New here

jahnaca Posts: 8 Member
Just wanted to introduce myself to the group. I am 49 from Southern Ontario and I have been using Myfitnesspal on and off for a couple of years. A few years ago I lost about 25-30 lbs and was the smallest I had ever been since a teen. No idea why or how weight just dropped off. I went down to about 125 lbs, then I quit smoking. I ballooned up to my current(ish) weight of 180 lbs on my 5'3 frame. Haven't been this heavy since I was pregnant with my first child! I hit my change I think a couple of years ago, depression is a huge problem. I am frustrated with my scatter brain, I used be like an elephant and now a days I live with post it notes.

Weight loss has been totally frustrating. I tried last year to buddy up with my daughter and husband, we joined a gym and I thought the support we could give each other would help get us to eat and be healthier. My daughter hated it, my husband just followed along, so instead of motivating each other it was up to me to motivate everyone else. On top of my depression and lack of self worth I couldn't keep it up, once our private trainer sessions ended, we stopped going.

So here I am trying again, this is the first time I have joined a public forum of this nature but I am at wits end. Trying to go at things on my own hasn't worked, maybe like minded ladies will. Thanks for reading.


  • Sweet_Pandora
    Sweet_Pandora Posts: 459 Member
    Hi jahnaca and welcome!

    You've come to the right place. You are not alone, there are a lot of lovely ladies here that are experiencing similar issues. A great place to share, learn and vent.

    It's a vicious cycle. I too suffer from bouts of depression but giving up is not an option.


  • jahnaca
    jahnaca Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks Karen. I have always kept my personal thoughts and feeling to myself, so this is kind of difficult to do, but do I must. Can't wait to get to know you all

  • ATL140
    ATL140 Posts: 1 Member
    edited May 2015
    Hi, I just joined MFP & this group yesterday. I am 56 & have gained 20 lbs. over the last year, since starting HRT Prempro after the Big M symptoms of unbearable hot flashes & insomnia were driving me insane. This too shall pass!

    Best Wishes, Ann
  • Sweet_Pandora
    Sweet_Pandora Posts: 459 Member
    Hi Ann


    I am still in the peri-menopause stage and battling the weight as well.

  • leti5748
    leti5748 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi, I joined about a few weeks ago. I am 50 years old and I am in the peri-menopause stage. I joined MFP when I reached my heaviest weight ever. I am glad I found your group. It will be great to talk with others who are going through similar issues.


  • uptoyoufitness
    uptoyoufitness Posts: 21 Member
    Welcome Jahnaca! You are among friends who understand and together we can support each other to get where we want to be. You can do this. Your family members weren't ready when you were so that is probably why that alliance fell apart. You however don't sound like you're ready to quit because you sought out this group! Give yourself some credit for seeking and now finding support on your journey. It is up to you and I would bet you are worth it!

  • diannegsims
    diannegsims Posts: 6 Member
    Hello all. New to the group. Been using MFP for 2 weeks and am down 10 lbs. Went premenopausal at 43, am 61 now. Depression has been an issue for a few years now but I keep at it
  • yorkshiregirl67
    yorkshiregirl67 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi ladies just finished my first week using MFP found some great advice and support in the first week. I think the best thing this week has been finding out that I am no alone with the menopausal symptoms and weight gain. I have set myself some simple goals for the first month, 1 exercise for at least 10 minutes a day for 5 days I did that this week and that has made me so happy. 2 pay attention to what I eat and reduce the bread and potatoes I eat I did that this week. I feel so happy because I have completed 2 of my goals. Have I lost weight I do not know or care at the moment. I want to form new habits to assist me with my weight loss. New habits take time to create so if after a month I have formed the new habits then I will set new habits for weight loss. I have tried before to loose weight and feel I have put too much pressure on myself therefore failure was always inevitable. Went to a family function today and ate more than my daily calorie count but not as much as I would have done previously I don't feel guilty because watching calories is not yet a new habit I am forming (Although I am doing it) so no binge eating or depression tonight. People may think I am crazy for this way of thinking but this week it has worked for me so I'm going to continue with it for now, adding new habits later. (50 minutes of exercise is 50 minutes more than I did last week. I know it's not enough to make any difference but it's a start.)
  • uptoyoufitness
    uptoyoufitness Posts: 21 Member
    Hello yorkshiregirl67,
    You are right! It's a start and to me that was the hardest part. I too am finding more success in forming new habits and not concentrating on weight loss as a number. I'm going totally on how I feel after making better decisions regarding what and how much I am eating and it is slowly paying off. Keeping up with exercise 4 days a week has helped with menopause symptoms too! Went clothes shopping and discovered I'm in one size smaller with some room to spare! Don't look back - press on gal! You can do this for you!
  • yorkshiregirl67
    yorkshiregirl67 Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks uptoyoufitness for the support. Glad there is someone getting results with a similar way of thinking as me, helps me realize I'm not crazy doing it that way. This weekend I did not watch anything and I do not feel guilty I have looked at what I ate and now I know what takes me over my calories count and intend to replace those items next week-end. I look forward to getting into a smaller size in clothing even if the scales do not move.
  • TheGaudyMagpie
    TheGaudyMagpie Posts: 282 Member
    Baby steps work. For example, I am not a habitual veggie eater. However, once I got into the habit of tracking I noticed that I was eating a lot of rice. Rice isn't unhealthy, but I knew I could be eating healthier things. I've since replaced the rice at lunch with vegetables. I buy a big bag of frozen, steam it, and eat half at lunch with my protein. I think your instinct to build the habits and then replace foods is a good one. It's worked for me, anyway. It's a lot easier to stay within the limits with veggies than with rice, although I still eat rice regularly (every other day or so).