Tuesday June 9, 2015

maureli Posts: 722 Member


  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member

    Sorry I was not around since last week, it has been a busy weekend. All started on Thursday I went to pick up a friend coming over from New Hampshire on the boat. Plus, I have this rotten cold which has kept me coughing and hacking steady. On Saturday I did the Sole Sisters Run in Halifax, dumping rain all day....and finally let up at 6pm just in time for the start. I didn't even get wet.

    So I am back after a busy weekend, I never seem to get time on here when that happens. My plan today is to get a run in, its windy and suppose to rain so I guess I'll have to see.

    Welcome back April and Sammy!
  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    Overslept a bit this morning, but should still have time to get a quick bike in at the Y. My morning will just be a bit more rushed is all. Not sure if my alarm went off and I slept through it or if it never went off at all. Huh. Two days in a row is a tad frustrating. At least I'm getting good amounts of sleep!
    VBS went well yesterday, and I got my house back in order as well. Laundry is now put away, the house is picked up, and the dishes are all clean! I also got my workout in that my trainer had given me last night. It wasn't quite so miserable this time around.
    Today is another day of VBS. Heading to the Y now for a quick 30 minute workout, and then time to get everyone ready. I plan to spend this afternoon relaxing a bit. This evening I want to get some yardwork done. It's supposed to stay in the 90s today...which is rare in Phoenix in June. I figure I should seize the opportunity to get our yard cleaned up before it hits triple digits again.

    Laura - glad your stomach cramps are doing better. Nothing worse than and upset tummy and lack of sleep!

    Marla - Have fun on your trip!

    Sammy - glad you got a nice rest day in!

    Maureen - welcome back! Glad you survived your busy weekend! Did you have fun with your friend? And well done on getting that race in! Did you enjoy it?

    Have a great day everyone!
  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    Lol i consider yuppie salad with spinach and heathy organic lettices, pine nuts, specialty cheese, organic fruit i had boysenberries, shredded carrots, chicken or shrimp, and yogurt dressing. With olive bread from famous napa bakery...yum!

    So massage today, walk on beach, take hubby to brewery and library for some stuff i need to print.

    Love the thread starter maureli...hope you get health soon!

    Lady here at airbnb apt filled frig with organic heathy breads and fruit and juice, lots of teas, one was lemon echinacea. You could use that for your cold!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Hey everybody. Welcome back Maureen! Hope you enjoyed your race. Nice that the rain stopped just in time!

    Val I'm glad you were able to get your trainer homework in. When's your next in-person session? Glad to hear you're pretty much over the fevers, and could figure out what was causing them.

    Marla your day sounds awesome! So you're staying in an airbnb? I haven't ever stayed in one but have seen some amazing photos.

    Tuesday nights we alternate Pilates & Body Sculpting classes at the office, where an instructor comes in. My employer pays for it but we have to have a certain number of people to make it worthwhile (the instructor gets a flat fee). Last summer we probably ended up cancelling half the classes because of low attendance. With winters being as long & brutal as they are here, people want to be outside during the few months when the weather really is nice. We had to cancel tonight's class again so my boss & the instructor decided to put classes on hold at least for the summer, and then re-evaluate in the fall. I'm super bummed about Pilates, but I do understand the decision. We usually don't know until that day whether we're going to have a class or not, and I'm sure our instructor would like to have the opportunity to make other plans in advance if she's got the night off.

    Had Jason last night & it was a good workout. As my leg gets stronger he's slowly building up what I can do. I haven't had any pain in my leg for days, which is amazing.

  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Hey! Still here but pretty busy either hanging out with friend or taking care of kids while DH goes out with friend. They're leaving tomorrow for an island and I'll have the kids alone for a couple of days--leading up to end of school party, etc. Anyway, today I ran about 2.5 mi before meeting them for lunch. Calf was not too good but fine afterward. So strange.

    See y'all!
  • Aprilfoolbride
    Aprilfoolbride Posts: 552 Member
    Marla, sounds like a perfect vacation to me!

    Busy day just wanted to report its been nearly a week without a binge. Breakfast, lunch, and snacks are prepped and ready to go for tomorrow. Clothes are a little snug... Gotta start at the beginning, right?
  • auntsammy88
    auntsammy88 Posts: 401 Member
    Marla: Your vacation sounds lovely! I would love to have a nice "yuppie salad" for lunch tomorrow.
    Val: Glad VBS is going well. Glad you're keeping up on your workouts and house cleaning (something I should really start doing...no excuses considering I'm off for the summer).
    Sherry: Glad you got a nice run in!
    Maur: I hope you feel better soon! Glad the rain didn't ruin your race!

    Today was a horrible eating day (burger night- yum yum), but I managed to get in day 3 of YAYOG. I think 2 days on 2 days off is a good plan, but as long as I'm getting in the 4 days a week, I'm not stressing. I also did 3.3 miles on my bike this morning. Hubby has been working toward better eating and more exercise as well and is looking into buying us some bowflex adjustable dumbbells and a weight bench.