GOALS -- Shoot for the Moon in JUNE!



  • giusa
    giusa Posts: 577 Member
    crabada wrote: »
    giusa wrote: »
    June Goal:

    -Lose weight!

    Still struggling with weight…my entire focus this month! Time to make a doct apt :'(

    Guisa, I know that personally, I need a more specific goal than this when I've hit a rut in my losses. "Lose weight" is just too broad. I mean, you could cut off your arm and technically reach this goal, but I don't think that's what you want. :)

    Maybe think about the things that you're struggling with right now. Are you logging your food accurately and consistently? If not, maybe that's your goal. If you are logging, take a look at your past diaries and see if you're over your calorie range more days than not. If you are, maybe that's your goal. Are you exercising / lifting regularly? If not, maybe that's your goal. All of these will help with your overall goal of "lose weight" but are so much more manageable and trackable, you know?

    Just some thoughts. xo

    Thanks for this ;flowerforyou. When I hit my 'prego weight' in April I cleaned up my logging (as much as humanly possible, log the good, the bad and the ungly), double checked/triple checked my cals/macros. Other than recycling the same 2.5 lbs and a *slight* decrease in measurements the change is not enough to justify the 15% cal deficit. Reviewed all my food diary stats to see if I could find a pattern, there's nothing there. I gave myself until the end of May, then seek medical help. But now I might give myself to the end of April...and increase my cal deficit to 20%.
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    Alright. My goals.

    Start Stronglifts again. I was looking through old photos of when I was in the middle of the program. I was lifting a lot, and I LOVED my shape. I've since stopped, stopped eating to fuel, stopped doing a lot of things. I gained nearly 20lbs back, and I lost my bum. <--- I think that's the worst of it all lol

    I am starting SL tonight. No backing down, I will lift 3 times a week, starting slowly. Think I can start with an empty bar tonight to get my form back?
  • indianarose2
    indianarose2 Posts: 469 Member
    1. Read Starting strength and start polishing up my form. Deload where necessary to do so. (Hopefully not at all)
    2. Incorporate more accessory work such as single leg lifts/squats, planks, hangs, pullups and walk a mile after lifting
    3. Increase jog time to 30 minutes and then start increasing pace (no specific pace yet)
    4. Meet my macro goals
    5. Keep losing. (3# &/or 3" - Still no shorts)
    6. 5 minute meditation (come on, I can do this!)

    1. My husband keeps taking it out of my Amazon cart so still don't have this!! I've been watching more videos instead.
    2. Did some more accessory work today :-)
    3. Increased jog time to 20 mins with a slight pace increase
    4. Not meeting my protein goals daily
    5. Lost a pound last week!
    6. Getting my meditation done most days!
  • andylllI
    andylllI Posts: 379 Member
    andylllI wrote: »
    These are mine:
    Quit weighing daily it's messing with my head
    Strength train 2 sessions a week - up to three once home gym arrives in a couple weeks (yay!)
    - work pull-ups back up to 3
    Remember to bring my friggin reusable coffee cup to work and my water bottle
    A perfect record regarding bike commuting
    Consume 8 servings of fruits and veggies daily
    I'm going to put a bikini on my perfectly-right-now-bikini-ready-body and rock it - squishy tum be damned.

    I'm just getting back into lifting after a post surgical hiatus. I feel pretty weak and I'm not ready to set lifting goals because I'm not sure how quickly it's going to come back

    still weighing daily
    pull ups back to 3 but the third is a bit messy
    coffee and water bottle are coming to and from work with me. The coffee cup gets used but not so much the water bottle
    bike commuting perfection...but it hasn't rained yet and I've had no night shifts this month yet so....TBD
    veggie and fruits about 80% of the way there.
    bikini - no opportunity yet but self tanning moisturizer is being applied.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Oh yeah, a week is already done, I guess I could update.

    @andyllll - nice job so far. I have to admit that I've never owned a bikini. I've been fluffy a good percent of my life so never gotten one of those on the rare times I had a swim suit. Still working on just being comfortable in any swimsuit. My mom used to have several though. Not sure why she bought so many as we lived in Wyoming and there isn't much beach there...

    So far I'm a bit stalled on things but getting settled in to new apartment while dealing with the beginning heat of summer.

    1. Weigh 150 - Well, scale was at 156 this morning so may end up more like 153 this month, will see how it goes.
    2. Unpack, clean and organize new apartment. - Some progress but not enough room in the kitchen for it all.
    3. Edit novel and submit to agents. - no progress
    4. Jog in 5k and maybe start 10k training so August 5k is easier. - 5k is on Friday.
    5. Get through stage 5 in NROLFW and start stage 7. - I'm on workout 3 of 8 for stage 5
    6. Look into next tech training session, start studying and approach manager about it. - boss approached me on the tech stuff so I am actually making a little progress here.

    Ugh, it's so hot I don't wanna do anything. But need to get my meals figured out and start cooking meats/veggies and such again. And tracking the calories. A little break was nice but back to the norm again.
  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    @andylllI - I bought a high waisted bikini this year. My first one in about 15 years. It is as full coverage as you can get and still be a bikini. I call it my gateway bikini :p I plan on wearing a teensier one next year!
  • andylllI
    andylllI Posts: 379 Member
    @mirrim52 I should try that. It's the postpartum sag-pooch that keeps me covered so maybe I should just cover it. But my current bottoms are Hawaiian/ Brazilian style bc squats.
  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    TravelsWithHuckleberry Posts: 955 Member
    crabada wrote: »
    I'm carrying my goals over from May:

    OVERALL GOAL: Lose at least 6 lbs.

    - Do a Headspace meditation daily.
    - Write Morning Pages.
    - Lift 3x / week.
    - Hike / walk with Huck at least 3x / week.
    - Prepare meals / eat at home.
    - Concentrate on getting 8+ glasses of water daily.
    - Avoid soda.


    Weight loss: -0.3 (weighed on 06/05, loss since 05/30)
    - Hoping this was less than it should have been due to some water retention. We'll see what happens this Friday.

    - Mediation -- Nope. Was doing well there for a while, but have fallen off.
    - Morning Pages -- Same as above.
    - Lift 3x / week -- I'm getting to the gym 2x / week right now. Motivation just isn't there at the moment. Not sure why.
    - Hikes / Walks -- Yup. Doing well here.
    - Meals at home -- For the most part. Could be better, but not terrible.
    - Water -- Still not up to eight per day, but drinking more. Improvements still needed.
    - Soda -- Haven't had any so far this month. Yay!

    I have some real concerns that these things will end up by the wayside given that I am now moving in one month's time. But I will do my best!
  • craftymommy
    craftymommy Posts: 57 Member
    - keep going with SL, just finishing up week 4
    - Add in some form of cardio (I don't know what I will do for this yet so this will be trial and error figuring out what works for me; I've never been a big fan of cardio)
    - Go back to calorie counting and actually weigh my food (bought a food scale last night that will arrive next week)

    - still going with SL, finished up week 5
    - cardio (youtube videos for now) is going a lot better than I expected after an initial hurdle. I'm still terrible at it and last about 15 mins, but the 15 mins are getting easier and easier. So these I do right after lifting and the days in between lifting.
    - my scale arrived yesterday and today I started my first official day of weighing and calorie counting
  • Autumnfilly2005
    Autumnfilly2005 Posts: 232 Member
    I've been absent from here for a while, so my goals are pretty simple:
    1. Start SL again
    2. Do weights 2x/week

    At least I kept up with the running, so I'm also running 3x a week, now working on a 10k program since I graduated c25k a week ago.

    So far doing good on both 1 and 2. Pulled a muscle in my shoulder at work, so debating whether to keep working out since my weights are less than 20lbs, or give it a rest. The muscle feels more tender than actually sore, so I might try it and see how it feels. Still running 3x/week. Been loving that. My 5k is this weekend. People are asking me if I'm still going to run with my injury, and my response is, "Nothing wrong with my legs!" I've been training for that race a long time, and I really want to do it.
  • indianarose2
    indianarose2 Posts: 469 Member
    Have a great race!!^
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    So far doing good on both 1 and 2. Pulled a muscle in my shoulder at work, so debating whether to keep working out since my weights are less than 20lbs, or give it a rest. The muscle feels more tender than actually sore, so I might try it and see how it feels. Still running 3x/week. Been loving that. My 5k is this weekend. People are asking me if I'm still going to run with my injury, and my response is, "Nothing wrong with my legs!" I've been training for that race a long time, and I really want to do it.

    Hope the shoulder gets better fast and good luck at your 5k. Have fun!

    My 5k is tomorrow evening but I can't pick up the packet and stuff until right before the race. They cancelled one of the pickup days and I can't get up to the spot today since I work during those hours. Oh well. I can pick up my glow sticks tomorrow cause i planned to go early anyways.

    Looks like it's a 5k kind of weekend. :wink:
  • Autumnfilly2005
    Autumnfilly2005 Posts: 232 Member
    Is yours a glow in the dark 5k? Glow sticks? That sounds fun! Mine is an ultra-casual, run along the beach type thing. I'll be running on a bike trail with the sea in sight. I'm hoping between the early morning time and the nearby ocean, it will be quite cool, since I tend to get my best times during colder weather. I might try for a PR, but I really just want to do the entire thing running, start to finish.
  • indianarose2
    indianarose2 Posts: 469 Member
    Ooh! A glow run!! I just read about those! Sounds fun!! Have a great time both of you!!!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Yep. It's called Neon Glow, so I get to wear a bunch of neon and they give everyone glow sticks. I figured my first couple of runs would be fun, so am doing this one then a bubble color run in August.
  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    mirrim52 wrote: »
    Lose 3-4 lbs.
    Increase all lifts by at least 1 increment.

    Try not to get impatient with my weight loss! The closer to my goal I get, the more impatient I get. I can't let unhealthy thoughts get in my head, as I had an ED when I was younger. I know summer is coming up, but it isn't a race to the finish line. I really think these last 10-15 lbs are going to make a big difference in my appearance, so I am trying not to get discouraged.

    So far, down by 1.8 lbs, so on track for weight.
    Increasing most lifts in the next week. I already upped squats. Bench, OHP and rows coming soon. DL, probably on my next DL day, as long as I can get chalk.

    As for the impatience....meh. I didn't lose anything on my June 5 weigh in. Checked again on June 6, and was up half a pound. I started to get discouraged as I had done so well that week. I had to keep repeating to myself "weight loss is not linear...weight loss is not linear". My first instinct was to restrict more in "punishment" but I stuck to my calories for the next week, and BAM! Down 1.8 lbs this week and hit my lowest weight in at least 6 years, and down 0.5 inches on my belly button measurement. So my instinct wasn't good, but I was able to recognize that, and stick to the plan.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Figured I would post a mid month update since I had to look in here just to see what my goals were for the month. Tad forgetful at times. Still have plenty of time to get things done.

    1. Weigh 150 - Down to 153.4 so getting closer at least.
    2. Unpack, clean and organize new apartment. - No more unpacking so far but have thursday off work.
    3. Edit novel and submit to agents. - no progress at all, distracted by reviewing 27 poems as a judge for a contest
    4. Jog in 5k and maybe start 10k training so August 5k is easier. - Success on 5k. Am going to start a modified 10k training in July and expand it past 8 weeks. Other 5k will be in the middle of it.
    5. Get through stage 5 in NROLFW and start stage 7. - Still doing progress and should finish the stage this month.
    6. Look into next tech training session, start studying and approach manager about it. - just waiting to find out next step that I need to take.

    Still have much to do.
  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    TravelsWithHuckleberry Posts: 955 Member
    edited June 2015
    crabada wrote: »
    OVERALL GOAL: Lose at least 6 lbs.

    - Do a Headspace meditation daily.
    - Write Morning Pages.
    - Lift 3x / week.
    - Hike / walk with Huck at least 3x / week.
    - Prepare meals / eat at home.
    - Concentrate on getting 8+ glasses of water daily.
    - Avoid soda.


    Weight loss: -2.3 (loss since 05/30)
    - This was a bit of a surprise, given my lack of time at the gym and/or hiking, paired with my last couple of weeks of eating over my calorie range. But I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth. I'll take it!

    - Just about everything has gone out the window now that I've decided to move. I basically ended up with less than three weeks from the time I gave notice to the time I have to be completely packed and out of the house, so all bets are off. I don't see this changing much between now and July 1.

    So, my NEW SUB-GOAL:
    - Stay within my calorie range (averaged weekly). That's it.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Month is ending so it's that time: goal update.

    1. Weigh 150 - 152, so not quite there but making progress.
    2. Unpack, clean and organize new apartment. - have to figure out what to do with all the kitchen stuff still.
    3. Edit novel and submit to agents. - Did some editing but need to work on query letter.
    4. Jog in 5k and maybe start 10k training so August 5k is easier. - Success on 5k. Am going to start a modified 10k training in July and expand it past 8 weeks. Have the one 5k in August and another near beginning of September.
    5. Get through stage 5 in NROLFW and start stage 7. - On stage 7 now and will do workout 3 tonight.
    6. Look into next tech training session, start studying and approach manager about it. - just waiting to find out next step that I need to take. Going to start studying things though.

    Did okay but still more work to do. On to July!
  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    mirrim52 wrote: »
    Lose 3-4 lbs.
    Increase all lifts by at least 1 increment.

    Try not to get impatient with my weight loss! The closer to my goal I get, the more impatient I get. I can't let unhealthy thoughts get in my head, as I had an ED when I was younger. I know summer is coming up, but it isn't a race to the finish line. I really think these last 10-15 lbs are going to make a big difference in my appearance, so I am trying not to get discouraged.

    1 - lost 3.8 lbs as of June 25. I was going to weigh myself for the end of the month, but ate fast food this weekend and get the feeling I am still retaining water. I don't want to see the scale go up, so I am just calling last week my end of month weigh in.

    2 - Not all of them. I should have them all up by one by the end of this week, but my inconsistent lifting this month has hurt my progress a bit. I am still ok with where I am though.