Monday, June 8, 2015

Aprilfoolbride Posts: 552 Member


  • Aprilfoolbride
    Aprilfoolbride Posts: 552 Member

    And here I am. Last week I started a low-carb, high-fat diet (I'm not a crazy person, I still eat carrots and some fruit) and it's challenging because it requires a lot more effort than oh, sandwich, cereal, etc. But it's easier in a way because it takes foods that are hard to moderate (read: sweets) off the table. I've done this before and it works, just takes a little while and commitment obvs. I've also been reading Better Than Before about habit change and it's been extremely helpful.

    I'm jumping back into the mix here. I've missed your energy!
  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    Marla - the adventure continues! When we finally found the house we live in now (which I love) I told my husband I was going to die here. I hate moving and all the crap that comes with it!

    Sherry - you can make it! Just batten down the hatches and go into survival mode! To be honest, in periods like that, the best thing is to probably just focus on sleep and enjoying time with family. I figure stress causes me more weight gain in those times then the lack of activity does. And basically because there are periods of time that are so hectic that I physically can't focus on anything else without possibly having a stroke.

    Sammy - I've found that squats has helped strengthen my knees. But that I had to do them shallow at first. I can't go down into a full squat yet. I just go down far enough to feel the burn a bit and then back up I go. If that makes sense.

    Yesterday was crazy. we had church, but of course that morning is the morning most of my nursery workers showed up late. I was grabbing random members from the lobby to cover for a few minutes until the regular workers arrived. After church I had to go shopping at Walmart (ugh) with all three kids. Here is my experience told through the emoticons:
  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    Val we both said that last move and look at us ten yrs later! This time i told hubby if anyone moves again it won't be me! Lol

    I did my walk again today, wrist pain is almost gone but i discovered pain was from tight muscles in right arm between wrist and elbow, i read how to self massage and it took away wrist pain but muscles still sore. I have massage tomorrow.

    We are leaving for Arcata for a week today. I am busy packing and setting up house for cats while we are gone. They never mind since they sleep all the time, just happy to be out of car and i bought a new cat perch for them to lay on.

    Not even trying to diet in the midst of my crazy life, my goal is to eat as healthy as i can, and doing it the napa way have been making a bunch of yuppie salads!
  • Aprilfoolbride
    Aprilfoolbride Posts: 552 Member
    I must know---what is a yuppie salad?
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Saturday night I was up most of the night with really bad stomach cramps - something I ate for dinner did not sit well. Every time I'd fall asleep a cramp would wake me back up again. I finally just got out of bed at 4:40. At 6:30 I was able to fall back asleep and got 3 more hours of sleep. My stomach settled down by mid-day and I got in another nap in the afternoon. I then proceeded to eat everything in the house, just because I could. Sunday was a rest day but I did go to the gym in the evening to get in my rehab exercises.

    I've got Jason tonight. I'm going to have him start weighing me again (he hasn't been since my injury - when I brought it up late last week he said he's been waiting until I tell him I'm ready), and I've set a weight goal to hit by my birthday in mid-October. The goal is about halfway to where I want to be from where I am now, but it's less stressful for me to tackle half at a time. I've got a list going of things to talk to him about so we'll see how that goes. There's one thing where I know he's not going to take it the way that I mean it, so I'm trying to figure out how to phrase it. I'll either get on the bike or the AMT before our session, depending on what's open.
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Hey all!
    Welcome back Sammy and April.
    Val, nothing like grabbing random ppl for help, lol!
    Marla you might come to liking this kind of living with no stuff and no permanence. Every time I travel and feel so free without all my "stuff" I always think I could live that way forever. Lol.
    Laura, that stomach problem sounds awful, glad it passed. Hope it goes well with Jason.

    Well we are having fun with our friend, DH more than me since they are going out at night etc, but we had lunch today without the kids and caught up and laughed a lot. I needed that. I had a little extra time before lunch and took a short walk, but that's it today.
  • auntsammy88
    auntsammy88 Posts: 401 Member
    Today was somewhat of a rest day after putting my car in the shop, picking up the rental, and grocery shopping. I did do some bedtime/relaxation yoga which was quite nice. Definitely feeling the squats from yesterday. Tomorrow is back to YAYOG.