Sunday, June 7, 2015

valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member


  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    Well, I'm up at the crack of dawn to get a run in before the sun is up and it gets hot. Hopefully my first longer run in a while goes okay. It will be my only exercise today as I have to get my room set up for VBS this week. Which will also put a cramp in my workouts this week as I usually work out in the morning and instead I'll be teaching a class in VBS. I guess it will be a lot of early mornings this week.

    Sherry - sorry you're having a down day. I had one of those on Friday. I was just overwhelmed by everything and stressed and everything just felt so hard. I hope today will be awesome!

    Marla - it sounds beautfiul where you are! How goes the house hunt?

    Laura - mowing the lawn sounds like the perfect mini-goal. And it sounds like you're improving a lot! As for me, my fevers have basically gone away. Still thinking it was valley fever...which goes away on its own after a month or two. Feeling much better and so started getting workouts in this week. So far so good!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Houseguest arrived. A lot of food and not much activity. :-/ this is going to be a challenging summer. Gtg. Have a good one.
  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    Did 2 1/2 mile easy walk, also doing self massage on arm. I found wrist pain was from tight muscles on arm. Slowly getting better.

    House hunt....we have two appts this week, one with construction people and one with realtor.

    I did construction one first because it is now looking like we can build small home and won't need other realtor...if that is so we will tell her at appt with her and take her out to dinner to thank her for her time. She is also one who found me the two boys who helped us unload truck.

    So after construction appt Wednesday i will have more info to give you all.

    Feel free to laugh...i am scrambling to find housing furnished that is not over $2000.... Rent is crazy!! So far i have july, aug and sept set up. Two places.

  • auntsammy88
    auntsammy88 Posts: 401 Member
    I ended up getting some extra walking in yesterday (walking the dog and going through the festival of homes in our town with the hubby.)

    Today was church, a picnic with the hubby, and more festival of home walking. When we got home, the pupper and I went on a nice walk. I also did day 2 of You Are Your Own Gym (hereafter referred to as YAYOG). It consisted of mainly legwork, including lunges, squats, single legged romanian deadlifts, and swimmers. I think my yoga helped me with balance for the deadlifts, but my knees (especially the right one) were not doing well with the squats and lunges. I tried really hard to have good form. Not sure if my knees will be strengthened by the exercise or if I should use a brace of some kind. No significant pain, just a tightness in my right knee.

    Marla: Good luck on the house hunt! Rent really is crazy.
    valmaebel: I hope your run went well! VBS sounds great. What an amazing way to share the love of God.