Recovery days

SunBunzz Posts: 165 Member
I can barely move today. lol Glorious. How's everyone doing?


  • bananna30
    bananna30 Posts: 149 Member
    Hope everyone is doing well. My schedule has been non-stop crazy! Didn't do it today but will be back on tomorrow! Good luck everyone!
  • azeilarose
    azeilarose Posts: 7 Member
    Haha I know that feeling all too well. =p
  • SunBunzz
    SunBunzz Posts: 165 Member
    Don't worry, peeps. It may be called "The 30 Day Shred" but you don't have to do it 30 days straight. For me, it's closer to around 45 days, due to rest days or whatever. Unfortunately I still need to recover some more today. xD This stuff's intense.
  • WannaBeCroft
    WannaBeCroft Posts: 94 Member
    Feeling kind of stiff today -- not full-on DOMS, but definitely the "you did something yesterday" sort of feeling. Will be back for day 2 today. Using a very light weight, 3lbs each, to start; will graduate back up to the 5/10lbs as I go.
  • MamaBirdBoss
    MamaBirdBoss Posts: 1,516 Member
    I feel...very little. Which amazes me!
  • SunBunzz
    SunBunzz Posts: 165 Member
    I hate when I start the Shred shortly before TOM. I get so pis*y & feel fat & worthless. xD It can really affect my mood 'cuz of hormones. I just wanna eat like a fiend and lay in bed. Ugggh. I know it's just hormones, but damn...I hate 'em.
  • MamaBirdBoss
    MamaBirdBoss Posts: 1,516 Member
    I started it just after, so I'm losing weight like crazy. It's mostly water, though. LOL.