Birth control pill - other uses



  • MamaBirdBoss
    MamaBirdBoss Posts: 1,516 Member
    LOL! Juuuust in case you go, "Hey, I'm on the pill, after all...." ;)

    Like I said, try the stuff from Skin Laboratories. That's like a 3-4 month supply.
  • ShanonVdM
    ShanonVdM Posts: 174 Member
    I'm not from usa so i can't
  • MamaBirdBoss
    MamaBirdBoss Posts: 1,516 Member
    You can make your own, then. It's just 20% salicylic acid and 80% non-denatured alcohol (ethanol).

    Order the powdered acid online. In the US, you can't buy non-denatured alcohol in the stores (they're afraid drunks will drink it straight). If you can in your country, get that. If you can't, buy liquor with the highest alcohol content you can find. (Here, it's Everclear that you want!)

    Use your food scale to mix it--80 grams alcohol plus 20 grams salicylic acid, stored in an airtight container.

    Wash your face. Then apply it with a cheap cosmetics brush, starting with where the acne is the worst. Avoid your eyes and lips. You'll probably want to wash it off right away the first time you use it. Use it NO MORE than every other day. Most people find that 2x per week is enough. As you use it more often, you can keep it on for longer--up to a minute and a half. Then rinse thoroughly. Always wash out the brush well, or else you'll be making the peel stronger from the salicylic acid left on the brush.

    Totally works, just as well as Accutane.
  • ShanonVdM
    ShanonVdM Posts: 174 Member
    Went to the docter.. Got ne some pills so will see if there are improvements