Weirdest comments

tat2cookie Posts: 1,899 Member
so the other day I ran into a woman that I hadn't seen since last summer. She asked me if I was losing weight on purpose or was I sick. I told her that it was on purpose, that I had wls and was working my butt off. She rolled her eyes and said "I would of rather heard that you had cancer. I wouldn't touch that with a ten foot poll."

I'm not offended, I just thought that was the weirdest response to hearing about my surgery that I've heard so far. Lol

Anyone else had bazaar or weird comments about your wls?


  • heathergshea
    heathergshea Posts: 38 Member
    Prime example of people not thinking before they speak. I am sure she didn't mean that but what a silly thing to say. I get a lot of "oh I know someone who had that surgery and gained all the weight back". My reply is always. Well statistically I have better odds of keeping it off than without it. Numbers don't lie!
  • cabennett99
    cabennett99 Posts: 357 Member
    edited June 2015
    I would have to agree, that's a pretty weird comment. The vast majority of the comments I get are supportive and positive. It surprised me at first, but many people have known someone close who has had WLS. Occasionally I'll hear about the family member who gained the weight back, and I use that as a teachable moment to talk about how WLS isn't the "easy button", but it can be a powerful tool to help one change. Some are freaked out by the idea of making such a major physical change surgically...but I understand that, it took me two years to come around to the idea myself. But most people are happy for my improved health.
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    tat2cookie wrote: »
    so the other day I ran into a woman that I hadn't seen since last summer. She asked me if I was losing weight on purpose or was I sick. I told her that it was on purpose, that I had wls and was working my butt off. She rolled her eyes and said "I would of rather heard that you had cancer. I wouldn't touch that with a ten foot poll."

    I'm not offended, I just thought that was the weirdest response to hearing about my surgery that I've heard so far. Lol

    Anyone else had bazaar or weird comments about your wls?

    That's just an insane thing to say!! I was talking to a few people in my spin class about WLS. One guy said, "I heard people die from that." Unfortunately when I am thinking "WTF" in my head, it shows on my face. I said, "I have heard of people dying from routine surgery. I personally have never heard of anyone dying from WLS." Why would someone even say that???? Oh yeah, and I just finished an hour of spin so clearly I didn't die lol
  • joysie1970
    joysie1970 Posts: 415 Member
    I love this thread...I am an open book, so people tend to say pretty much anything to me. My favorite weird comments in ranked order 1)"great, now I am going to be the fat friend" 2)"I have had to work for every ounce I lose you're so lucky" and 3)"I wish I could have surgery and wake up thin" - I have used 2/3 as opportunites to educate my 1 was said by my BFF - I used it as a way to deepen our relationship it opened up some deep conversation about her fears and insecurities...what people say is more about them than about us. BTW, we (my BFF and I went clothes shopping the other day we were trying on the same clothes and she is now working out with me and "dieting" her word not mine) LOL!
  • lmryoung
    lmryoung Posts: 47 Member
    Wow! That is a really crazy thing to say! I've mostly heard the "I thought about doing that but I didn't want to die" and the "didn't you want to lose it on your own?" stuff. Irritating but teachable moments.
  • JreedyJanelle
    JreedyJanelle Posts: 645 Member
    What a stupid thing to say to you. I have had cancer, and the surgery was awful and the treatment thereafter wasn't a cakewalk either. WLS was a walk in the park compared to that. We all know that if we didn't follow the plan and work out we wouldn't be where we are now.
  • Trayjay33
    Trayjay33 Posts: 122 Member
    That was so silly to say and people have said ridiculous things to me as well. The most crazy was "you're eating lunch, you look like your not eating". I just laughed and said really, if I wasn't eating I would be dead. Some people are just jealous and it comes out in what they say. It's unfortunate because I'm always one to cheer someone on. I encouraged the person who said that comment to me through her diet process. I don't understand why people would want to tear others down.
  • cmchandler74
    cmchandler74 Posts: 510 Member
    I haven't had anyone say anything too outrageous yet - most people have been really supportive - but my plan for when some rude person finally does say something about it being the lazy way is to ask them when the last time THEY ran or walked 4-6 miles every single day. Most people have just been really encouraging.

    There was one guy the other day who said something about another guy at work who lost a lot of weight recently. He said, "And he's been doing it the HARD way," with the implication that WLS is the easy way tossed toward my general direction, but he's kind of a jerk so I mostly ignore him anyway.
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    What a horrible thing to say! That was offensive to cancer patients as well as WLS patients. And it shows that this person knows nothing about WLS because if they did they would know this isn't the easy way out of anything. This is a lifetime change is we want to keep it off. And that is hard work forever.
  • tat2cookie
    tat2cookie Posts: 1,899 Member
    The lady who said it too me is a little on the different side. I really didn't expect less from her. But I did have the "now I get to be the fat friend" comment from my bff. She even asked me not to send her Picts cause it's not fair. Things have gotten better now that she understands how hard I have had to work for it. One of my other friends gave me the who "wouldn't you rather do it on your own" and "I know someone who almost died and gained all her weight back." It's been kind of funny to see how narrow minded the general public has been about wls. That's why on my Instagram I'm always posting my workouts so people can actually see the work I'm putting into this.
  • loriloftness
    loriloftness Posts: 476 Member
    My hope is the more people know of us and see us as successful, the less they will think or speak these stupid statements.
  • joysie1970
    joysie1970 Posts: 415 Member
    OMG tat2cookie I thought only my BFF was a PITA lol I am glad it wasn't only her! I know she is genuinely happy for me but at first I was hurt - sorry your friend isn't willing to share in your successes. I agree with Lori, I hope more and more people become educated and see the successes and will think before they say these things. I got the whole you can do this on your own thing too - I lost 120 lbs and maintained for over 5 years before surgery, but couldn't lose the last 100 I wanted to, so of course it was well why can't just do it, you lost all that other weight...UGH!