What the heck am i doing wrong?

CoconuttyMummy Posts: 685 Member
I went lowish carb around 3 months ago and managed to lose 18lbs quite quickly, but the past fortnight ive hit a plateau and lost nothing at all. I know i must be doing something wrong. Could someone please have a look at my food diary and give me your thoughts?

Basically im aiming for 1200 calories because thats the lowest MFP will allow me to set it to. MY TDEE is approx 1500 so that works out at an estimated loss of only 0.8 pounds a week.

Im 5ft1" tall and currently 133 pounds. My starting weight was 150 pounds and my target is 112 pounds.

Im really confused about my macros. Im just not sure what percentages or grams i should be setting it to, so i keep playing about with my macros to try and get to a level that will resume weightloss and that i feel satiated and 'right' at whilst eating 1200 cals or under. Today for example i managed to keep my carbs really low but i overshot on my calories because breakfast and lunch did not satisfy me at all. I was hungry all day until i finally had a fillet steak and iceberg lettuce for dinner. Now im stuffed, so thats good, but my calories are too high, so i suffered all day feeling weak, headachey, shakey, tired and starving hungry for probably nothing. Arrgghhhh!

First of all, am i right eating 0.8 grams of protein per pound of my bodyweight for a starting point? Or is this too much protein? I read that in the absence of carbs protein is converted to glucose for energy, so im concerned that im eating too much and its just turning into sugar, hence undoing all my hard work??? But then im also worried about not eating enough protein because im eager to preserve as much lean muscle mass as possible whilst on a calorie deficit. What is the correct amount of protein to shoot for on a 1200 calorie Ketosis diet in your opinion?

Secondly, what is the sweet spot for carb levels? I dont know whether to aim for 10% (30 grams carbs), 15% (45 grams carbs) or 5% (15 grams carbs)???

Thirdly, i feel like im choosing the wrong foods because im not feeling satisfied at breakfast and lunch. Can anyone suggest why this is because i thought a high fat diet was meant to be satiating? Im obviously doing something wrong and choosing the wrong foods?
If you had a daily allowance of 1200 cals what would your breakfasts and lunches look like?

Fourthly, does anyone else find protein powder to be not satiating? Ive been having 2 medium eggs with a scoop of protein powder for breakfast because i struggle to get in enough protein if i dont use protein powder, but im wondering if the proportions of this meal are wrong for Keto because it contains over 300 calories so i SHOULD be satisfied, but it feels like ive eaten hardly anything.

Any thoughts or advice would be hugely appreciated - im determined to get this sorted but i really do need some guidance b/c i definitely seem to be doing SOMETHING wrong!


  • wabmester
    wabmester Posts: 2,748 Member
    That level of protein sounds pretty high to me. I shoot for about 1g per kg (about 1/2 of your target). Other than that, I'd say your biggest problem is lack of patience. :) You're losing at a good rate. Don't sweat 2 weeks of no scale changes.
  • CoconuttyMummy
    CoconuttyMummy Posts: 685 Member
    @wabmester - yes im not known for my patience, but 2 weeks + of absolutely no loss whatsoever, at this early stage, seems to me like i must be doing something wrong?

    So regards the protein, you think 0.8 grams per pound of bodyweight is too much? I was told on the main boards that you NEED 0.8g/lb to preserve muscle mass whilst losing fat. I dont want to lose muscle. Im so confused!

    So what do you think about my carb levels? What should i be shooting for?
  • SlimBride2Be
    SlimBride2Be Posts: 315 Member
    I am 73kg and eat about 75g protein and 35g carbs. It varies but I lose at a decent rate.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    edited June 2015
    @wabmester - yes im not known for my patience, but 2 weeks + of absolutely no loss whatsoever, at this early stage, seems to me like i must be doing something wrong?

    So regards the protein, you think 0.8 grams per pound of bodyweight is too much? I was told on the main boards that you NEED 0.8g/lb to preserve muscle mass whilst losing fat. I dont want to lose muscle. Im so confused!

    So what do you think about my carb levels? What should i be shooting for?

    I sort of stalled out for 6-7 weeks after about 6 weeks of decent losses. Your body has to regroup. It happens. If you can't find a way to have patience to allow this to work for you, you will never succeed with it. I ate within plan that whole 6 weeks and eventually my body caught up.

    For a female, 0.6 grams per pound of Lean Body Mass - not full body weight is the minimim. 1.0 grams per lean body mass is maximum. Here is a rough explanation of how to calculate.

    Protein is necessary to maintain your current muscles while losing weight. It also gives you additional building blocks to build more muscle, and keeps you feeling fuller with your meals.

    Your protein needs should be based on your lean body mass (everything that isn't body fat), 0.6 grams to 1 gram per pound of LBM, depending on your activity levels.

    For example, my body fat is around 45%. I weigh about 245. So, here are my numbers.

    55% * 245 = 134.75 pounds of lean body mass x 0.6 grams (sedentary) = 80.85 OR 134.75 x 1 gram (lifting weights or running) = 134.75.

    This means when I'm inactive, I need a minimum of around 81 grams of protein a day to maintain my current muscles. If I'm lifting weights or running, I need at least 135 grams or so of protein a day... so my protein range is 81 grams - 135 grams a day, and going over that by up to half (so up to a little over 200 grams of protein a day) is no big deal as long as I get my other macros and good nutrition....

    My endocrinologist had me start at 50 grams of carbs per day (TOTAL, not NET) and adjust downward until my cravings stopped. I would pick one day of the week to be your adjusting day (usually Monday or something, so you'll remember).

    Week 1: 50 grams of carbs daily
    Week 2: 45 grams daily
    Week 3: 40 grams daily

    Etc. until you hit your own personal sweet spot. If you lose at 50 grams of carbs a day, there is no need to adjust down. Given how close your are to goal, you should be expecting maybe 1-2 pounds per month. No SAFE weight loss method is quicker, really.

    Here is a good calculator to help with your calculations: http://keto-calculator.ankerl.com/

    That being said, 1200 calories may simply be too little for your body's needs. It may not be. I have no idea, as I'm not you.

    I will go look at your diary to make food suggestions, but I would say in general, instead of protein powder with breakfast, have two slices of bacon or add butter to your eggs. I'll go look now for specifics.

    At first glance I would say get rid of all the lower fat products. They will not help you on this WOE. If you lower your carbs, you must raise your fats. And flip your protein and fat macros... But I'm going to go look more.
  • SlimBride2Be
    SlimBride2Be Posts: 315 Member
    Apologies I have more like 130g protein.
  • SlimBride2Be
    SlimBride2Be Posts: 315 Member
    My LBM is 70% of 165 lb so that is 65g at 0.6g ratio. I have twice that.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    When you ditch the protein powder, get rid of that unsweetened almond milk. Drink coffee or tea with heavy cream for some more fat. Maybe a little coconut oil, too.

    Also, get rid of chicken breasts and have thighs instead with the skin on. If you must have breasts, find a fatty sauce or dip or marinade for it...
  • AreteAndWhimsy
    AreteAndWhimsy Posts: 150 Member
    I just had a four week period where I lost no weight, but dropped a clothing size and a half. Progress can happen regardless of the scale.

    Having said that, it isn't a bad thing to review your food. I was trying to eat a higher protein diet before LCHF and it was... weird. There was no way I could get the recommended amount without supplementing with protein powder, and that just seemed wrong.

    Here are calories only samples of what I eat for breakfast/lunch/dinner, and I stay at 20 net carbs and 1200-2400 calories a day depending on how I'm feeling.

    My magical morning coffee of three shots of espresso in three ounces of heavy whipping cream is 300 calories and often takes me right through til dinner if I am well hydrated, and is always sufficient for breakfast unless I also need salt. I've done BPC on occasion, but oftentimes I am lazy and don't want to wash the blender.

    Bacon and Broccoli Crustless Quiche 500 calories
    Beef and cabbage bowls, 400 calories
    Camembert wedge, olives, cured meat: 300 calories
    Bacon 300 calories
    Brussels Sprouts and Cheddar 250 calories
    Cauliflower Alfredo 300 calories
    Rosemary Balsamic Lamb Bites 550 calories
    One avocado 450 calories

    I am stuffed after every single one of these meals, and they are always satisfying and have a ton of staying power. Things like the quiche you can make with more protein and less cheese than I make it with, and probably bring the calories down a bit.

  • wabmester
    wabmester Posts: 2,748 Member
    Apologies I have more like 130g protein.

    I'm over 6ft tall and a guy. I target about 90g/d or 30g/meal. At that level, I'm gaining strength and my BF% has been dropping steadily. More probably couldn't hurt, but I'd have trouble eating that much protein -- it's very satiating to me.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    wabmester wrote: »
    That level of protein sounds pretty high to me. I shoot for about 1g per kg (about 1/2 of your target). Other than that, I'd say your biggest problem is lack of patience. :) You're losing at a good rate. Don't sweat 2 weeks of no scale changes.

    I agree with this.

    http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10067269/your-scale-is-a-lying-liarpants?new=1 <- go read it. If you've already read it, go read it again.

    It's just as likely that you're not doing anything wrong. It might just be the time of the month that you retain a little extra water and that weight shows up as a "stall." Yes, it can happen even if it's not TOM for you (there are some women who retain water around ovulation, too). Last month, I didn't see my weight go down at all after the first week until the last week (check out the "Meativore May" final check-in for the numbers), but I had lost close to a pound a week on average over the month.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    My magical morning coffee of three shots of espresso in three ounces of heavy whipping cream is 300 calories and often takes me right through til dinner if I am well hydrated, and is always sufficient for breakfast unless I also need salt. I've done BPC on occasion, but oftentimes I am lazy and don't want to wash the blender.

    Tip on the blender washing bit? Rinse it, run some hot water in, add soap for your dishes, then blend/whip it up until the bubbles reach the same spots your BPC was on... I usually do 1/3 to 1/2 blender of hot water and then pour it out so it hits all the sides and over top the lid, rinse it all, and let it dry on the counter.
  • AreteAndWhimsy
    AreteAndWhimsy Posts: 150 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »

    Tip on the blender washing bit? Rinse it, run some hot water in, add soap for your dishes, then blend/whip it up until the bubbles reach the same spots your BPC was on... I usually do 1/3 to 1/2 blender of hot water and then pour it out so it hits all the sides and over top the lid, rinse it all, and let it dry on the counter.

    That is my default blender cleaning process, but sadly, our blender is both old and cheap, so any time hot water hits it all the seals leak like mad and then it sprays a fine mist of whatever I'm blending all over the complicated underside of the blender cup, so I have to disassemble it every single time and make sure everything is well scrubbed with a brush. It doesn't have that problem with smoothies, which is what I've been making up til now. I'll usually use the stick blender, but that also requires getting it out and setting it up and cleaning it and putting it away orrrrrr I could just have HWC. :sunglasses:

  • GSD_Mama
    GSD_Mama Posts: 629 Member
    Coffe with butter and coconut oil my morning mist have, around 8am
    Breakfast/brunch, usually avocado, eggs, bacon, berries, whatever I can find
    Mid day I'll dig for leftovers lol, another cup of coffee with cream, that will keep me full till dinner, which is my bigger meal and it could be fish, pork, steak, chicken, etc with a side of veggies loaded with butter. My fat is usually within my range and my protein fluctuate during a week, as long as my net carbs are low.
    Google keto calculator to set your macros correctly :)
  • minties82
    minties82 Posts: 907 Member
    I want to see what a 450 calorie avocado looks like. Dang, that thing must be huuuge!
  • AreteAndWhimsy
    AreteAndWhimsy Posts: 150 Member
    The reed avos are about the size of a small mango. I always err on the high side for avocados though.
  • professionalHobbyist
    professionalHobbyist Posts: 1,316 Member
    minties82 wrote: »
    I want to see what a 450 calorie avocado looks like. Dang, that thing must be huuuge!

    Check out Florida Avocado. I just got two tonight

    They are easy to peel the skin off of too, very unlike a Haas avocado

    I will try a more low carb breakfast and the heavy cream a bit more with the coconut oil in my coffee
  • 35in90
    35in90 Posts: 98 Member
    that espresso in heavy cream sounds fantastic.
  • Twibbly
    Twibbly Posts: 1,065 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »

    Tip on the blender washing bit? Rinse it, run some hot water in, add soap for your dishes, then blend/whip it up until the bubbles reach the same spots your BPC was on... I usually do 1/3 to 1/2 blender of hot water and then pour it out so it hits all the sides and over top the lid, rinse it all, and let it dry on the counter.

    That is my default blender cleaning process, but sadly, our blender is both old and cheap, so any time hot water hits it all the seals leak like mad and then it sprays a fine mist of whatever I'm blending all over the complicated underside of the blender cup, so I have to disassemble it every single time and make sure everything is well scrubbed with a brush. It doesn't have that problem with smoothies, which is what I've been making up til now. I'll usually use the stick blender, but that also requires getting it out and setting it up and cleaning it and putting it away orrrrrr I could just have HWC. :sunglasses:

    I bought a little blender thingy designed for protein powder at Natural Grocer here. It's under $10, does fine with butter as long as you let it soften some first, and I just rinse it off in the sink & spin it dry. Do use a Mason jar or something that narrows at the top. It uses batteries, and comes with a little pouch for travel.
  • Twibbly
    Twibbly Posts: 1,065 Member
    Also, take into account how you feel, not just the number on the scale. Sometimes, the body has things it needs to work on before losing more fat. Probably not a scientific fact, but it seems I'll often have some little nagging problem resolve right before my weight drops more than usual.
  • aSearch4Me
    aSearch4Me Posts: 397 Member
    edited June 2015
    Just sharing my experience: I used to do low carb with high protein, and I lost weight but it was at a really slow rate. Like really slow (granted, I'm 5'9" & a lot heavier than you are). I also still felt like I was hungry all of the time & my energy was low.

    I switched to low carb, moderate protein, high fat...and at least right now I'm losing quite quickly, and I always feel full, and my energy level is fantastic! I haven't been fussing with protein powder, cramming extra lean protein down my throat, etc...and in all it's just easier for me. Maybe you're similar?

    I would maybe talk to a dietician or diet-trained physician about that 1200 calorie goal, and if that is the right path for you. Mine was a little hesitant when I said I switched to a 1500 calorie goal, and told me I can flex up to 1800 if I want to. I'm feeling really full at around 1500 though & am currently losing at a good rate, so I don't want to rock the boat too much at this point.