12 weeks, 20 lbs - Summer Weight Loss Journey for the over 40 crowd

Starting Monday, June 8th - let's support each other as we strive to lose 20 pounds in 12 weeks.

Weekly check-ins, a focus on eating healthy foods (no fad diets), and daily exercise.

I chose 12 weeks of summer because it's a reasonable amount of time to lose 20 pounds (~1.7 lbs/wk) and it also corresponds to the number of weeks we have for summer break. And whether you have 20 pounds to lose or 200, it's often easier to break down weight loss into manageable goals. I started this group with the 40 & older crowd in mind but the group is open to all.
Owner: CatAliiLeaders: CatAliiCreated on June 7, 201521 membersPrivacy: Public



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