I have the Polar FT4), it's unreal seeing the amount of calories you actually burn during the insanity workouts!!
  • dawnmimo
    dawnmimo Posts: 4 Member
    What is the price range for a good HRM?
  • pandabear_
    pandabear_ Posts: 487 Member
    The website link is really useful.

    But what do you put for the time for each of the work outs? As it's 40 minutes in total the video, but it's not really because there are a lot of breaks.
  • TommyBowman86
    TommyBowman86 Posts: 5 Member
    Your heart doesn't stop beating during breaks (or if it does you should prob see a doctor :P) so you're still burning calories. Your calorie burn will vary due to tiredness, humidity etc and as time goes on you will get used to the workouts meaning even though you're working just as hard your heartrate will be lower. When i started i was busting 700cal burns on Cardio Plyo but now struggle to get any higher than 600. My advice would be to get a monitor and custom log.
  • aldeanancy
    aldeanancy Posts: 6 Member
    You and I are in the same boat @Mommy_gigi ! I have a five month old and I want to lose at least 50lbs. I started the insanity workouts a couple days ago. I was wondering how to enter the workouts into the mfp app as well. Looks like I will be getting a heart monitor. I would love to hear about other people getting good results from this workout! :smile:
  • JMJoulie
    JMJoulie Posts: 1 Member
    yes! thank you for the link!
  • AinhoaIndurain
    AinhoaIndurain Posts: 5 Member
    edited May 2015
    I have a related question. As mrslcoop said I don't bother to put the workouts on mfp because the calories I am eating are the ones that already count that I am doing insanity. So my doubt is, if I were to log in every exercise, would it tell me to eat more? Because I think that is a mistake. Following the guidelines to know your calorie intake and adding (in this case it's a multiplication) the insanity workout should be enough.

    I hope I explained myself and any experts can help me understand better.

    Also congrats on those 43 days. I am on day 4 :D
  • LawMJY
    LawMJY Posts: 42 Member
    Ainhoalndurain, I'm the same day as you! :p I log it based on what hrm said first time, but I don't eat any more than I would otherwise, I just like the huge calorie deficit!
  • rightoncommander
    rightoncommander Posts: 114 Member
    I have a related question. As mrslcoop said I don't bother to put the workouts on mfp because the calories I am eating are the ones that already count that I am doing insanity. So my doubt is, if I were to log in every exercise, would it tell me to eat more? Because I think that is a mistake. Following the guidelines to know your calorie intake and adding (in this case it's a multiplication) the insanity workout should be enough.

    I hope I explained myself and any experts can help me understand better.

    Also congrats on those 43 days. I am on day 4 :D

    If you're counting yourself as "active" because of Insanity, you shouldn't double-count that activity by logging the exercise as well. I am an office worker, so I log my lifestyle as "sedentary", and use an HRM to keep track of all exercise calories. Personally I prefer the flexibility and precision of logging the exercise, because every week is different in Insanity.

    The one thing you shouldn't do is try to "bank" those Insanity calories. That's not a shortcut to losing weight, it's a shortcut to doom and failure and self-loathing.
  • trippingfrogs
    trippingfrogs Posts: 4 Member
    mrslcoop wrote: »
    I personally don’t bother. I find it easier to do the TDEE method and just log the time of the exercise and 1 calorie. If you’re gaining or losing too quickly you just need to adjust your calories up or down accordingly.

    Great suggestion. I tried using a calorie calculation and didn't see any changes in my body form. Now I aim for 2k calories as calculated by TDEE and enter the exercise time. It's the best of both worlds. I know exactly how long I exercised and exactly how much I ate. No mucking around with the net calories.

    Just a note on setting up MyExercise, enter time of 60 min and 10 calories, not 1 calorie. That way if you do 15 min of the exercise MFP will calculate 2 calories so you won't need to manually enter the calorie value.