how's everyone's week 1 going?

dogcatac Posts: 124 Member
eh? what are you all doing this week? :#


  • asmithy9696
    asmithy9696 Posts: 3 Member
    Today I want to eat all of the things, but instead I'm going swimming since I wimped out on going this morning before work. I'm on day 4 of consecutive clean(er) eating though so it's looking good for this week. I think the weekend is going to be a struggle though when I'm home and around food all the time. :/
  • dogcatac
    dogcatac Posts: 124 Member
    hell yeah! do you swim laps or recreational?
  • ThunderRoad2
    ThunderRoad2 Posts: 6 Member
    Post-birthday celebrations for me! In the past I had been eating to stay under my calorie limit but this week I have been trying to meet certain macros and have been finding myself eating like a queen at night to meet my fat %.
  • dogcatac
    dogcatac Posts: 124 Member
    haha yesss. are you doing keto?
  • ThunderRoad2
    ThunderRoad2 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm actually not doing keto but I am doing 35/35/30 F/C/P - for me, that works out to about 130g of carbs (95g net I think).

    Before that, I was doing about 60 - 75g net naturally (basically just eating protein & vegetables) but I got bored of that so switching it up!
  • md7068
    md7068 Posts: 4 Member
    Chugging away at schoolwork, mostly :)
    Weightloss wise I haven't been getting out running as often as I'd like, but that's okay. My legs were due for a rest anyways. I've been comfortably within the 2 lbs lost/week calorie goal, but I think shark week is coming so we'll see what the scale tells me at the weigh in tomorrow :open_mouth:
  • thelittlepums
    thelittlepums Posts: 1 Member
    edited June 2015
    Hey all! Just a reminder that we have a GroupMe chat group for our team as well - private message me if you would like the link! Phone numbers and email addresses are not shared with other group members.

    I've had a pretty good week. Had a few stressful days followed by some really relaxing ones. I think I might be down 2 lbs tomorrow morning! This whole challenge is just making weigh-in days that much more exciting!
  • asmithy9696
    asmithy9696 Posts: 3 Member
    40 lengths of the pool last night and down 3lbs! B)
  • katywoo
    katywoo Posts: 1 Member
    I've just finished the third of three night shifts (surgical nurse here) and am SO happy that I resisted the chocolate, sweets and cake that my colleagues/patients brought in...around 4am in the morning when the ward is about to start getting busy again I usually turn to sugar for a quick pick-me-up but these last three nights I resisted!

    I'm down 2lbs from my starting weight which I actually took on Tuesday. I can't wait to go swimming this weekend. When I'm on night shifts I am too tired during the day to do any exercise (not to mention I usually walk about 8km a shift according to my tracker)...I come home at 8am, sleep on and off until 4pm, get up make dinner and get ready for work again at 7pm, so I can't wait to have the energy and time to actually do some proper exercise!

    I'm from the UK and we tend to measure weight in stones (one stone is 14lbs). I'm currently 11 stone two (156). Seeing the scale say '10 stone something" (153 and below) is going to be a happy day indeed as I cannot remember the last time it said that!

    This was a hugely long post! Sorry! Lovely to meet you all and go ahead and add me on MFP!

  • dogcatac
    dogcatac Posts: 124 Member
    like it says 11.2?