Chat and Accountability June 7-13



  • kris3b wrote: »
    Carol, The only way I can start off on the right foot, drinking my water, is to have a tall glass as soon as I wake up. Then I will drink it all day. If I start with water, I find it kind of shifts my palate and I don't even want a half cup of coffee. I am back to fighting my Diet Coke addiction. Read an MSN article on the effects of diet soda and it helped. Printed this infographic and posted it on my fridge and at work. Cheesy, but it works.

    Jen, I am glad you are here. Thoughts going out to you. You have helped me through this and I am here for you babe! We got this!!!

    Kevin, Ahhhh, I do like those energy drinks. Someone who used to do graphics work for me worked part time with Redbull. They give them a bunch of them to give away and she would bring it in to work. The first time I had one, I took a sip and was like, "Ick!" and by the end of the can I was saying, "Give me more!" I can't have much of it because it makes my heart race. Some of those stimulants make me feel like I was just scared senseless. This comes from someone who could drink a 2-litre of Diet Coke and sleep like a baby.

    Kelly, Wonderful news about your middle son. Those are huge steps he is taking. Amazing:) Sorry to hear about Mark's inverter. Hopefully everything is up and running soon. Woohoo on the size 8! Thanks for the inspiration.

    Continuing to drink my water. Didn't workout last night since I am about worthless on Mondays. Woke up this morning and took the beast for a run/walk. Only 35 minutes, but it felt great. I could have run more, but I have to ease him into it. Don't want him to get hurt.

    Thanks for the graphic Kris. I don't drink diet soda anymore but still keep going back to fully leaded (complete with HFCS goodness). :smiley: And yes, I'm still here. :)
  • AngelaLastname
    AngelaLastname Posts: 41 Member
    The infographic forgot your digestive system! Funny discussion since I drank not quite 500ml of diet coke today and I was having my own "everybody out moment" within 2 hrs. But I have been 2L + (64oz for y'all lol) everyday this month. I find this amount is perfectly doable without being too much most days but I need to think about it to make it so!
  • kilosierra83
    kilosierra83 Posts: 228 Member
    Heron, the lemon works! Thanks!

    Cheated tonight but was very strict all day, and had a fairly strenuous day. Hopefully it balances out..
  • kris3b
    kris3b Posts: 321 Member
    edited June 2015
    Angela, Yes to the digestive system. I am noticing a difference since I cut back. Water is probably helping too. Here ya on the "everybody out moment"

    I am hitting the uncomfortable place where I am fighting the desire for the old stuff. I felt like I was crazy yesterday. Great morning and then I get ready to walk out the door, the dog is going crazy and I see two trucks planted in front of my house. There were a handful of guys congregating on my front lawn and another three taking wheel barrels of stuff across my lawn. My neighbors are having a patio put in. They have unloaded all their stuff at the end of my driveway so I can't pull out (the neighbors front was all clear). Here is where my crazy came out. I go outside and walk up to the party on my lawn and ask if they realize they are at the wrong house. They say they are doing work at my neighbors. I say "Well then...get the hell off my lawn and driveway" They say it will only be a few and I say, "NOW!" ... For the most part, that is not me. I feel bad that I handled it like that. Last night I was pacing all night, feeling anxious. It will pass, but boy I hate this feeling.
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member

    I disagree that you handled that poorly. They were out of bounds in using your space - particularly if they acknowledged being aware they were at the wrong house.. And sounds to me like they thought they could push you around for their convenience. They are lucky you didn't begin to threaten suing them for damage (real or imagined) to your property.

    The only thing I think you did wrong here is beating yourself up for standing up for yourself.
  • kris3b
    kris3b Posts: 321 Member
    Thanks Kim! That's what I was thinking when I charged out there. The delivery side of it was weird for me. I am rather vocal, but it was like I was insane with uncontrollable rage. To the point I was shaking after. I am kind of laughing now at thinking of the look they gave me as I bounded off the steps, but I will not let it bother me. I know some of it is due to my history. I have this thing about personal space and I hate people walking around my home who were not invited. Heck, last week I had an issue with some strange guy coming up to me in a parking lot. Who does that at night??? Probably sound paranoid, but it is a thing I hate. I promise to keep being strong. Being passive and nice is what got me in trouble in the past and on one level fueled this weight gain. Thanks again Kim!

    Today has gone great! Lots of water with only a couple of small glasses of Diet Coke. Ate clean too. Cutting down on the fruit is doing something. I am still not craving sugar, but feel less bloated. Think I will go for a run later. It is a beautiful day, hot, but lovely:)

  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    Kris, you have every right to tell anybody to leave your property in whatever manner you choose to. So don't feel bad.
    It's amazing how changing diets affects our mood because it affects our hormones.
  • kris3b
    kris3b Posts: 321 Member
    Thanks Heron! I hear ya. My hormones have been out of whack. I felt better yesterday and even better today. The hot flashes have been awful for the last week. I am trying to read more about it. Think that it has also contributed to this trunk weight. I never had belly weight before. Although I felt like I was sleeping better, the boyfriend says I am tossing and turning all night and talking in my sleep about either being hot or cold. Maybe that is part of the reason I have been in a brain fog. I have been experimenting with "lower" carbs. Problem is I go to extremes. I cut them out and then the next day I eat a bunch. That up/down thing probably plays a part. Was also having what I can only explain as the feeling of shin splints throughout my body (bones and joints). I blame that on hormones too, as I would have it monthly before. That is non-existent today. Yay!

    Went for a run last night. It felt good. No pain in my knee during. Went for a short walk this morning. Bring on the day!!!

    Have a great day all. Weekend is almost here:)
  • sbuzzard24
    sbuzzard24 Posts: 22 Member
    Some people have no respect!! It's so frustrating!! We went to a lawn seating concert last night (Alabama Shakes... SOOOOOO GOOOOOOOODDDD!!!!!), we got there 2 hours early to get good seats, then people come in as the show is starting and put chairs directly in front of us... seriously, almost in my lap... I guess the guy caught me scowling at him and said, "am I alright here?" I said, "well I got here 2 hours early to see the show, but I guess I could just stare at you, money well spent!!" He moved... lol.

    My weight loss has stalled but I am certain it's because I'm not eating enough... Exam week SUCKS!!!! I have to be at work early, so no time for real food in the am, I've just been having coffee with heavy cream, not much for lunch, and eggs for dinner... I'm going to CarbNite on Saturday then next week I'll get my macros straight... hopefully break below 200 (I'm holding at 201 right now... UGH!!!!!).
  • babygirl59601
    babygirl59601 Posts: 74 Member

    If I eat very much in the way of carbs or junk food I find that I have severe hot flashes. I don't have much of a cycle anymore but the first two days I have a non stop heat wave! I also tend to gain in the belly area and bloat easily. I have found that clean eating and nothing but water has helped immensely. Not only for hot flashes but for the belly as well. I have also found that wild yam cream helps. I also switched all my clothes to cotton and bought the wicking shirts. I do get that joint pain, especially in my hips... Which mark can attest to. I usually have some due to all my daily walking but at that time it is worse and I can feel it in my knees and shins. But I am finding that a double dose daily of osteo biflex helps immensely.
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    Susan, if you keep stalling you should check out getting a body io coach.
  • kilosierra83
    kilosierra83 Posts: 228 Member
    Fish fry at church tonight. Carb night it is. Have not been real good this week in the evening but being very strict during the day seems to have worked. Have actually lost a pound and maybe more.

    Also, apparently pull ups are a perishable ability lol. Stopped doing them along with everything else when we started having problems before Kiera died. Jumped on the bar last week and could barely do one! Am up to three now, but still a long ways to go to get to where I was.
  • kilosierra83
    kilosierra83 Posts: 228 Member
    edited June 2015
    Fish fry at church tonight. Carb night it is! Have not been real good this week in the evening but being very strict during the day seems to have worked. Have actually lost a pound and maybe more.

    Also, apparently pull ups are a perishable ability lol. Stopped doing them along with everything else when we started having problems before Kiera died. Jumped on the bar last week and could barely do one! Am up to three now, but still a long ways to go to get to where I was.
  • kris3b
    kris3b Posts: 321 Member
    Kevin, I am very sorry to hear about Keira. I was away for so long and missed the post. Hugs and prayers for all of you. I am with you on the pull ups. If I am not consistent (and in my case heavy) I can barely hang there. One day I will do them again.

    Kelly, Thanks so much for sharing and the tips. It is one of those things that every time I mention it to friends all they say are things like..."Oh, it is awful...Just you wait...You need pills..." I accept it, it is a part of life, but love to hear natural ways to possibly ease it and what can be expected. My mom said it was a breeze, but she was going through chemo and radiation at the time. It is hitting at about the same time as it did for her. I am like you, the cycle goes for long periods of time in between and then when it returns it is back weekly with a vengeance. Also get extreme blues similar to when I was jumping between birth control pill years ago. I wish you didn't deal with that pain too, but it helps to hear someone else has dealt with it. I had my foot on backwards and it doesn't even compare to these pains. I will have nights where it hurts everywhere just turning over in bed. The BF is the one who put it together with the cycle. He blames dehydration. I think it is hormonal. The doc thinks that with other stuff it might be MS, but I have yet to get the CT scan. I am bound and determined to get healthy and see what changes! Buying some Wild Yam this weekend. Saw this:

    Susan, UGH on those rude people at the concert! Now I have to check out Alabama Shakes. How have I not heard of them??? Sorry about the weight standstill. What is it about being around 200 that puts people in limbo. You got this! Crazy how not eating enough can do it, but I believe it. Also stress can. YAY for summer break! I work for a company that sells educational supplies and everyone I have been talking too has been stressed, except the ones who are out. Like a weight lifted off there shoulders!

    Sorry for the long post. Venting a bit due to a rough morning. Our cat had what I thought was a seizure, but then he could barely walk. Something has been off with him the last week. I took him in and he has a tumor. We adore our pets and I am not ready to let our boy go. Took the day off and think I will take the dog for a long walk to clear my head.

    Wishing everyone a nice weekend!
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    Kevin, yep it's amazing how quickly muscles atrophy when you don't use them.
    Kris, I feel for you. I think women got the short straw in evolution. Look into black chohosr tincture they'll help and drinking red raspberry leaves tea every day will help as well.
  • babygirl59601
    babygirl59601 Posts: 74 Member
    Kris I started early. Way earlier than the women in my family. So I started having issues 2 years ago and I am 40 now. What helped me with sleeping is having a sleep number bed. I can adjust it as much as I need to. I used to have severe mood swings and some meltdowns when and I have found that regular outdoor exercise has really leveled everything as well as a set bed time.

    For example I do well on work nights if I am in bed and asleep by 10:30pm. Later than that I am unexplainable weepy and have issues with my diet. During my cycle I do have to drink way more than the 120 oz of water I drink daily. That really seems to help as well. I don't have a desire to do hrt and may consider an all natural version down the road. But for now the biggest help I have is getting my size down.

    We shall get thru it together!