Week 1 Check-In: Week of June 8, 2015



  • N_Laplante
    N_Laplante Posts: 29 Member
    Two days in a row with lots of water. Bringing my water bottle to work instead of my coffee mug! Seems to help me cut back on the snacking. So far so good. No plans for tomorrow night so I'm going to try to sneak in 30 minutes of cardio. We'll see if I can get the kids to tag along.
  • siva102
    siva102 Posts: 7 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Weight loss goal for the 12 weeks: 20
    Net weight loss from June 8th: 0 (became a member on the 10th but have been on a program the last month)
    Favorite motivators: Fiting into clothes that I haven't been able to wear, feeling better and more energized
    Resolutions for this week: Stick with my current program, logging daily, exercising at least 30 minutes/5 days a week.
  • CatAlii
    CatAlii Posts: 87 Member
    edited June 2015
    fitlisa66 wrote: »
    Thanks for the encouragement and for the group connection - today was indeed better.
    Yay Lisa! It's very inspiring to hear about your great day after a not so great one. It's a great reminder to keep at it and also focus on the big picture, not defining our overall success on each individual day.
    rmd0228 wrote: »
    I have a new thing that motivates me...reading these posts and seeing how encouraging we are to each other. Yeah, team!
    I feel the same way!
    N_Laplante wrote: »
    Two days in a row with lots of water.
    Lots of water seems to help me too.
    siva102 wrote: »
    Hello everyone,
    Weight loss goal for the 12 weeks: 20
    Net weight loss from June 8th: 0 (became a member on the 10th but have been on a program the last month)
    Favorite motivators: Fiting into clothes that I haven't been able to wear, feeling better and more energized
    Resolutions for this week: Stick with my current program, logging daily, exercising at least 30 minutes/5 days a week.
    Welcome! So glad you've joined us!

  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    Scale started to move in the right direction again. 1 more pound to hit my all time low of 89.5. So want to see the 90's. Not feeling well so going to focus on drinking plenty of water and trying to take it easy for today.

    Just want to thank everyone again for listening. It really does help :)
  • judyheinze57
    judyheinze57 Posts: 93 Member
    Weight loss goal for the 12 weeks: 20
    Net weight loss from June 8th: 0 (became a member on the 11th but have been on a program since November)
    Favorite motivators: Fiting into clothes that I haven't been able to wear, feeling better and more energized
    Resolutions for this week: To get back to working out 2.5 hours 5 days a week and surviving T-25
  • CatAlii
    CatAlii Posts: 87 Member
    Welcome judyheinze57!

    matthewsfive - you are an inspiration!

    I know many experts recommend that you don't weigh yourself every day but I do. I'm not a fan of surprises. No change on the scale yet but it's only been a few days and I'm optimistic. I've stayed within my caloric range (except for going over a tiny bit yesterday) and have made my goal of at least 6000 steps every day.
    SIERRANV1 Posts: 206 Member
    edited June 2015
    Vera~Thank you for your kind words! I am so happy we are here in this group and that our journey to health & wellness inspires all of us to keep moving forward. What amazing accomplishments you have already conquered! I am so excited for you, and 1# in reaching your all time low goal, which will provide you some wonderful additional momentum to continue in your journey to success~Y...E...A...H :)

    Stefie & Judy~So happy you are here... :)<3:)

    Cat~Thank you for starting something so wonderful and leaving such nice comments that inspire us individually and as a group~ to keep moving forward in our journey together............ <3:)
  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    SIERRANV1 wrote: »
    Vera~Thank you for your kind words! I am so happy we are here in this group and that our journey to health & wellness inspires all of us to keep moving forward. What amazing accomplishments you have already conquered! I am so excited for you, and 1# in reaching your all time low goal, which will provide you some wonderful additional momentum to continue in your journey to success~Y...E...A...H :)

    Stefie & Judy~So happy you are here... :)<3:)

    Cat~Thank you for starting something so wonderful and leaving such nice comments that inspire us individually and as a group~ to keep moving forward in our journey together............ <3:)

    :) you guys are awesome
    SIERRANV1 Posts: 206 Member
    Beautiful week to all~ :)
    My goals this week are going to include incorporating more vegetables & exercise (I have been enjoying my gardening so much more than the gym~ <3 ) & breaking out of the 200#'s.
    I had a loss of 4.4 #'s this week, (I am sure the weight loss was a lot of water weight) which goes to show that I have been on an overindulgent roller-coaster ride for far too long (6 months to be exact)
    Joining our group & tracking last week, while omitting my overindulgence in overeating (emotional/stress eater here) & craft beer led to this weeks success.
  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member

    Weight loss goal for the 12 weeks:

    Net weight loss from June 8th: -5.6 pounds....... Start 185 pounds/ Week 1 179.4 pounds

    Favorite motivators: This group and MFP
    Resolutions for this week: Getting to feel better and going back to the gym.
  • siva102
    siva102 Posts: 7 Member
    Weight loss goal for the 12 weeks: 20
    Net weight loss from June 8th: 2 lbs/18 lbs remaining for this challenge/ 43 lbs remaining for personal goal.
    Favorite motivators: This week it has been connecting on MFP with some close friends
    Resolutions for this week: 7 days of exercising at least 30 minutes per day rather than the 5 days that I have been doing.