"Before" pictures

therationalpi Posts: 20 Member
Since we are just starting out on this journey, I think it would be great to post some "Before" pictures for the start of the challenge. At the end of the challenge, another post will be made where you can show off your "After" photos. A few tips for the before and after pictures:

Make sure your lighting is good
Be sure to get a full body photo
Have someone else take the picture (if possible)
Get multiple angles
Don't cover up too much (no shirt for men, sports bra for women)
Choose a blank wall or other simple background
White balance to improve photo color

Here's a video on how to take great before-and-after pictures, but do whatever feels comfortable.


  • summerjc07
    summerjc07 Posts: 3 Member
    edited June 2015
    There is not a great mirror to take pictures in my house but her is my current one from last week. :) at 240 lbs.
  • summerjc07
    summerjc07 Posts: 3 Member
    edited June 2015
    Changed mine to links that was scary big pictures. haha
  • ylvak94
    ylvak94 Posts: 32 Member
    edited June 2015
    I'll post mine too then! I'm posting them through imgur as well since I'm not a fan of the huge photos in the forums.


    These are actually progress pictures for me, about 14.5 lbs down from my SW but I took the pictures just a couple of days after the start of this challenge so they will be my before pictures. At 213.5 lbs.

    Sorry for the bad quality, mirror picture with poor lighting and a bad phone camera :(
  • susannahdon
    susannahdon Posts: 1 Member
    Here are mine! Cropped out the face, but here's my front and side. Took these 2 weeks ago, so am down a couple pounds!

  • therationalpi
    therationalpi Posts: 20 Member
    Here's my before picture that I took yesterday: Male, 5'11", age 28, sedentary lifestyle, 179 lbs.


    Going by BMI I'm at the upper end of "normal weight," but my lack of exercise means that I still have a lot of excess fat. The areas I'd like to see reduction are my belly, my thighs, and my upper arms.