Welcome - Introduce Yourself!

CatAlii Posts: 87 Member
Hi everyone! I'm a 42 year old mom, software engineer, teacher, and writer & I enjoy spending time hiking and being outside with my kiddos and dogs. I'm hoping to spend the next 12 weeks of summer break making healthier food choices, moving more (love my activity monitor!), and losing 20 pounds.


  • trublutopaz
    trublutopaz Posts: 70 Member
    This is right up my alley. I'm a 59 year old high school teacher. I teach studio art, AP Studio and AP Art History. I'm also department head. I'm also the main source of transportation and care for my 86 year old Mom. Last but not least I am the wife of one of biggest Chicago fans in the world, the mother of three terrific grown children and one amazing grandson. I have a lot on my shoulders.....my ultimate goal is 70 lbs. But I will settle for 20 to start. I have to do this. I'm tired of being so tired. :)
  • marie22442
    marie22442 Posts: 3 Member
    Timing is everything! I am a 59 year old woman who has recently made a ton of life changes and have been "sort-of" focused on improving my health and, as you have likely guessed, only have "sort-of" made progress.

    I'd like to connect with like-minded people to support me in blasting off 20 pounds. I like good, healthy food, am more than capable of cooking healthy meals and rarely eat processed food or junk; my main challenge is quantity. I am planning to approach this summer journey by downsizing food portions (this applies to my love of good wine) and amping up my physical activity.

    FWIW, I am a former dietitian, so I have difficulty with anything that resembles a food fad. In spite of knowing what to do, I admit to having difficulty putting it to practice consistently.

    I look forward to joining you!
  • gardenweeble
    gardenweeble Posts: 2 Member
    I just turned 45 and need to lose 70lbs. 20 is a good start. I definitely need all the support I can get. Having marital issues and depression so I'm in need of a new focus!
  • CatAlii
    CatAlii Posts: 87 Member
    I'm so excited to meet all of you and connect with like-minded people who have similar challenges. I can relate to so many things that you've shared. I have more than 20 pounds to lose as well but thought that breaking it up into more attainable goals would be helpful. I think we'll be great support for each other!
  • meishu_2014
    meishu_2014 Posts: 4 Member
    edited June 2015
    I am 57 and looking forward to get back to a healthy eating active lifestyle. Looking forward to receiving and sharing tips. I have about 10lbs to lose but also wish to maintain once I get there.
  • fitlisa66
    fitlisa66 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello, my name is Lisa. I'm a poet/writer and teacher. I literally just finished my MFA program (Friday June 5th). I will be 49 in July and would like to loose a total of 40 pounds before my fiftieth birthday. I have been gradually changing my eating habits for several years and remain pretty active, going to the gym at least a couple of times a week, but never really loose weight. I work with a wellness coach AND a personal trainer, so I'm not entirely sure why I my body doesn't want to shed pounds (and neither are they). Now that I am finished with my (second) graduate degree and have the summer more or less free, I aim to increase my focus on my health and become more diligent in recording my food intake and exercise. I just found this group in the nick of time!!!! My first mini-goal is 5 lbs, but a 20 lb loss would really boost my confidence.
  • cindileeb
    cindileeb Posts: 15 Member
    Hi, my name is Cindi. My husband and I own a business selling and installing interior window coverings. I have 2 boys, 13 & 5. I never got back to pre-pregnancy weight (136) after my oldest, Kevin, setttled around 140-145 and in 2008 got married, quit smoking and packed on another 10, settling around 160. Dex was born in Feb 2010. I settled down at about 178. Did HCG in October, got down to 160, but then bounced back and forth between 170-180. I would like to lose 45 lbs by my 45th birthday in Jan. This seems like a good group to help me get this going :)
  • __hardy27
    __hardy27 Posts: 12 Member
    Hello, I'm RaShawnda and I am new to MFP. I know this group was created for the 40+ in mind but I would love to kick off this challenge too. I'm 31 with a 5yr old Daughter who is trying to healthy and kick old bad habits!!! Looking for some motivating friends ends to help on this journey!!!! My Overall goal is to loose 32 lbs and lower my body fat percent
  • cadavis08
    cadavis08 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I'm Clarissa and I am 35 but have the blood pressure of a 52 year old stressed out and over worked business man. My Dr asked me why hadn't my head exploded yet! :) i am attending college for my batchlor degree in early childhood education and I ask my husband if I lost 40 pounds would he stop smoking...I bounce between 230 and 220 and have a goal of 70 lbs by May of next year and this sounds like a great group to help me get started in the right direction. Encouragement is appreciated :) can't wait!!! And we can do this!
    SIERRANV1 Posts: 206 Member
    edited June 2015
    Greeting's all! Inspired and looking forward to the journey with this group! My name is Stacey and I am 48 years. I joined MFP this past fall, and have been in need of the motivation to lose my remaining 67 pounds! 20#'s is an awesome place to begin~
    My current weight as of today is 207.2. My true challenge's are portion control and my love of craft beer~I enjoy gardening, exercising and love to eat healthy when I am centered & focused, just wish indulgences could be calorie free~ ;)
  • amycfatnomore
    amycfatnomore Posts: 30 Member
    I'm Amy and I'm 38 years old (is it sad that I had to stop & think for a minute?). I will be 39 next month and my overall goal is to lose over 200 pounds. My shorter term goal is to lose at least 80 pounds by my 40th birthday (40 for me and 40 for my girls)...really I'd LOVE to lose 120 pounds by then (that would only be 10 a month...it's probably possible, but I know there will be valleys and plateaus along the journey so am not going to set myself up for disappointment and give myself an excuse to give up.) I'd LOVE some encouragement to lose the 1st 20 of those 80...soon to be 120...soon to be 200. I am determined to do this!!
  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    Hi my name is Vera, here is a little about Me:
    I have tried many times to lose weight but never made my goals. I am going to be 52 in August. I started MFP 335 days ago and have lose 86 pounds. I am so looking forward to being apart of this group, i really needed a new fresh group that has the same goals. I wanted to be at a 100 pound loss by the end of July. I don;t think its going to happen but i am really going to try.
    I need to be accountable for my weight loss and becoming a member of MFP has done that for me. I have been married for 27 years and have 3 sons.

    Why I want to get in shape
    I need to lose weight for myself first before I can do it for others. I want to look and feel healthier

    My Inspirations
    My sons wedding, I want to feel good about having pictures taken of me.
    To shop for clothes without thinking about sizes.
    To have my Knees feel better so i can jump and run if I want to. Thanks SIERRANV1 for letting me know about this group.
  • rmd0228
    rmd0228 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi, I'm Jeannie. One time runner and active person and now can't seem to keep my motivation. Thanks for this group; I've started three times this year to lose 20 pounds but in it by myself is not working. Thanks for starting this group. I guess we have some kind of a weigh in tomorrow?
  • JMRod
    JMRod Posts: 86 Member
    I'm 53 and need to lose the nearly 20 pounds I've gained since October. I have been on MFP for 875 days and had lost 52 pounds since January 2013.

    I'm a teacher that will retire at the end of next school year and I NEED to get back on track. NO MORE EXCUSES!

    Tomorrow I get back to the gym and get my eating back under control. I can and will do this!
  • TriciaBixler
    TriciaBixler Posts: 1 Member
    hi, my name is tricia. I will be 46 next month. trying to lose 55 pounds. recovering from a broken leg and have been unemployed since November. hoping to start some healthy habits and feel about me.
  • linahall2
    linahall2 Posts: 1 Member
    hi everyone im 53 years old i m here to help u too i m medical dietician u can ask me any question too....but i need yr support too...i gained a lot of weight after my parents death ...they died both in 40 days....i had bad depression...but thx god i m much better....left pills....quit smoking...... and doing diet......my bad habit now is addiction to food........i need yr support too....i need 20kgs to loose.....mind u ...i was always slim......anyway nice to meet everyone..
  • CatAlii
    CatAlii Posts: 87 Member
    Thank you for joining everyone - it's great to meet all of you! I thought I'd post a weekly check-in every Monday for us to weigh in and share our victories (and challenges). Throughout the week we can all post new topics as needed for support, to share, or to ask questions. I look forward to getting to know you all. :smiley:

    A little more about me - I joined MFP a while ago and have used it to track eating and exercise on and off but this is my first time committing to consistantly using it as a weight loss tool. I have two kids - ages 12 and 6, two dogs, and I volunteer as a foster for a dog rescue (although we're taking a fostering break for now). I worked as an engineer for the Space Shuttle program and now I teach as a substitute. I also enjoy hiking, gardening, photography, cooking, and writing. I've faced a lot of personal challenges over the past few years which I could blame for my weight gain but I'm tired of using that as an excuse and ready to be healthy no matter what the universe throws at me.

    For the weekly check-in I thought I'd include a brief welcome message to explain the purpose of the group, followed by some check-in info, and anything else we want to share. How's this for our weekly check-in stats?
      Weight loss goal for the 12 weeks Net weight loss from June 8th Favorite motivators Resolutions for this week

    Any other stats or info you'd like to include for our Monday check-ins? I thought I'd leave starting/current weight optional. I'm open to any and all suggestions!

    See you tomorrow for our first check-in! I'm on the west coast of the U.S. so I may post our first check-in late tonight so that the east coasters (and folks in other countries) aren't waiting.
  • tami4gsd
    tami4gsd Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all! My name is Tami & it sounds like I am in the same boat as a lot of folks here. I have used MFP for awhile now & have found it to be a very effective tool in holding me accountable for what I put in my mouth. I have never joined in any of the discussions on MFP before but my friend Catalii told me about this group & I thought I would join in.
    A little about my weight loss journey, I have lost the equivalent of several people during my lifetime. I grew up the fat kid & have been battling fat all of my adult life. About 4 years ago I lost 75 lb (one more time) and with exercise, MFP & a lot of commitment have been able to keep all of it off but 30 lb. A few months ago I reset myself & got started again. To my surprise, I lost 10 lb pretty quickly. The rest is just hanging there! Losing weight was much easier before menopause! The reality of the situation for me is that if I can lose 10 lb in the next 12 weeks, I will consider it a major accomplishment.
    A little about me: I will be 57 in less than 2 weeks. I am a nurse working in a local hospital & I also teach part time for the nursing program at a nearby college. I am very active. I hike, do yoga, walk my dogs & am involved in search & rescue which keeps me pretty active. My job also requires a lot of physical activity. I have been a single mom for over 25 years. I have twin sons who have given me a total of 4 beautiful grand children.
    I'm really looking forward to getting to know all of you here & finding the support I need to stick to my food plan.
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Hi, I'm 57. I needed to loose about 63 pounds when I started MFP in December. I have lost 22 so far. This past month I plateaued a bit and now I am working to get the number going back down again. I eat healthy but need to be more active. Also, logging daily seems to have the biggest impact on me for consistently losing weight. Looking forward to the next 12 weeks with everyone. :)
  • N_Laplante
    N_Laplante Posts: 29 Member
    42 year old mother of 3. Anxious to get started!