Week 5 Check-In: Week of July 6, 2015

CatAlii Posts: 87 Member
Week 5 Check-In: Week of July 6, 2015
Good morning everyone! Or good evening since I'm posting this the night before so everyone can start checking in first thing tomorrow. I'll be back to check-in in the morning. :)

Welcome to Week 5 of 12 Weeks, 20 lbs, a group of people supporting and encouraging each other in our journey to better health in 12 week increments. The idea behind this group is, by setting smaller more attainable goals (20 pounds in 12 weeks), we will be more likely to succeed at our long term goals. We started this 12 week cycle on June 8, 2015 but feel free to jump in any time!

By checking in each week, we can assess which goals and resolutions are working, which aren’t, and improve them for the next week. Thank you so much for being a part of this group. Here's to reaching our 12 week goals! Have a wonderful week. :smiley:

To get started, copy and paste the four items below in your post:
Weight loss goal for the 12 weeks:
Net weight loss this week/Net weight loss from June 8th:
Weekly victories:
Goals for this week/Areas I can improve:


  • N_Laplante
    N_Laplante Posts: 29 Member
    Weight loss goal for the 12 weeks: 20lbs
    Net weight loss this week/Net weight loss from June 8th: +2/-11.8
    Weekly victories: kept eating under control
    Goals for this week/Areas I can improve: more exercise ! I have all the tools so no excuses. I need to fit my exercise in on a daily basis to meet my goals.
  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    edited July 2015
    MFP Starting weight @270.4 June 2014

    Weight loss goal for the 12 weeks: 20 lbs
    Net weight loss this week/Net weight loss from June 8th: -.8 lbs/ -8 total @ 177.0 lbs
    Weekly victories: getting through the 4th of July 3 day weekend
    Goals for this week/Areas I can improve: same as last week water, water, water. not weighing in everyday
  • CatAlii
    CatAlii Posts: 87 Member
    Weight loss goal for the 12 weeks: 20 lbs
    Net weight loss this week/Net weight loss from June 8th: -3.5 lbs/-6.5 lbs
    Weekly victories: Staying close to my caloric goal through the holiday weekend, not overdoing it
    Goals for this week/Areas I can improve: I need to move more. A lot more. I don't think I met my steps goal once last week, ugh. I also need to get more sleep.
    SIERRANV1 Posts: 206 Member
    edited July 2015
    Weight loss goal for the 12 weeks: 15-20#'s
    Weigh in this week: 207/Start weight 207.2
    Weekly victories: Made it through the last 2 STRESSFUL weeks~
    Goals for this week/Areas I can improve: R...E...B...O...O...T...I...N...G~ Tracking & incorporating exercise 3-4 days this week.

  • JMRod
    JMRod Posts: 86 Member
    On still on vacation and cannot weigh in. Food choices have been a challenge. The only great thing had been the enormous amount of walking. My fitness tracker days I've walked 27+ miles this week.

    We fly home tomorrow so I'll get back in the groove.
  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    JMRod wrote: »
    On still on vacation and cannot weigh in. Food choices have been a challenge. The only great thing had been the enormous amount of walking. My fitness tracker days I've walked 27+ miles this week.

    We fly home tomorrow so I'll get back in the groove.

    Have a safe trip back and don't weigh in for a few days. You could see some water weight. :)