Beginner Goals!

FitnessasmyWitness Posts: 67 Member
edited May 2015 in Social Groups
I'll start:
CW: 157
GW: 145
Height 5'6'' (and a half...) :)

I'm mostly doing this to just feel really fit and have my clothes fit me a much better.
I started 2 weeks ago and feel slimmer but haven't taken it to the scale more than once.

I'm full of all sorts of muscle.
I am signed up for a Halloween half marathon in October.
I'm an Exercise and Wellness Major at college.

I want to be 145 by September 1st!!


  • CarmellBear
    CarmellBear Posts: 6 Member
    Starting weight: 151lbs
    Current weight: 146lbs
    Goal weight: 135lbs
    Height: 5'6.5''
  • AlyssaLogan1
    AlyssaLogan1 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey guys! :smile:
    My current weight is 188 pounds. Not very good I know. I have a long term goal of reaching 150 pounds, but right now, I'm looking at losing about 3 pounds in the next month! I'm doing this because I want to feel fit, and fit into clothing more easily without having to go to certain stores or whatever. I also just want to be healthy!
  • xo__regina
    xo__regina Posts: 6 Member
    CW: 136-138 (It's been hovering the last few days. Idk why but it's frustrating!)
    GW: 130
    Height: 5' 4" - technically 3.5" since we're all being so honest :)
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    Now 180 lbs
    Should be 150, I think
    Goal-overall better health than I have now.
  • lauragrafhamknapp
    lauragrafhamknapp Posts: 11 Member
    Hey! I'm starting grad school in the fall, but wanting to prep myself for climing the mountains of the PNW before I move out.

    I've lost about 7lbs in the last couple weeks through cutting waaaay back on portions-I'm still eating enough and GOOD stuff now, but I'm trying to retrain myself on what "hungry" is. I used to not let myself get truly hungry before I ate.

    Current weight 184.
    Goal weight is 145.
    I'm 5'4'', 5'5' on a good day :)
    I've got a long way to go.

    If any of you have tips on how to improve my workout for long-term weight loss (I mostly do spin class, ellipticals and minimal weight lifting) and satisfy the huge sweet tooth I have (I love baking), I'd be greatly appreciative.
  • snarlingcoyote
    snarlingcoyote Posts: 399 Member
    Current Weight: 152
    Goal Weight: 149
    Dream Weight: 145
    Height: 5' 4.5"

    Goal for June: fit comfortably (not painted into) size 6 jeans.

    Goal for September: all my shorts are fall off my hips baggy.

    Goal-I-am-not-sure-can-make-by-September-but-I-will-try: Run 5k in 32 minutes or less.
  • lauragrafhamknapp
    lauragrafhamknapp Posts: 11 Member
    @snarlingcoyote 10 minute mile? You can totally do that.
  • FitnessasmyWitness
    FitnessasmyWitness Posts: 67 Member
    Hey! I'm starting grad school in the fall, but wanting to prep myself for climing the mountains of the PNW before I move out.

    I've lost about 7lbs in the last couple weeks through cutting waaaay back on portions-I'm still eating enough and GOOD stuff now, but I'm trying to retrain myself on what "hungry" is. I used to not let myself get truly hungry before I ate.

    Current weight 184.
    Goal weight is 145.
    I'm 5'4'', 5'5' on a good day :)
    I've got a long way to go.

    If any of you have tips on how to improve my workout for long-term weight loss (I mostly do spin class, ellipticals and minimal weight lifting) and satisfy the huge sweet tooth I have (I love baking), I'd be greatly appreciative.
    I can't really say what works for long term weight loss other than finding something you truly enjoy and having a lifestyle as active as possible. For example I have a sit down desk job but I take the stairs, exercise on lunch breaks to get out of the office, and take as many trips across the office to the printer as possible. I like any sorts of things that get me active- hiking, swimming, running, biking. I do modified crossfit during lunch times 3 times a week and run the other days. I would say that building muscle is KEY because you're basically working up a constant calorie burner that'll keep burning all day long. Muscle burns way more calories than fat does at rest.
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    Hey! I'm starting grad school in the fall, but wanting to prep myself for climing the mountains of the PNW before I move out.

    I've lost about 7lbs in the last couple weeks through cutting waaaay back on portions-I'm still eating enough and GOOD stuff now, but I'm trying to retrain myself on what "hungry" is. I used to not let myself get truly hungry before I ate.

    Current weight 184.
    Goal weight is 145.
    I'm 5'4'', 5'5' on a good day :)
    I've got a long way to go.

    If any of you have tips on how to improve my workout for long-term weight loss (I mostly do spin class, ellipticals and minimal weight lifting) and satisfy the huge sweet tooth I have (I love baking), I'd be greatly appreciative.
    I can't really say what works for long term weight loss other than finding something you truly enjoy and having a lifestyle as active as possible. For example I have a sit down desk job but I take the stairs, exercise on lunch breaks to get out of the office, and take as many trips across the office to the printer as possible. I like any sorts of things that get me active- hiking, swimming, running, biking. I do modified crossfit during lunch times 3 times a week and run the other days. I would say that building muscle is KEY because you're basically working up a constant calorie burner that'll keep burning all day long. Muscle burns way more calories than fat does at rest.
    ^this, especially the part about doing what you like and adding movement to your day. I fidget a lot, so I'm shocked that MFP doesn't have an entry for that. For normal exercise, I use a hand-bike, as I am in a wheelchair, and ride a horse, although I am sick right now and basically Dr.-ordered not to move for ANY reason.
  • yosipearce
    yosipearce Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! :)
    CW: 128
    GW 123
    Height: 5'4"

    Goal- stop binge eating! Or overeating or eating when I'm not actually hungry. I've been doing better with controlling my eating habits but they plunge every now and then. I am striving to eat as my body needs it, no more no less.
  • Jasmunr
    Jasmunr Posts: 147 Member
    CW: 127.6
    GW 105-110
    I'm 5'0

    Goal- just to stick with it. I've started so many times. I'm down from 134 in a month so so fsr so good.
  • deannaxsmithx
    deannaxsmithx Posts: 27 Member
    CW: 111.8
    GW: 100
    And I'm 4'9", 20 years old lol I'm super small but I still have those problem areas that I'd like to get rid of
  • TickingPwny
    TickingPwny Posts: 32 Member
    CW: 120 pounds
    GW: 110 pounds (109 if I'm lucky)

    I'm 5'1" and feel best at this weight. I have a petite build, so even slight weight gain like this really affects me. Hoping to get rid of the extra baggage and make permanent healthy habits! <3
  • louubelle16
    louubelle16 Posts: 579 Member
    Hi all!

    I'm currently 8st10 (5ft 8) and my goal is to stay there but get my body fat down. I'm having an assessment on Wednesday to find out what it is, but it's not going to be a pretty number!

    I'm training for a half marathon in September but may do three before Christmas if I manage to make it through more than 2 weeks of training without an injury. Slow and steady is the plan right now!
  • simply__sarah
    simply__sarah Posts: 3 Member
    CW: 130 ish
    GW: 120-115 ish
    5 ft 1
    I don't have a scale (purposefully) so for me, it's more about how my clothes fit/how I feel.
    My goal is just to gain a better awareness of my eating habits and to exercise consistently. I know I'm not at my best, most confident self and I want to get there before going back to school!
  • C1C2C3
    C1C2C3 Posts: 119 Member
    CW: 147
    Height: 5'5"

    I am not in college currently, but would like a fall deadline to be back to at least 137 lbs (which is on the high end of my personal "acceptable weight" range). I was to my goal weight but life and snacking got the best of me! :-(
  • DoctorKhaleesi
    DoctorKhaleesi Posts: 62 Member

    At 5'4 I'd like to be out of the 200s by the time I start my Junior year in the Fall where I can continue with the summer momentum and ultimately to my dream weight of 130. I am 35lbs down already so hopefully I can keep it going. Best wishes to everyone on your goals!
  • maria_clue
    maria_clue Posts: 5 Member
    CW: 136
    GW: 115
    UGW: 100

    At 5'2 closer I feel better an happier with myself when I am a bit lighter...I want to reach my goal weight by the fall, so this summer is going to be super important! I'm starting to feel more in control of my eating habits and stoped bingeeating. Right now working on limiting the sugar intake!
  • kikomansauce
    kikomansauce Posts: 59 Member
    This seems awesome! Decided to join in on it - the June Weight Loss Challenge was really helpful, and this seems pretty similar :)

    Height: 5'1"

    CW: 117-ish lbs
    GW: 111lbs
    UGW: 108lbs << pfft. Maybe.

    August 1st: 114lbs - better toned stomach and arms. I wanna be able to wear sleeveless in public without looking upper body bloated!

    110lbs at LEAST before I go to Germany to backpack and travel! I'm sure I'm gonna get pretty fit during it, but I need to get stronger than I am right now if I want to survive it! I also want to be able to go swimming in some lakes with a pretty nice body :) My main pain points are my flabby arms and my thighs... Somehow, my stomach is my favorite! HA!
  • tatumlohse1
    tatumlohse1 Posts: 19 Member
    CW 155
    GW 145
    UGW 140
    Proudly stand tall at 5'10" :)
    I exercise all the time and I eat healthy 75% of the time but my goal is to eat healthy about 95% of the time
    Just have a couple problem areas id like to get rid of before fall :) good luck to everyone!