Week 8 Check-In: Week of July 27, 2015

CatAlii Posts: 87 Member
Week 8 Check-In: Week of July 27, 2015
Good afternoon everyone! Sorry I'm late - darn summer break, can't remember what day it is - haha. I'll be back after my weigh-in to check in.

Welcome to Week 8 of 12 Weeks, 20 lbs, a group of people supporting and encouraging each other in our journey to better health in 12 week increments. The idea behind this group is, by setting smaller more attainable goals (20 pounds in 12 weeks), we will be more likely to succeed at our long term goals. We started this 12 week cycle on June 8, 2015 but feel free to jump in any time!

By checking in each week, we can assess which goals and resolutions are working, which aren’t, and improve them for the next week. Thank you so much for being a part of this group. Here's to reaching our 12 week goals! Have a wonderful week. :smiley:

To get started, copy and paste the four items below in your post:
Weight loss goal for the 12 weeks:
Net weight loss this week/Net weight loss from June 8th:
Weekly victories:
Goals for this week/Areas I can improve:


    SIERRANV1 Posts: 206 Member
    Guess no one is weighing in this week~boo.......where's everybody at?
  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    edited July 2015
    Weight loss goal for the 12 weeks: 20 pounds Start weight @ 185
    Net weight loss this week/Net weight loss from June 8th: -2.2 total -6 @ 179
    Weekly victories:Slowly coming back to caring about myself again.
    Goals for this week/Areas I can improve: Get closer to losing another 3.5 pounds want to hit the 95 pound loss mark. I need to get back to the gym and stop feeling sorry for myself and help my son get through the next couple of days.
  • CatAlii
    CatAlii Posts: 87 Member
    Weight loss goal for the 12 weeks: 20 lbs/Adjusting my goal to 10 lbs
    Net weight loss this week/Net weight loss from June 8th: 0 lbs/5 lbs
    Weekly victories: Did better with tracking
    Goals for this week/Areas I can improve: Trying to not be too hard on myself and allow myself to get back to where I was a few weeks ago with tracking and exercising diligently.
  • N_Laplante
    N_Laplante Posts: 29 Member
    Sorry been kind of MIA the last couple of weeks! Trying to stay on track but been missing the gym this last week and a half. Will start weighing in again Monday August 3rd! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! :smile:
  • StefieS
    StefieS Posts: 39 Member
    Hi everyone; I have not been recording my weigh-ins...I am up based on vacation eating from a few weeks ago and also late-night snacking. But, this week I began with a new strategy for curbing that nighttime eating and so far so good. I've been doing well with excersize since vacation so that's better, and I'm trying hard to make good food choices. Just wanted to let everyone know I'm still here, still with you!!!