Thursday, June 11, 2015

valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member


  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    This week has been a struggle to get my workouts in. I figure I shouldn't be too hard on myself since I've added four hours of volunteering at VBS every morning. It really makes getting anything else done very difficult. I need to go shopping and run some errand. Trying to fit that in with everyone else...sigh. I didn't have my training session yesterday as my trainer had the stomach flu so we rescheduled for tomorrow afternoon. I already planned for today to be a rest day, but yesterday ended up as a rest day as well. C'est la vie! I think actually getting groceries would probably be a higher priority. We went out to eat last night, trying a new Greek place we've never been to. I had shawarma for the first time and it was pretty tasty!
    Two more days of VBS! This month is kind of crazy with VBS this week and I am a counselor for kids camp in two weeks. Really messes with routines. Just hang in there and try to get back on schedule in July where we have nothing planned!

    Marla - I agree, trying to keep two realtors will eventually end up being a waste of one of their time. It was good to just let one go. Do you like the area that you're looking to build in?

    Sherry - what's wrong with your leg? Is it something you've had to deal with before?

    Hope you all have a great day!
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Val, that is a packed schedule. Routines get messed up in the Summer for sure. Yeah, I had Achilles/calf problems that grounded me for months but I thought it was my too-small shoes and it probably was, but now it's happening again mostly on the right. Actually, before I ever ran, right after lil girl was born I'd have ankle pain when I woke up. I figured it was either post-partum or new mattress at the time but now I. Thinking I just have tight calves. Idk.

    Today I did some heel drops and walked one of my running routes and picked up a big bag of cat food too. Probably about 3-4 miles. Did a lot of thinking about how to structure my time and my workouts after Summer is over and kidS are in school. :)
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Yesterday my allergies won. I had planned on trying out a new yoga class (and had a card to take it for free) but my allergies/sinus were so bad I had to skip it. I stopped at Walgreens on the way home to buy Allegra-D, which is expensive but is the only thing that really helps when my head is this congested. I also bought a Vicks thing that is basically like a Glade plug-in but it smells like menthol - there's a little pad you replace that lasts for 8 hours. I took the Allegra-D, plugged in the Vicks warmer by the couch, and sprawled out. About 90 minutes later I finally started to feel some relief. Feeling much better today. Allergies are still annoying today, but not debilitating.

    I'll probably get on the AMT/elliptical tonight before my session with Jason, because I just ate a piece of chocolate cake that I need to burn off. We have out-of-town clients in the office today and they ordered in lunch. There was leftover cake and it looked so amazing I had some. I took 1/3 of a piece and that was still too much because it was so rich (but delicious). The rate I'm going I'll have to wear yoga pants to work because my jeans won't fit anymore.
  • auntsammy88
    auntsammy88 Posts: 401 Member
    Laura: Maybe then you could do your yoga at the office? ;) I kid I kid (but really, there are some moves you can do at or near your desk if you'd like). Don't be too hard on yourself. I would have gone for the cake too.
    Sherry: Nice walk! I often think about what my routine will look like during the school year as well. It is easy for me to get my workouts in when I'm not working during the summer, but it's another story when working full time. May have to look at readjusting everything.

    Today was a rest day from You are Your own Gym. I'm liking this routine I'm on of 2 days workout then a rest day. It may change when the workouts get to be 5 days a week, but so far so good. Today I went on a short hike with the hubby and then came back and walked the pup. Everything is staying very manageable and I think that's what I need to stick to this.
  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    I thought i already wrote today. We went for long walk on the beach, mostly rested then had great dinner with people we are renting airbnb from. Got great info about place we are movint to. Hardest problem is doctors in this area, long waiting list for good ones.