6/7 Day 108 Sunday

Auna37 Posts: 708 Member
Life is short and often very busy. It is rare when we get a chance to sit down and talk to the people we want to talk too. That is how people get lost or forgotten about. It isn’t intentional but it happens.

Today’s challenge: Tell someone in your life Thank you

Thank You is not said enough. Especially, to the people who deserve it most. So go out and Thank people today for whatever reason!


  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
    What a thoughtful idea, Auna! I've thanked my daughter for all the yummy meals she's made since she got home from college and tonight I'll thank my husband for doing the majority of the yard work. And this week I'm going to look for other opportunities to thank people who help me or others in some way.

    And Auna, THANK-YOU! Thank you for your dedication to the Challenge-A-Day group. It doesn't just happen. You spend part of each and every day thinking of a new challenge for us that will help us improve and grow just a little. I really appreciate your dedication!
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,342 Member
    A perfect challenge for a Sunday. This week I gave thank you gifts to the folks at the switchboard/mailroom and reprographics - now, how about that hubby who is so wonderful. Thanks for the reminder.
  • kaatebiishop
    kaatebiishop Posts: 1 Member
    Ah! This is a lovely first challenge! I am a manager at a store and make a point to thank every one who works my shift every day, as I did today. I thanked my grandmother for watching my roommate's dogs. And I want to thank you for a reminder to be kind to those in my life.
  • Mare7272
    Mare7272 Posts: 110 Member
    What a wonderful reminder. You are so right. A lot of us are so busy all the time and we forget to thank those around us more. I want to thank you for the dedication and effort you put into this for all of us. You help me to keep on track. THANK YOU!!!!
  • Auna37
    Auna37 Posts: 708 Member
    I told my parents thank you for being there for me when I needed it most. I also thanked my brother and my grandmother. I will also THANK YOU GUYS because you keep me accountable and brighten my day!