

  • Teneko
    Teneko Posts: 314 Member
    I found the cacao butter for about $23 for a giant brick at the local coop here in Austin. This was after calling around Sprouts and Whole Foods. The Whole Foods told me that their usual brand has been MIA for months. I told them I found Navitas brand at Wheatsville and the lady said she'd check with their supplier. Yes, it's expensive. It's also very good and it lasts. My brick says there are about 35 servings at 1 Tbsp (13 oz) each. There are some online vendors that I've yet to check out, but DittoDan says the BulkApothecary.com store has the goods. I just...didn't wanna wait for or pay for the shipping.

    If you're not sure you want to dive into the gelatin / collagen, try picking up a box of unsweetened Knox Gelatine at your local grocery store. Look in the cooking supplies. I used that before I found a source for the Great Lakes gelatin which I initially ended up buying on Amazon. Again, GIANT container. Lasts forever. Still have barely dented it.

    And yeah...standard Bulletproof Coffee Classic made me feel SO HUNGRY that I swear I was gonna gnaw my knuckles off. The Rocket Fuel Latte worked so much better for me.
    But everybody's different. My needs are to get energy and kick-start my brain first thing in the morning, and hold me over until lunch. Also, I really like convenience and drinking my foods. I am a weirdo who really doesn't like chewing sometimes. Maybe it's my TMJ...

  • CoffeeNBooze
    CoffeeNBooze Posts: 966 Member
    Thanks, Teneko. Bulkapothecary.com is the cheapest online I've seen so far. With the shipping, a 14oz amount of cocoa butter plus shipping is about the same amount you paid for a giant brick of it at the coop! I guess I could check out local health food stores and just save up.
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    @Teneko I tried the rocket fuel. Might have been too many new things at once, but didn't really enjoy it. Subbed chia seed for hemp hearts as I left them at my daugter's, & knox gelatin for the collagen. Think will start slow with the cacao butter & try to get used to it's flavour also (love the smell). It's much richer than I'm used to.
  • bluefish86
    bluefish86 Posts: 842 Member
    I have my BPC first thing in the morning - I use coffee, coconut oil and grass-fed butter (kerrygold, salted) with half a tsp of vanilla and cinnamon.

    It's basically pure fat, so it gives me energy without spiking my insulin... then I'll eat when I'm hungry, which is usually around 1-2pm.
  • CoconuttyMummy
    CoconuttyMummy Posts: 685 Member
    edited June 2015
    TiaBia9 wrote: »
    I still haven't tried it, but I really can't imagine it'd fill me up better than food. Interested though, because I love creamy drinks.
    And actually I am more interested in trying the rocket fuel latte, but I was scouring the internet looking for where I could buy the ingredients... and they're all ridiculously expensive and out of my budget right now.
    If anyone has resources where I could find cacao butter and collagen (?! I'd probably forego that anyway) please let me know :)

    Have you seen the other Rocket Fuel recipes? -

    They may contain ingredients more readily available to you.

    I had a regular BPC this morning with 1 tbsp butter & 1 tbsp coconut oil, and then just added 1 tbsp chia seeds and a pinch of vanilla powder and it was really nice, but most notable is that this time it HAS satisfied me and i feel great. That 1tbsp chia made all the difference.

    Ive have ordered the hemp hearts and collagen/gelatin from Amazon, so i can try the proper Rocket Fuel Latte and compare, but i havent shelled-out (yet) on the cacao butter as its expensive, but most importantly im unsure whether this really is a better alternative to butter. Does anyone know what the benefits of cacao butter over grass-fed cows butter is meant to be?

    I've been reading The Bulletproof Diet book and he states that there is something in butter that is beneficial on the keto/BP diet called Butyrate, a short-chain saturated fatty acid. Im not clever enough to explain this fluently but basically it helps weightloss, along with a host of other connected benefits. If someone knows more (it wouldnt be difficult - im only at the very start of my research regards this WOE) specifically about Butyrates and the benefits of grass-fed butter on keto, maybe they could chime in and share some info.

    Id be hugely interested as to what benefits cacao butter has and how it compares to grass-fed butter from the standpoint of losing weight on keto?
  • wabmester
    wabmester Posts: 2,748 Member
    Butyrate is good stuff. Your gut bacteria produce it when they ferment fiber. Cows do too, which is why you'll find a bunch in butter.

  • CoconuttyMummy
    CoconuttyMummy Posts: 685 Member
    II'll give this a read in a moment, thanks. It sounds like something i want in my diet, for sure!

    I wonder if cacao butter contains any Butyrate, or something equally beneficial? I need to ask uncle Google. :)
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Cacao butter doesn't have butyrate in it, though it may have other beneficial compounds. Cacao butter is called "butter" because of the texture (though it's actually quite a bit harder than most other butters) and that's where any commonality to dairy butter ends. Dairy butter has butyrate in it, because it's dairy butter -- as wabmester said, it comes from the fermented fiber in a cow's diet and is transferred to the milk. Cacao butter is made from a plant itself, so this fermentation never happened, though it does mean it contains a number of plant-derived antioxidants and whatnot.
  • CoconuttyMummy
    CoconuttyMummy Posts: 685 Member
    edited June 2015

    "Nutrients in cacao:
    Cacao is a powerhouse antioxidant and rates in the top 20 on the Oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) scale. The ORAC scale is used to rate the antioxidant capacity of foods.
    Cacao also contains great levels of magnesium, which is an essential mineral during times of stress and helps you to feel more relaxed. It also contains manganese, zinc, calcium and potassium.
    Raw cacao even contains good levels vitamin C"

    Nice that it contains magnesium & potassium.

    No Butyrate as far as i can tell, though, and i dont think theres any lovely CLA either like in cows butter.

    I'll stick to my KerryGold for Rocket Fuel Lattes i think. One day i might get some cacao butter to make sugar-free raw chocolate with though.

  • bmonahan115
    bmonahan115 Posts: 121 Member
    wabmester wrote: »
    Butyrate is good stuff. Your gut bacteria produce it when they ferment fiber. Cows do too, which is why you'll find a bunch in butter.


    Thanks for sharing this, nerded out hard and will make this a practice daily now
  • CoffeeNBooze
    CoffeeNBooze Posts: 966 Member
    Oh! Thank you CoconuttyMummy, I could totally make the mocha rocket fueled latte... that really works out since I'm addicted to sweets, lol. I'll try the egg nog too.
    I think I was more interested in the rocket fuel since the creator said it's better for women in terms of satiety and for hormones. Plus, I still have a slight qualm about adding real dairy butter to coffee!
  • CoconuttyMummy
    CoconuttyMummy Posts: 685 Member
    One question i have to anyone who can answer is: Do you think 1 tbsp chia seeds added to aa BPC would slow down the fat burning and strong ketosis potential of drinking BPC whilst IFing? Ive noticed that 1 tbsp chia has 5g carbsand 3g protein.
    Dave Asprey says that the reason BPC works to improve fat burning whilst IFing is that it is that it lacks protein or carbs, so the body stays in a fasted state even thouugh youve ingested plenty of calories for energy and satiation. Im worried that 5g carbs and 3g protein added to the BPC formula would negate this advantage of BPC? What do you guys think?
  • Teneko
    Teneko Posts: 314 Member
    I was worried about the carbs in the hemp hearts I'm using, but it's pretty much just 1 gram of carbs per tablespoon and 1 gram fibre... so zero net carbs. Really helped me stay full and settle my stomach in the morning. I think chia is also a high fibre seed so it "balances out" a bit, if you are doing the net carbs thing.

    Cacao butter has a chocolaty smell. It engages my senses first thing in the morning so I feel like OMG I GET CHOCOLATE FOR BREAKFAST! Makes me feel good.

    Some people - especially women - don't do well with dairy on keto. This is apparently part of the reason why the rocket fuel latte lady did not use any dairy products in her BPC variants.

    @Sk8Kate : Definitely start slow. If you are not used to having a fatty fat drink like that, it can be really off-putting.
    Also, I HIGHLY recommend using a really good blender to whip that stuff up into a frothy frenzy. I honestly think my Vitamix is the key ingredient in a lot of my recipes! :)

    Hope you guys find something that works for you. And if BPC or Rocket Fuel Lattes just aren't for you, then no worries. It's not like you have to have it.

  • CoconuttyMummy
    CoconuttyMummy Posts: 685 Member
    @Teneko - Do you find you're getting the same weightloss benefits with the Rocket Fuel Latte as you did the original BPC recipe?

    This morning ive used 1 tbsp butter, 1 tbsp coconut oil & 2 tbsp cream b/c i was a bit peckish & felt like a bit more than just the butter & coconut oil. Im wondering now if i should have just plopped an extra tbsp coconut oil or butter in. Its all good fun playing around and seeing how i feel, but id like to get it just right soon.

    Im still waiting on my MCT Oil, Hemp Hearts & Collagen/Gelatin, so i'll be interested to see how including those in various combos will make me feel.

    I definitely felt fuller yesterday including the chia seeds, and i did lose a pound this morning since yesterday, so its looking like there might be something in this Rocket Fuel Latte for women business.
  • bluefish86
    bluefish86 Posts: 842 Member
    Im wondering now if i should have just plopped an extra tbsp coconut oil or butter in. Its all good fun playing around and seeing how i feel, but id like to get it just right soon.

    Be careful of how much coconut oil you use - too much can have disastrous results! O_O
  • CoconuttyMummy
    CoconuttyMummy Posts: 685 Member
    What kind of disastrous results? Weight gain?
  • bluefish86
    bluefish86 Posts: 842 Member
    Coconut oil can have a laxative effect. If you're going to up your dosage, go slowly. I made this mistake early on....
  • CoconuttyMummy
    CoconuttyMummy Posts: 685 Member
    Ahh i seeee! ;)
  • Twibbly
    Twibbly Posts: 1,065 Member
    What kind of disastrous results? Weight gain?

    It can also cause nausea if you take it too fast.
  • CoconuttyMummy
    CoconuttyMummy Posts: 685 Member
    Good to know. I havent had any problems with it personally (and i did a vegan/paleo cashew-cream based cheesecake recipe with a huge amount of it in just before i went very low carb and ate quite a lot of it with no problems. Maybe its a personal thing, but i'll definitely be aware of its potential!